Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and ninety-eight, departure

Shinjuku Station on Saturday, seven in the morning.

Kato Yusuke stood on the side of the road, talking on the phone with Eiri.

"...So, you're not free until tomorrow night? Yusuke."

"Yes. Although I'm a little sorry, I have an appointment with someone else. Just be patient today. If you still feel scared at night, remember to go find Aunt Sayuri."

"...You don't have to treat others like cowards, right?"

Yinglili was a little dissatisfied at first, but then softened, "But I understand. Thank you for staying with me these three days. It's been a big help."

"It's a small thing, don't worry about it."

Kato Yusuke looked around and saw hurried people and a steady stream of vehicles, making it all crowded and busy.

Today was the day he and Hui made an appointment to go to Mount Fuji.

He arrived half an hour earlier than the scheduled time, and the other party had not arrived yet.

"By the way Yusuke, listen to me~!"

Yinglili's tone suddenly became cheerful and lively.

"It's actually snowing in Nasu Plateau right now? It's been completely white outside since yesterday. It's super dreamy!"

"It's snowing...? Then did you put on some clothes to keep yourself warm?"

"Let me tell you, generally this shouldn't be the reaction here! What's going on with you? Where did you come from, an old man!"

Yingli said angrily, feeling very unhappy with his pragmatic ideas, and then changed her words.

"Well, Yusuke, actually I suddenly thought of a good idea yesterday!"

"Good idea?" Kato Yusuke asked cooperatively: "Is it about painting?"

"That's right! Haven't I always painted characters and backgrounds on different layers? And since I also joined the art club, I felt that this method of painting was really wrong."

"But that's Galga's mainstream approach, right?" Yu Kato replied concisely.

“But I just feel incongruous——!

It feels like being in a deserted landscape with people who were originally in other places...

But no wonder, it was actually posted from somewhere else. "

"Then what?"

"So I changed my mind... In the final analysis, there is no difference between oil painting and watercolor painting at all. I think in a picture, the characters should be blended into the scenery to complement each other better~"

As if immersed in new inspiration, Yinglili's voice was full of excitement and enthusiasm.

Kato Yusuke became a little more serious and thoughtfully asked, "In other words... do you want to change your painting method from now on?"

"Yes~! Everything will change, right?"

Yinglili replied cheerfully: "First draw the picture with a painting tool, then scan it into the computer with a color scanner, and then continue coloring on the computer."

"That way...would take a lot of time and energy, right?"

"Definitely, but it will definitely work! Well, I think I can do it anyway, haha."

Yinglili thought for a moment, then said cautiously:

"The only problem is... this may make my painting style different from my previous CG works, and the overall effect will be different, but I will try my best to control it. So Yusuke, do you agree with me doing this... …?”


Kato Yusuke pondered for a moment and realized that the other party had actually made a decision, and there seemed to be only one thing he could do, so he expressed his position like this.

"Okay, if you want to do it, just do it. Don't restrict yourself too much, and don't worry about other things. Just draw what you want."

"Really——!? Ah, but... won't that destroy the overall coordination of the game?" Eirili said worriedly, as if she was worried that it would embarrass him.

In fact, this is indeed the case.

No game company in the industry dares to ignore the overall balance of the game.

Especially for text adventure games like Galga, it is crucial to keep the overall style consistent, otherwise it will make people feel fragmented and unnatural.

This is also the reason why Yusuke Kato asked Mayu Sagara and Demi Hashishima to match Eiriri's painting style.

But now...

"——You just do it, I will do everything else."

He said clearly: "But I still say the same thing. It is a good thing to be motivated, but you must also pay attention to your health. Don't get too carried away."

After a while, a soft hum came from the receiver.

"...Well, I understand, I listen to you."

Eiri took a shallow breath, and then whispered: "... Yusuke, I really want to see you."

As soon as he finished speaking, he fell silent.


Kato Yusuke was silent for a moment and complained in a relaxed tone: "This is really unlike you. I'm getting goosebumps, aren't I?"

"What was your reaction..." Yinglili spat: "Isn't it all because I heard your voice that I couldn't help but feel lonely?"

"...Don't you have a fever?"

"No, why are you cursing me? You're a nuisance."

...It's really abnormal.

Kato Yusuke's brows twitched and he thought: "How about I go there tomorrow? Do you need anything?"

"Don't come!"


"I'm going to concentrate on painting next, so don't disturb me. But... I do want a condolence gift."

It seems to be back to normal again...

Kato Yusuke asked while thinking: "Condolence gift...what do you want?"

"Encourage me."


"Can you say to me..."You can definitely do it, you are really amazing, you are a genius"? "

Yinglili asked in a whisper, her voice containing expectation and pleading. Even through the phone, Kato Yusuke could imagine his master's uneasiness at this moment.

He was stunned for a moment, then lowered his eyes calmly.

"...Actually, even if you don't say it, I have always thought so. After all, you were the one who brought me into the industry in the first place. How could I question your ability? So come on, Yinglili."


Yingli smiled shyly.

"It always feels so incredible. When I heard that you were expecting me, Yusuke, I felt like I could do I will not let you down, and I will definitely become the number one in your mind."

"Okay." Kato Yusuke reminded warmly: "Remember not to get too enthusiastic."

"Sorry~ I can't do that anymore. I can't calm down anymore."


"I will do a good job, okay? So just look at me carefully, dear, goodbye——!"

Yinglili finished her words in one breath and hung up the phone.

Kato Yusuke shook his head and put his phone back in his pocket.

He rejected several passers-by who came up to chat with him, and at 7:25, a Toyota Aqua stopped in front of him.

The next second, the driver's window rolled down, revealing the face of a woman with long hair.


The other party greeted him carelessly.

Gorgeous black hair, regular facial features, slightly mature makeup, and a beauty mark around her mouth. She is about twenty years old——


Kato Yusuke looked at the beautiful woman in front of him, feeling a sense of familiarity and unnaturalness at the same time. Before he could think about it-

"elder sister."

With an indescribable expression on her face, Hui stepped out of the back seat of the car and revealed the woman's identity.

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but be stunned, and then he greeted politely, "Hello, I am Kato Yusuke, I am Kei's——"

Before he finished speaking, the other party interrupted:

"Hmm~ I know you, Kato-kun, you are Xiaohui's boyfriend, right?"

Kato Yusuke: "Eh...?"

"Sister!" Hui on the side quickly denied, "Yusuke and I don't have that kind of relationship. We are just classmates and studio partners."

"Here you go again~~ You often go to other people's houses to cook, what else is there to be shy about?"


Ignoring the reproachful look in her sister's eyes, Hiromi Kato smiled and leaned out her upper body slightly.

"To sum up, Kato-kun, I am Xiaohui's sister, my name is Hiromi. You should get along well with Xiaohui~"

Kato Yusuke came to his senses and said, "...Hello, Miss Hiromi, it's our first time meeting you. Please give me some advice."

"Ahaha, you don't need to use honorifics? Speaking of which, calling you Kato-kun always feels like calling you father or younger brother. Can I just call you Xiaoyu?"

"This... is also okay."

"Really? You said it's okay~~ So on the other hand, you can call me Sister Hongmei or Sister, okay? Xiaoyou."


Kato Yusuke was a little hesitant, comparing the two sisters back and forth, not knowing how to respond for a while.

Although the two look similar, their personalities are very different.

Compared to Megumi, who has a quiet temperament, Hiromi's social skills are amazingly strong.

"That's enough, sister. Thank you for sending me here. You can go back now."

"Don't be so cold~ I am also shouldering the responsibility of a guardian now, so you have to let me see if Xiao You is suitable to be your boyfriend.

By the way, it’s amazing for Xiaohui to be able to find a handsome guy of this level as her boyfriend~”

Hui showed a headache expression and said unhappily: "...Why don't you listen to others, sister? I clearly said that we don't have that kind of relationship anymore."

"Hey~ But this is the first time I see you going out with a boy. Of course they will think so?"

While Hiromi said this, she winked at Kato Yusuke, "So please give me some advice, Megumi's boyfriend~"

"——Sister, please stop."

Megumi glared at her sister impatiently and tried to end the conversation, but Hiromi completely turned a deaf ear to her.

Kato Yusuke watched their reactions, and after thinking for a moment, he replied, "Sorry, Hiromi-san, Megumi and I are still friends for the time being, and we are not dating."

""Huh……? ""

The two sisters looked at each other at the same time.


Hongmei thought for a moment, quickly looked at him from head to toe, and an interested smile appeared on her face.

"Hmm~~ So that's it? I'm sorry, Xiaoyou, my sister is an awkward girl, please be more patient."

The other party said, looking around and tilting his head curiously.

"Speaking of which, aren't you going to go to a group activity? Why are you two here alone, where are the others?"


Hui's shoulders stiffened slightly and she replied nonchalantly: "Because it's not the meeting time yet, everyone should still be on the way."

Kato Yusuke didn't speak, which was regarded as acquiescence.

"still on the way……?"

Hong Mei blinked, glanced back and forth on their faces, raised her eyebrows somewhat unexpectedly, and then snorted meaningfully.

"Okay~ Since Xiaohui said so, sister, I'll just treat it like that."


Hui frowned slightly and said nothing.

Hongmei chuckled and changed the target.

"Then Xiaoyou, Xiaohui will be left to you? When will you become Xiaohui's boyfriend? You are welcome to visit my home. Goodbye!"

After she finished speaking, she smiled brightly, waved gently in front of her chest, and drove away.

Kato Yusuke watched the car go away, and did not look back until the Toyota Aqua completely disappeared.

"Your sister is so amazing..."

When he said this, Hui immediately nodded in agreement.

"Sorry, that's just the way she is."

"I thought you would come by yourself on the tram."

"That's because my sister happened to be resting at home today. When she heard that I was going out, she insisted on sending me off. I couldn't find an excuse to refuse."

Megumi said this with a depressed expression.

"I see."

Kato Yusuke understood and didn't say anything. He pointed to the roadside and said, "Then let's go. The bus is already waiting."

The girl nodded in agreement.

So the two of them bought their tickets together, got on the express bus to Mount Fuji, and sat down in the last row.

By the way, their mountaineering equipment has been sent to the local area in advance. Except for the hiking clothes and some personal belongings, there is no extra burden, which is very convenient.

After the bus started, Hui suddenly received a message and showed an unhappy expression.

Seeing this, Kato Yusuke asked: "What's wrong?"

"...It's my sister."

"What's wrong with Sister Hongmei?"

"Forget's nothing, Yusuke, you don't have to worry about it."

"Looking at your expression, did Sister Hongmei mention me?"

Hui nodded, hesitated to speak, and hummed: "My sister invited you to attend her wedding. Do you want to go?"


Kato Yusuke was stunned for a moment and suddenly said: "So, I remember you mentioned this before. Sister Hiromi's wedding will be in June, right? Okay, I'll go."

"Eh...are you serious?"

"Yeah, what's the problem?"

"Because, Yusuke, you and Hiromi-san are not familiar with each other, so there is absolutely no need to agree, right?"

"But didn't someone invite me? I can only agree, right?"

Hui frowned slightly after hearing this, "Even if my sister says that, there is no need for you to force yourself."

"No, I don't feel forced. Please help me thank Sister Hiromi and tell her that I will definitely go then." Kato Yusuke said with certainty.

Hui looked into his eyes seriously and reminded:

"Although I think you should understand this situation, there may be many relatives from my family attending the wedding, right?"

"Then what?" Kato Yusuke tilted his head slightly, "Is it possible that your relatives can eat people?"

"...This joke is not funny at all. They don't eat people, but Yusuke you might get some questions or attention."

"You are exaggerating. Even if you are just a classmate, you can attend your friend's sister's wedding. You think too much, don't worry about these small things."


The girl stared at him for a while, then turned her face away as if she was angry.

"...Anyway, I have already reminded you. Since you insist on going, I will reply to Sister Hongmei. If something happens then...I don't care?"

After finishing speaking, he lowered his head and fiddled with his cell phone.

Kato Yusuke smiled and said nothing, took out a pair of white Bluetooth headphones from his pocket, and gently inserted one of them into the other person's ear, which earned him a questioning look from the owner.

So he picked up the phone, shook it, and explained with a smile: "Mr. Goto has sent me a lot of game music recently. Let's listen to it together, just like usual."

By normal, I mean the time they spent sharing music together.

It can be on the tram, on the back seat of a bicycle, while shopping or walking, anytime and anywhere.

Hui looked at the headphones he wore in his ears, as if looking at a link, and felt a slight warmth in his heart.

"Headphones, are you using them properly..."

"Yeah." Kato Yusuke nodded with satisfaction, "This headset is very convenient to use. I like it very much. Thank you for the gift."

"You're welcome."

The girl looked at his face, with a soft smile on her face, and said softly: "I like it too."

. :

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