
As the first rubber boat slid into the sea, all the contestants finally let go of their worries.

Although this is a doldrum, as long as people row hard, they can always reach the island in the end.

So this challenge is a piece of cake for the previous storm zone!

Plop, plop!

With the help of the sailors, more than 30 rubber boats were all put into the water.

Each rubber boat basically had 5-6 people, and some had 2-3 people.

The rubber boats with many people were basically allied countries, while some of the small countries with few people were small countries that no one cared about.

As for Longguo...

Six people just filled it up, and it was not crowded.

Chen Long and Feihong brother held the paddle board and paddled on the left and right.

"For some reason, I remembered that water cave..."

While paddling, Feihong brother couldn't help but sigh.

At that time in the forbidden area of ​​​​South Lu, he also paddled a small boat like this.

But at that time he was in a dark and strange narrow water cave, but now, he was on the sunny, blue and clear sea!

Although they were both rowing, their moods were completely different.

"This sea water is really strange..."

Da Mi Mi put her hand into the water, stirred it a few times, and said with emotion: "It's too quiet. If I don't reach out and poke it a few times, I would think it's a blue mirror."

"It's really strange, but the good thing is that the visibility of this sea water is good."

Angie nodded coolly on the side, and her little head stuck out to look at the bottom of the sea. The sea water was clear and transparent.

"It feels like I can see out ten meters, the water quality is so good..."

Angie nodded with her little head, and her ponytails swayed back and forth.


Just as she was looking at it in a trance, suddenly a huge black shadow flashed through the sea water like lightning.


Angie was startled by the sudden movement.

"What's wrong?"

Everyone on the boat looked over.

Because An Qi is usually very cold and rarely loses her composure, when she exclaimed, everyone else looked over very sensitively.


She is a ruthless person who doesn't talk much.

An Qi squeezed her little hand and drew a red card directly. She held the red card and pointed it at the water, shouting: "There is something under the sea water!"


The others leaned down to look.

The clear sea water was in full view, so there was nothing there.

"Are you too nervous?"

Da Mi Mi stretched out her hand and squeezed An Qi's shoulder, saying softly: "Sleep for a while, take a rest."


An Qi slapped Da Mi Mi's hand away, raised her eyebrows and said: "I'm serious!"

Although her expression was very serious.

But she was only eight years old, so her expression not only didn't feel serious, but also had a kind of cute and fierce feeling.

Su Luo looked at her and asked, "Which direction did the thing you saw go?"

"It seems to be..."

Angel thought for a moment, then pointed to the right side of the rubber boat: "Over there."


Just as she finished speaking.

A rubber boat carrying three players flipped over with a bang about 30 meters to the right, and the players on it were also shaken into the sea.


"There's something in the sea!!"

After the three players fell into the water, they screamed in fear.

"Gulu Gulu!"

One of the players was about to shout something, but the next second he was dragged into the sea.

Gulu Gulu——

Then, a few balls of scarlet blood emerged from the clear sea water!!

The sea water in that small area was directly dyed red!

"Ah.....what's going on!"

"Fuck, go!"

The other two players were so scared that they quickly mobilized their strength and swam to the side frantically.

But the things under the water didn't want to let them go.


A black shadow flashed under the water.


The player who had just swam a few meters away screamed and was dragged down again!

Then there was another black shadow.

The only remaining player was also dragged to the bottom of the sea.

Gurgle Gurgle--

After being dragged in, large clumps of blood came out, dyeing the originally clear and transparent sea water bright red! ! !

The other players who were rowing were stunned when they saw this scene.

Because this situation was too sudden!

No one reacted!


Several things floated up on the bright red sea.

Everyone looked closely.

I saw that it was a broken limb and a bitten skull...


"Fuck, it was torn into pieces?"

"What the hell is that?!!"

"Hurry up!Run fast! ! ! ! "


The contestants were horrified and paddled frantically, trying to escape from this place.

But the thing on the seabed was very fierce and extremely fast!


Another splash of water exploded in the distance.

A rubber boat carrying two contestants was torn apart directly!

"Ah! !"



The two contestants were immediately submerged by the sea water.

Then Su Luo saw that five or six huge shadows rushed over from all directions like lightning! !


A two-meter-high splash of water exploded at the location where the two contestants were.

Immediately afterwards, the area was stained red with blood...

"Be on guard all around! !"

"There is really something on the seabed! "

On the Dragon Country rubber boat, Chen Long shouted, raised his right hand high, and stared at the surrounding sea water vigilantly.

The others also looked in the direction in front of them.

"Brother Feihong, Da Mi Mi, you two are responsible for rowing, and the rest of you are on guard!"

Chen Long immediately made plans.


Brother Feihong and Da Mi Mi took the paddle board and began to paddle towards Skull Island.

At this time, the rubber boat was only a few hundred meters away from Skull Island. If it was fast, it would arrive in about 20 minutes, so as long as it could hold on for this period of time, it would be safe!

"Here we come! "

But after paddling a few meters.

An Qi's cry was heard.

Everyone on the boat looked at her and saw a huge black shadow swimming towards them.

Through the clear sea water, it can be seen that it is a huge black fish, almost as big as an adult dolphin, with a prominent head and a terrifying appearance, and it looks very much like a black grouper!

But ordinary black groupers cannot grow to this size!


Seeing the black fish approaching, An Qi directly threw the red card in her hand.


The red card shot into the water and directly stuck into the head of the black fish.


Because the red card has a burning effect, white smoke immediately rose when it was inserted into the sea.

"Sizzle! "

The next second, the black fish was seen twisting its body wildly.

But before it twisted a few times, it rushed towards the rubber boat again.

"Furniture throwing!"

Chen Long shouted, raising his right hand high.


A coffee table appeared out of thin air on Chen Long's right hand.

"Go to hell!"

He smashed it down fiercely.


This attack, combined with Chen Long's peak level 2 tomb power, had a very good effect!

The water splashed more than 3 meters high!

With a "plop", the black fish was directly smashed out of the water, and rolled several times in the air before falling back into the sea.

When the black fish was just knocked out, everyone saw that this thing was bigger than what they saw underwater, and even bigger than an adult dolphin. I really don't know what kind of weird species it is!

"Be careful, there's more! "

At this time, Brother Feihong reminded loudly.

Everyone turned their heads and saw another black fish swimming quickly from the left, and it was already close to the rubber boat!

It was too late to take action!

"Golden Light Curse!"

It happened in a split second.

Reba pinched the spell, and the golden flame immediately wrapped the entire rubber boat.


The black fish's attack directly hit the light shield, and the rubber boat was not damaged at all.


Reba's forehead was covered with sweat, and she said with difficulty: "The attack of this fish is very fierce, and the Golden Light Curse can't last for a few times."

Maybe it was attracted by the Golden Light Curse.

Under the clear sea water, several large black fish visible to the naked eye also swam towards this side...

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