Top of the big era

Chapter 837 The Paradox of Management

After Tang Binchen's matter was resolved, Zhou Buqi heaved a sigh of relief.

However, there is one problem that he must pay attention to - the monolithic Friends Network.

Zhang Yiming himself doesn't seem to want outsiders to come and point fingers, and prefers to be promoted within the business group. This can be regarded as human nature, and Zhou Buqi is also like this.

There are opportunities for promotion, and everyone hopes to promote their own people.

It's not about fighting for power.

Zhang Yiming's structure is not so bad, and the company's shareholding structure and rules and regulations have been guaranteed. Zhou Buqi is Ziweixing's talker, and he can't compete.

This is a conceptual difference.

Both Zhou Buqi and Zhang Yiming hope that will get better and better. However, what kind of person to take over can ensure the realization of this goal?

Zhou Buqi trusted his own people, so he promoted Tang Binchen, his direct descendant; Zhang Yiming trusted his own people even more, so he felt that he should be promoted from within

The purpose of the two parties is the same, and there is a contradiction in the cognition of material selection.

Zhou Buqi is no longer a management rookie, and gradually he has some thoughts of his own on such issues. Especially when combined with history, the perception is even more.

This is a classic management paradox.

Thousands of years of Chinese history have failed to solve this problem.

It is the ancient military power.

What kind of model should a general lead troops abroad?

If a general is allowed to lead troops in one area for a long time, he can reach a tacit understanding with the officers and soldiers, and form a monolithic unit with strong cohesion and strong combat effectiveness.

The powerful military capabilities of the Han and Tang Dynasties were based on this model.

However, once it is monolithic, the top decision-makers will lose control. If this iron plate is getting better and better, of course it is hello, me, hello, everyone. But if there is a problem with this iron plate, the emperor will be helpless if he wants to solve it. If it is forcibly resolved, turmoil will erupt.

The death of the Han and Tang Dynasties all died of civil strife. There is a strong military strength in the air, but the decision-making layer cannot coordinate left and right, which will cause imbalance and collapse from within.

At the enterprise level, Baidu is like this.

Boss Li released his power to the outside world, and he defeated Google in the early days by relying on this model. But then something went wrong with the medical advertisement. The decision-makers wanted to change it, but found that it couldn't be changed. Infighting continues, various departments scramble for power and profit, and a generation of Internet giants are struggling and heartbroken.

Baidu's crisis is an internal problem.

So there is another model, the Song-Ming model.

The training generals and the leading generals are separated.

Leading generals must be constantly transferred, or temporarily assigned, to prevent monolithic problems. But new problems have arisen. The generals do not know the soldiers, and the soldiers do not know the generals, which will lead to insufficient combat effectiveness.

The internal troubles are gone, but the army's combat effectiveness is insufficient, and it will be invaded by foreign tribes.

Although the decision-makers can mobilize all the resources as they wish, but the combat effectiveness is insufficient, and hard power cannot keep up. No matter how they mobilize, they can only die from foreign aggression.

Putting it in the enterprise is Ali's philosophy.

What Boss Ma admires the most is change, "the only constant is change".

Then, like playing a game, he turned his hands into clouds and rain, constantly changing Ali's management. For a while, this department was split up, and for a while, those departments were merged;

This kind of operation has ensured that Ali's decision-makers have the supreme power, and they can make decisions with one word and have extremely high execution power. But the combat effectiveness of the team is debatable.

Many businesses require a team to work hard in this field for many years before they can achieve success. But Ali wants to pursue changes, and will not give so much time, just change in two or three years.

Change back and forth and become stupid.

As a result, many new businesses developed by Ali or companies acquired through mergers and acquisitions were constrained by development, and they were very embarrassed. Many companies died after being bought by Ali.

It's genetically determined.

Genes also determine that once a crisis occurs in Ali, it often comes from the outside, just like the Song and Ming Dynasties were invaded by foreigners.

On Ziweixing's side, Zhou Buqi was in a difficult situation, a dilemma.

Is it necessary to have monolithic combat power, or top-down execution power?

With combat effectiveness, it is very strong externally, but internally troubled. Once there is a problem with, it will be very troublesome if it lacks the executive power from the decision-making layer and cannot quickly and effectively break the iron plate. When the iron plate problem is solved, it may have been occupied by people.

But the iron plate created by Zhang Yiming is indeed very effective. The development of in the past two years has achieved amazing results. Without this fighting power, how can we go head-to-head with penguins?

Ali socializes and dies once, because he lacks genes and the team is not strong enough.

If you can’t make WeChat, you can make up Momo, right?

If it hadn’t been for a wave of plague, and relying on luck to make Dingding popular, Ali might never have a chance to socialize.

Zhou Buqi didn't think he was a genius. Such a big problem was really difficult to solve.

Just like the story Ning Yaxian told, it was ridiculous.

It is said that when he was working at Sony, Sony had the most advanced camera technology in the world, and its combat effectiveness was extremely strong. However, monolithic. The president and the president personally ordered the camera department to assist the mobile phone department to provide Sony mobile phones with technical support for taking pictures. The camera department hard-nosed and didn't agree at all.

Later, it led to the cooperation between Sony mobile phone and Ericsson, which became Sony Ericsson, and then disappeared.

Typical dies on the inside because of being monolithic.

For Ziweixing, the only good thing is that is booming now, and there are no internal business problems, so there is no need to make changes from top to bottom in decision-making.

Relying on the current monolith, let's fight hard with penguins in the social field!

After talking with Tang Binchen, Zhou Buqi didn't see anyone all afternoon, and locked himself in the office to think about it.

At 5 p.m., I left work on time.

"Yaxian, don't work overtime tonight, tell the general affairs office."

"Huh? Are you busy?"

Ning Yaxian was a little bit surprised, boss Zhou always stays in the company for a while at night, which can be regarded as an example.

Zhou Buqi stretched his waist, "Well, what kind of reception are we going to attend tonight... The opening reception of Caiguang Real Estate International Apartment is at the Peninsula Hotel in Wangfu."

Ning Yaxian thought there was some business entertainment, "Do you want me to go?"

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "It's just a few brats, I'll go and see the battle."

"What's the meaning?"

Ning Yaxian was at a loss.

Zhou Buqi snorted and said, "Xue Baoshan's father wants to do something and introduce a boyfriend to her. I heard that the family is very rich. I will go to meet and see how powerful they are. Once or twice, I am addicted to it." !"

Ning Yaxian was afraid that he would not be able to restrain his temper and start a tantrum, so she dissuaded him first: "Don't make trouble, the opening reception of such a large commercial real estate must be a big scene, don't be laughed at by others. I would rather keep my head down than stand out, then He's Baoshan's father, no matter what, he's still his father."

Zhou Buqi was not very happy, "Well, I see."

After get off work, I picked up Sister Bao and went to Aunt Xue's house for dinner.

Food at a reception is something to watch, not eat. Especially for this kind of top-level cocktail party, celebrities come and go, and entertainment stars don't even have the opportunity to set foot.

Before Aunt Xue knew about it, Zhou Buqi whispered to Xue Baoshan.

Zhou Buqi believes that there is no need to dress too formally, just a little more.

Xue Baoshan disagreed, expressing that she would wear an evening dress to attend, if she dressed too casually, she would embarrass her father.

Zhou Buqi was very angry, that kind of bear daddy, why do he care?

The words came to his lips, but he didn't say them.

Alas, no matter how many problems Dad has, he is still Dad. This kind of thing needs to be compared with the heart. My father is such a bear, didn't he bring him to the capital and make him the chairman of Yuanwei Group?

Zhou Buqi didn't have much to say, so he changed into a brand new white suit that Xue Baoshan had prepared long ago, and a pair of beige leather shoes.

Looking in the mirror, Zhou Buqi blushed a little.

Xue Baoshan pursed her lips and laughed, "Classmate Zhou, why are you blushing?"

Zhou Buqi said shyly, "Sister Bao, dressing me up like this...isn't it too handsome? I look like a young boy. It's better to dress up to be more mature and majestic."

Xue Baoshan insisted: "Student Zhou, you are here as my boyfriend this time, not some big boss. You...don't conflict with Dad. Let's go show up and talk to Dad and his friends Come back when you're clear."

"It has become your foil."


Zhou Buqi frowned and said, "If you want me to tell you, just give the "Hurun Report" magazine to your dad and let him read it! At that time, he won't say anything to introduce you to someone. Come and find me."

"I don't want that."

Xue Baoshan bit her lip lightly, with a sad brow.

Although the relationship between father and daughter is not very good, there is still some affection in the end. If he did what Zhou Buqi said, then all the relationships would turn into benefits.

At that time, even if father cared for him in every possible way, it would be hypocrisy and because of interests.

She lacked paternal love in the first place, and she didn't want the little remaining paternal love to be corrupted by interests.

Seeing that she was about to cry, Zhou Buqi quickly hugged her in his arms, and said briskly, "That's fine, I'll just wear this outfit! Heh heh, when the time comes, I'll make my debut, handsome and beautiful, and I'll be shocked." them!"

At this time, Aunt Xue quietly pushed open the bedroom door, peeped inside with a pair of thief eyes, saw that they were just hugging each other lightly, she was relieved, and said lightly: "Okay, just hug for a while."

Zhou Buqi laughed and said: "Aunt Xue, Sister Bao and I will consummate the house soon, why don't you care so much?"

Aunt Xue glared at him, "Boy, I'm afraid you'd wrinkle Baoshan's dress! Hmm? You... you're just wearing this to socialize?"

Even she noticed something was wrong.

Zhou Buqi coughed lightly, "This body is pretty good, too?"

Aunt Xue shook her head lightly, "Not serious enough, like a rich second generation."

"I was originally a rich second generation."

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