After more than ten days of sailing, Hyperion finally returned to the New World.

At this rate, it is estimated that it will not be long before Arthur and the others will be able to return home.

In the cabin, Arthur sat on the couch, looking at the information he had gained in the last few days.

The biggest of these is, of course, Fisher Tiger burning Mary Joy.

For this, Arthur felt that these world nobles should do a good job of making a defense system.

Mary Joa, the headquarters of the World Government was so easily broken into.

Not to mention the break-in, he was also set on fire to a large area.

It's a shame.

In addition, Arthur wanted to know most about Otto, but there was no news.

With Arthur's current strength, he can directly crush Otto.

But the most important thing is not to know where Otto's body is.

Or it is not clear where the instruments are being switched back and forth.

Consciousness shifts back and forth between puppets, which requires not only powerful energy, but also sophisticated instruments.

As long as it is destroyed, then Otto is completely finished.

Wait, powerful energy?

Arthur seemed to think of something, and a smile curled up at the corners of his mouth.

"Captain, please have tea. "

Yayi is wearing a black dress today, black clothes, black skirts, and black silk, quite a queen fan.

He handed the teacup in his hand to Arthur with a faint smile on his face.

"Why are you wearing something so good today?"

Running across Mei Yi's arm, Arthur's gaze lit up brightly.

"Does the captain like it?"

"Deliberately chosen. "

Mei Yi's tall figure outlines a moving curve.

"I like it a lot, I really have a heart, come, let me reward you well. "

Arthur opened his arms, feeling the warm jade again, and couldn't help but move his index finger.

Late at night.

Arthur leaned against the head of the bed and exhaled softly, reminiscing about the charm just now.

"Captain, Mei Yi slept first. "

In her arms, Mei Yi, whose hair was scattered, whispered softly and fell into a deep sleep.

Just as Arthur was about to get some good sleep, the communicator on the table flashed with light.

"Ai-chan, what's going on?"

Picked up the communicator and looked at the indicator light on it, but it flashed without the slightest hint.

"Captain, you're really a noble person who forgets things and disturbs Ai-chan's beauty sleep. "

Inside the communicator, a lazy voice came out.

"Originally, the captain left a communicator on Mermaid Island, and the setting was that as long as it was activated, you would receive a notification here. "

As soon as Aiyi reminded him, Arthur thought of it instantly.

"Oh, ...... so"

Arthur immediately turned on the communicator.

A pale blue light curtain ejected from the communicator, and the dark picture gradually became clear.

Inside the screen, a pair of big eyes blinked curiously.

"What is this?"

Shirahoshi was in the Dragon Palace, and he was about to sleep, but a pale blue screen shone out from the communicator.

Curiously, he took his finger and poked it.

Straight through.

But suddenly an unfamiliar face appeared in front of him.

"Hello, Shirahoshi. "

Looking at the little Lori in front of her, Arthur had already confirmed her identity.

"Do you know Shirahoshi?"

Shirahoshi's big eyes were full of doubt.

She didn't have the slightest impression of the person in front of her.

"Of course, the communicator on Shirahoshi's arm is what I left behind, you can call me Arthur. "

"Oh, by the way, the first meeting, a gift for you. "

Arthur opens the shop and buys a crystal ball.

The crystal ball seems to contain a universe that changes various scenery.

"Do you like it?"

In the middle of the screen, Arthur shook a crystal ball the size of his head.

The scenery inside instantly attracts the white stars.

"Is this land?"

"It's beautiful!"

Looking at the green mountains and green waters changing back and forth in the crystal ball, Bai Xing looked at it with blank eyes, stretched out his hand to touch it, but as before, it directly penetrated the past.

"Hehe, don't worry, I'll send it to you right away. "

Arthur said as a small black hole emerged next to him.

If you have mastered the space, you can naturally build a space channel, and it will not be easy for Arthur to teleport such a small object.

Throw the crystal ball into the black hole.

A few seconds later, you can see through the screen that next to the white star, the space is filled with layers of ripples.

A crystal ball the size of a head fell out of the ripples.

Shirahoshi hugged it, his eyes full of love.

"Thank you, Lord Arthur. "

After watching it for a while, Shirahoshi remembered to thank him, and showed a sweet smile to Arthur with some embarrassment.

"Would you like to come to the land to play?"

Arthur asked tentatively.

"I think so, but my brothers say that people on land are quite bad, and Shirahoshi is afraid. "

For the land, it is Shirahoshi's yearning since childhood.

But her brothers often told her not to leave Ryugu Castle alone.

Humans on land are all badass and will take merfolk as slaves.

"There are a lot of bad guys on this land, but there are also a lot of good guys. "

"Take me, for example. "

Arthur pointed at himself unashamedly.

The two of them talked a lot all night.

Arthur also told Shirahoshi a lot of interesting things on land.

This makes Shirahoshi's yearning for land even stronger.

A few days later, Kiana and the others saw something strange.

Their captain often holds the communicator and chats with the Little Mermaid on the screen.

"Bronya, look at the captain's expression, it doesn't look like a bad uncle who coaxed little Lori. "

On the stool beside her, Kiana whispered to Bronya.

Bronya turned her head to look at it for a moment, then nodded knowingly.

"Captain, your tastes are truly unique. "

"Why have you fallen in love with a mermaid lately, or is it such a small one?"

Rita greeted the white star on the screen and looked at Arthur with a puzzled expression.

In the past few days, Shirahoshi has also become more familiar with them.

"Could it be that the captain wants to have fun?"

As soon as this sentence came out, the eyes of the people around him looked at it in unison.


"Am I that kind of person?"

Arthur rolled his eyes and flew over.

Everyone nodded at the same time, their expressions serious.

Well, it is estimated that in their hearts, they have already put a label on themselves.

"This time it's really serious. "

Arthur cleared his throat and continued.

"Although the mermaid is a kind and beautiful race, greedy humans will always try their best to catch and sell it. "

"So I have to save them from fire and water. "

The awe-inspiring words echoed through the room.

Those who don't know think what an upright person this is.

"Captain, judging from Rita, it's true that you want to keep it for yourself!"

Rita's eyes shone with a light that saw through everything.

"Well, I'll admit, I'm just going to keep the whole of Mertanani Island for myself. "

Arthur shouted exaggeratedly.


Kiana couldn't help but laugh.

"It's still night and night, captain, even if the mermaid is beautiful, it's just a fish, do you want to use your mouth?"

"Kiana, you're so smart. "

Rita patted Kiana on the head and complimented.

"Kiana, you've learned badly too. "

"That's what you taught, Captain, too. "

Not to be outdone, Kiana replied.

What Arthur just said was naturally a joke.

The main reason is because of Shirahoshi's ability to manipulate sea kings.

Such abilities are powerful and dangerous.

Although there is a little bit of selfishness, Arthur really wants to protect Mermaid Island


It's really time to learn how to write a novel to the fullest.

Personally, I also feel that the storyline is a bit boring, and it is normal for subscriptions to drop every day.

In order not to be a prisoner, the next step is to speed up the progress.

Strive for the end.

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