Headquarters of the Navy.

At this moment, the Navy is fully monitoring every move on the sea.

Once a powerful force emerges, it will be the first to suppress it.

Adopt a wait-and-see attitude towards the forces that have already taken shape.

As long as they don't move on their own one-third of an acre, the navy will not take the initiative to provoke them.

After all, all of those forces are giant-level existences.

If it wants to eradicate it, I am afraid that the navy will also have to break its bones.

This is not what Sengoku wants to see.

Especially now, the accelerated pace of the revolutionary army has given the navy a sense of urgency.

From time to time, war reports came from the fringe areas, which made people more aware of the strength of the revolutionary army.

And these revolutionary armies were quite cunning and did not confront their navy head-on.

Strength, power, plus caution!

This is a very difficult opponent.

It's like a poisonous snake hidden in the dark.

Calmly watching everything.

At the first opportunity, he will rush out with lightning speed and bite the enemy hard.

It's hard to prevent.

For such an opponent, the Warring States can only tighten up their defenses and secretly investigate the lair of the revolutionary army.

Then annihilate it in one fell swoop, forever and eliminate the aftermath forever.

Although the idea is so, Sengoku knows.

It doesn't happen overnight.

At present, they can only deal with each other.

When he sat in the position of naval marshal, Sengoku realized that many things were involuntary and the gains and losses of various choices.

Because of his order, it is possible to bring victory to the battle, or it is possible to fall into the abyss from which there will be no return.

Sengoku sat in a chair and looked at the pile of materials and intelligence on the table.

These are all things that need to be dealt with by him.

Report. "

Just then, a navy officer outside the door shouted loudly.

"Come in. "

Sengoku's words came out, and a navy man walked in, stood in front of Sengoku, and reported loudly.

"Report Marshal Sengoku. What's new. "

"Arthur and his party have left the island, and their whereabouts are unknown. "

If there is anyone on this sea who deserves special attention from the Warring States, there is only one.


This man has many powerful partners and is an unfathomable man himself.

Sengoku, who had dealt with Arthur several times, was well aware of his horrors.

There are endless levels of powerful abilities, and every time they meet, they will bring him new surprises.

Even now, Arthur's existence is like a mountain, putting a lot of pressure on him.

Sit in the position of the admiral and look ahead.

Arthur on the other side looked down on him as if he was sitting on a cloud.

It seems to be within reach, but it has a distance that can never be crossed.

But the only thing that's gratifying.

Arthur founded a small island.

Spend most of the time inside the island and rarely go out.

But one thing is for sure, every time you go out, you will set off huge storms and waves on the sea.

Last time, they were directly bulldozed by the Navy Headquarters.

It was one of the Navy's darkest moments.

And now that the news of Arthur's departure from the sea was heard, Sengoku stood up from the stool at once.

"When did you leave the island?

"Which direction did you go?"

"Did anything else happen on the island before leaving?"

The succession of three questions illustrates the eagerness of the Warring States.

Arthur's power is simply impossible to ignore.

"Report to the marshal of war, this is the information that has been transmitted. "

The navy in front of him shook his hands and handed the sealed folder in his hand to Sengoku.

Sengoku took the folder and took a deep breath.

He was afraid to see bad news for their navy.

But it has come to this point, and it must be faced.

The sealed folder was opened, revealing a piece of paper and several photographs.

The paper is simple but illustrates all the information.

And the photos verify what was said.

Seeing the information that came, Sengoku breathed a sigh of relief, slowly sat down on the stool, and studied it carefully.

After a while, he handed the paper in his hand to a goat next to him.

The goat took the paper in its mouth, chewed it slowly, and soon entered its stomach.

"Beast Pirates ......"

"Could it be that Arthur is looking for the Beast Pirates?"

Knowing the battle that took place in the port, it was natural for Sengoku to have such a guess.

The Hundred Beast Pirates all sent people to provoke them to the doorstep, and Sengoku didn't think that Arthur would be so broad-minded, so he laughed it off.

"It's just... It's still so strong!"

Sengoku picked up one of the pictures on the table.

The photo clearly captures the scene of the Void Excalibur killing Jack.

Just looking at the picture in the photo, Sengoku can almost already imagine the scene at that time.

It's so powerful that it's impossible to raise any resistance to it.

It's an unimaginable force.

I sighed alone for a while.

Anyway, Sengoku has already made up his mind that he will never take the initiative to provoke Arthur.

Raising his head, he looked at the navy that was still standing in front of him, and slowly ordered.

"Keep an eye on Arthur and his party, but don't get too close and don't tailgating. "

"Just tell the people of the Navy Branch to pay attention to it and check the situation in their own waters. "

Sengoku is now going to wipe out anything that angers Arthur.

Otherwise, it would be really unbearable to give them such a shot from the Navy Headquarters.

"Yes. "

After the navy received the order, it immediately went down to make arrangements.

Sengoku sat on the stool, still a little uneasy.

"Shouldn't we do both?"

Sengoku thought about it and finally vetoed his idea.

Now, it is still necessary to find out where Arthur's party is going.

And at the same time, the island of Oni in Wano Country.

This is Kaido's accommodation.

Although Fu Hua killed Jack, he did not attack his men.

And Arthur didn't have much interest in those little minions.

So, the rest of the mammoth was lucky to survive.

Seeing his Captain Jack being killed with one move, his brain went blank in an instant, and he lost the ability to think.

By the time he came back to his senses, some of Arthur's men had long since left.

Such a major incident occurred, and it was naturally reported to Kaido as soon as possible.

In fact, they don't have to report at all.

Since Kaido is going to use Jack as a guinea pig, he is already prepared.

Through the film and television phone bug, the process before and after is clear.

For the people around Arthur to have very strong power, this Kaido is no longer surprised.

But when Jack bursts out with great power, Kaido instantly gets excited.

This shows that this reagent is indeed useful.

However, the power that had just burst out was extinguished by another force.

Kaido's face was wonderful.

Before the surprise completely dissipated on his face, a trace of consternation emerged.

Both of these expressions appeared on the face at the same time, and it looked a little funny.

"How is it possible? to have such a great power and still be destroyed. "

Kaido couldn't believe it, and a loud roar shook his surroundings.

However, then, Arthur and his party were seen leaving the island.

The destination is self-evident.

"Are you going to fight me to the death? "

Kaido's eyes flashed with a grim look.

Arthur, who was being waited for by Kaido and Sengoku, was sitting leisurely on the deck of Hyperion at the moment.

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