Transform Into the Marvel World

Chapter 1432: Omega Titans

Thea was very upset. The argument ended with such a result. She was really unwilling to break the wall. We haven't done anything yet. Just stood there for a while, and you split yourself?

In order to appear that this matter has nothing to do with her, Daisy is still explaining: "It has nothing to do with me, don't look at me, my power is biased towards light, life, and the structure of the universe. This... It should be related to your death power! Could it be that you are standing here, making the wall feel that your life has expired, so you have collapsed? You are the death of everything, and the wall is within this range, right? "

I have to say that her forcible explanation was justified, and Thea couldn't help being taken aback.

What you said is really reasonable, your power is too strong? People see people die, gods see gods die, now chatting by the wall, the wall itself collapses? This is worse than the woman crying on the Great Wall...

Thea looked at Diana subconsciously. She had lived in the palace of the new creation star for so many years, and the palace had not collapsed.

They didn't have time to think about it, because the crack in the wall of origin was still expanding.

A lot of the wall was peeled off with the cracks, and smoke and dust filled it. It is really not a good idea to stand by the wall and chat at this time. It is too dirty here.

Daisy flew back, followed by Thea, and Diana and Wanda in the distance hurried over to meet.

A small piece of the wall collapsed due to strange reasons inside, um, it looks like less than a hundred kilometers...

Daisy closed her eyes slightly, and Thea also put away her carelessly and began to meditate. Their omnisciences were operating independently, trying to learn and absorb the knowledge on the other side of the wall.

According to their own habits, the two of them absorb the part that is easier for them to understand.

Daisy ends first. The Wall of Origin is completely repulsive to her, very indifferent. She forcibly leans on, exhausted all the means, and has not absorbed much knowledge.

She summed it up: "Uh, a bunch of boasting things, what is older than civilization, and what is older than language... Good luck, there are exactly four enemies on the wall, let's deal with one alone?"

Hearing that there were enemies, Diana drew out her sword in an instant. After Daisy's eyes gestured, Wanda knew that she could not be kind, and began to prepare her own magic.

Only then did Thea finish collecting information. She was an almighty universe in the DC world. Unlike foreign leaders such as Daisy, the will of the world fits quite well with herself, and she has acquired a lot of information.

She made a more detailed comment on the name: "According to your statement, they are the four ancient gods. Our world will call them Omega Titans."

Daisy rolled her eyes secretly at Wanda, this is what a bad name, Omega plus Titan, it's like mutants and eternal race mixed together.

Wanda understood her careful thoughts, her lips were slightly raised, revealing a sweet smile.

Regarding Daisy Wanda's move to spread dog food in public, Thea immediately grabbed Diana's waist. Who is afraid of whom, we too!

"Don't make trouble! Keep talking!" Diana scolded her, and Thea quickly converged and cleared her throat.

"The four of them are entropy, knowledge, wonder, and mystery. They all believe that the abilities they represent are the origin of the universe. Before civilization, they were born at the origin of the world, and after that, they began a history of hundreds of millions of years. Fighting, they all want to prove that their ability represents the true origin, they began to modify the parallel universe according to their own ideas.

They use the parallel universe as the chessboard, their own abilities as the rules, and all things in the world as chess pieces. They trample on the laws of the universe at will, leaving behind them countless destroyed worlds. "

"It's evil!" Wanda was somewhat influenced by some Captain America. In her simple values, she believed that this kind of behavior that forced intelligent life to follow her own ideas was evil.

Daisy and Thea looked at each other and didn't say anything. They had a higher perspective. To be honest, they arranged the universe structure at random and used the universe as a toy.

Diana also spoke in support of Wanda's statement. After thinking that intelligent life needs to find a way out by itself, the two almighty universe-class bosses were completely dumb.

Next began to assign tasks, four people deal with four so-called Omega Titans.

Thea was the first to speak: "I am death, so I will deal with entropy. I want to see how messy this guy can be."

Daisy doesn't matter what she looks like: "Then I'll learn about your knowledge."

"I'll deal with the spectacle. Sister Wanda is a mage and should be able to deal with the mystery." Diana made a final decision and assigned the tasks of several people properly. After that, the four were separated and the gap was a hundred miles long. Who knew where the enemy came what.

Thea pointed out a few approximate locations for them, and the four of them flew in a certain location.

The distance of hundreds of miles was fleeting. When a large number of walls fell off, a giant who was seven or eight points similar to Uncle Tun, but ten times taller, broke open the wall and stepped out of the ~ The height of the visual knowledge is more than 10,000 meters, and he is just an inconspicuous small character in the wall of origin, a lot stronger than him.

Daisy smiled as she watched the giant walking out of the wall, and she began to use her omniscience to interpret each other's abilities.

There are many light green energy channels on the surface of the knowledge body. The mysterious metal armor covers the whole body. It has a torso and limbs. Two extremely hazy electronic eyes are distributed on both sides of the skull. It is a bit like Uncle Tun’s previous shape. He also wears one like an antenna. Helmet.

The Omega Titan held a weapon in his right hand that looked a little like a Golden Rod of Sindore. He shook his head when he broke the wall and looked at Daisy strangely.

"Hey! You are the ancient **** here? It looks very ordinary...Do you know who I am?" Daisy also looked around, she was surprised to find that the other three Omega Titans were all Coming empty-handed, his opponent is the only one who comes with equipment...

This golden staff looks more than 10,000 meters high, and it's definitely not usable by ordinary people, but it doesn't matter! This kind of law weapon can be enlarged and naturally reduced. Daisy is ready to grab it and sell it to Thea! Looks like she is spending money like dirt, looks like she is very rich!

The Omega Titan who brought his own equipment didn't know her sinister intentions. Through a thick fog, he looked at Daisy. After hundreds of millions of years, he once again experienced what it meant to be surprised.

The characteristics of this life form in front of him surprised him. It was a brand new life form he had never seen in his billions of years of life.

"Knowledge, I need your knowledge!" Omega Titan seemed to see some cherished food, and raised a giant hand to her excitedly.

In the next moment, Daisy felt that a different energy channel connected the two.


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