182 – Training (4)

Jo Ayun did not delay at all. The moment he saw the giant at the door, he let out a butterfly without any hesitation.

Using a butterfly without transformation was originally an act that had to be done very carefully. It was because there was a risk of someone seeing it. Therefore, no matter how dangerous the situation, people were reluctant to use butterflies in everyday life.

But there was no time to exercise such caution now. It was obvious that the moment the arrow hit, not only would the cafe be reduced to dust, but the body would also be shattered.

It was close to a reflexive action born of survival instinct.

There wasn’t even the sound of the wind blowing. The butterfly flew softly and quietly, like fluff falling, and landed on the arrow.

With a soundless movement, the arrow disappeared from sight.

“It’s really f*cking annoying….”

As soon as the archer clicked his tongue, another new butterfly flew out. With the skill of an archer, it was no problem to hit that level of projectile.

But just before he fired the arrow, a strong flash of light occurred right in front of his eyes.

[Are You Ready?]



[Focus On.]

Transformation. It was an intense brilliance that emitted during the process. The archer couldn’t help but frown his eyes for a moment at the flash. Still, it wasn’t a problem for him to swat the butterfly that flew at him.

When I let go of the demonstration, the arrow flew gracefully and touched the butterfly. The arrow disappeared again without a sound.

But he didn’t know what was approaching the second time.

“You bastard….”

“It’s harsh to say that it’s not that good.”

A cruel hand was pointed at him. It pierced a gap in my vision that had become blurred for a moment. There was a butterfly in his hand.

“It’s not good to belittle yourself like that.”

As soon as my hand touched it, the scenery changed. The scent of coffee disappeared and my breath was filled with the smell of dust and mold. There were cracks on the walls, broken windows strewn across the floor, a sofa with broken springs, and spider webs everywhere.

I saw a familiar sight of an abandoned building.

“Damn it….”

It happened in an instant. Even though his eyes were special, they were not strong, so he was vulnerable to flashes like everyone else.

As a result, movement with butterflies was allowed.

“Okay, well, I’ll at least let you protect your home.”

Still, nothing changed. The archer’s goal was to kill them, not tear down the house.

“Because it won’t protect your life!”

“You heard a lot about Gao, you crazy person.”

“Has puberty arrived?”

Odette and the Watcher split into two sides, centered around the archer who was pulling the bowstring again.

The intention was probably to confuse the target of the sniper attack. However, it was shallow for the archer. As he slightly twisted his hand holding the arrow, the arrow he had fired split into two. Arrows can be made from starlight, and the archer was confident that he could freely use both arrows.


The two arrows flew loudly towards the two transformed monsters.

“I guess it’s puberty?”

“It seems so.”

Odette flew two butterflies at once. One with arrows, one with archers. When the arrow and the butterfly touched, the arrow replaced the butterfly heading towards the archer and instantly flew in the opposite direction.

Watcher had no such trap, so he just dealt with him honestly. He caught the arrow that flew at him and threw it straight at the archer.

The form he has chosen now is MEGREZ.

It was the fastest power among the powers of the Big Dipper. Although it was not as fast as Ursa Major, it was as fast as an archer’s arrow.

The fight between people who became monsters and those who were monsters but were still humans was fierce. More arrows than glass fragments hit the floor and hit the ceiling repeatedly. There were more scratches on the armor, but no one was fatally injured.

Two and one. The numerical superiority naturally lay with the two. But in experience, one prevailed.

A veteran with years of experience, a man with significantly less fighting experience, and a woman who had to completely change her fighting style.

Delicate technology created through accumulated experience. The shooting, which seemed rough at first glance, was a bundle of delicacy and caution with many tricks in it.

Also, there was something that prevailed over this experience. A very simple truth. It was power. Strength and speed, speed and stamina, and explosive power. The man who single-handedly condensed more than thirty stars had the power to overcome all the times.

If he had used all his strength, the momentum would have waned in an instant, but he couldn’t. Do you still have feelings for Archer? That was never the reason.

It was simply for victory. If you put all your effort into it now, you can win this one fight, but you will lose the war against the scorpion. This meant immediate death.

Between the runaway archer and the hesitant watcher, it was Odette who balanced the power. With that mysterious butterfly ability, he was able to block dozens of attacks and create hundreds of attack opportunities.

Parallel. It was a fight where those who retreated would approach, and those who approached would retreat.

It was a parallel line and numerous tangent lines.

Their movements wrapped around starlight looked like one line. Rusty red straight lines, pink dancing beautiful curves, and green and rough lines.

The tangled appearance of the lines had an aesthetic beauty. Since the three different lines were tightly competing with each other without retreating, they were parallel lines created by numerous touches.

‘As expected…’

The archer did not like this parallel.

‘These guys must not be left alive…!’

The power in the hands of an unqualified person was too great. Ugly people wield power in an ugly way. Their purpose is not of interest. However, seeing as he was a monster, it was clear that his true feelings were as ugly as his own.

It shouldn’t be left like that.

If those who are still powerful become more powerful, the beauty of light will be obscured. The world will not envy the stars, but the ugly emptiness of the night, and that envy will soon lead to an increase in evil.

Those who were manipulated and used by the cursed machine had to be cut off by themselves, the original perpetrator.

What he has is a sense of duty.

The archer’s touch has become more careful. The number of arrows decreased and the trajectories became more complicated. The destructive power and speed of each one also increased.

But what became most powerful was by far the murderous intent. The murderous intent contained in the arrow increased, and the line to take the opponent’s life was drawn more accurately.

It could be compared to a line drawn with a ruler. It was a line drawn by an architect. The hands, not forgiving even the slightest error, tightened the breathing as if gradually building up the outline of the building.

“The murderous intent is overflowing.”

The Watcher smiled amidst the rain of arrows. It wasn’t ridicule, but there was a faint sympathy.

“I guess there was something decided.”

He moved his feet faster to match the movement of the arrow. His body dodged the arrows by a margin of a sheet of paper and approached the archer.

The lines drawn like that were like the marks of a calligrapher’s brush. Although each line appears to be rough and roughly drawn, numerous plans and sensuous convictions remain within it.

Belt’s assistance and the experience gained from previous fights gave him confident intuition.

Ursa Major does not have the ability to predict the future. But he moved as if he could read the future.

“Okay, now I know! “This is my purpose that you said you would find!”

“You did the damn thing, I don’t remember doing it.”

Hook! The archer jumped up and dodged the fist that almost cut off his neck, and pulled the bow just as he was flying in the air.

“Kill those who gained power without qualification! “This was my purpose!”

The Watcher tried to grab the arrow and throw it as before, but as soon as his hand reached the arrow, the arrow’s movement was distorted. The arrow rising above the tomb chamber turned again and pointed at the Watcher’s back.

Just before piercing the Watcher’s heart, the arrow disappeared like snow melting.

“Then I recommend that you commit suicide first, you bastard!”

The arrow that disappeared reappeared on the archer’s back.

Odette was unable to follow the arrow’s trajectory after the archer changed his shooting method. The mysterious shooting, in which the trajectory changed into several directions after being fired, was not yet possible with Odette’s skills.

However, the fight was not just about immediate numbers, experience, and strength.

Odette clearly had less experience and strength than the archer. This was an obvious fact.

But she was not a monster, but a person. She was not a monster who had stopped growing and had become stagnant. She was a person who still had countless experiences in life.

She saw and remembered the trajectory she had witnessed. If you remember it, you can reproduce it.

Technology is not something that exists alone. It was not an inherent power for someone, but an experience that could be built up.

Odette had grit, and she had talent. She also came. Definitely protect him. Protect those who dream. Her purpose motivated her to make progress.

So, I was able to follow his trajectory for just this one moment.

I used the archer’s arrow as a lesson to move the butterfly.

Not only beauty but also mystery was added to the pink curves.

The butterfly for relief touched the arrow filled with murderous intent.

“No, I can’t die! “Until I get people like you involved!”

The archer turned around and struck down the arrow that flew behind him. The problem is that now the back is empty again.

[SET. Reverse star.]

Starlight gathered in the Watcher’s fist. A green storm blew around that fist. He tried to turn around again, but the air was not an advantageous place for a monster. Because it cannot fly, its actions are slightly delayed.

“I told you before. “Did you see the stars?”

Quang! Before the archer turned around, his fist touched my waist. Simplicity and honesty! The archer’s waist, which had soared high, was bent at a right angle. If it were an ordinary person, it would have been an instant death, but unfortunately, Archer was a monster.

The breath is still there.

Woodangtang! The archer fell like a new piece of trash on the floor of an abandoned building that was in shambles. The Watcher approached him.

“Was the star you saw anger? Or a sense of duty? What is it that makes you scream like this? Was the goal so important that you abandoned your alliance in an instant? Or have you just realized that your naming is so lame?”

“Shut up… Don’t talk to me because you’re the lesser one…”

It was funny. The most exciting hell alliance or alliance or anything, I never thought they would be the first to come out of that group.

Of course, we didn’t spend a long enough time together to become attached or went through a big incident together, and we didn’t have such strong motivations that we couldn’t betray each other.

However, the person who was trying to form the group first did not just leave without looking back, he even attacked them. This was a somewhat absurd matter.

“Ha… Even though I heard it wrong during puberty, I definitely misheard it. Yes, good purpose. But your actions were too extreme to be driven by emotions alone. “It seems like I remembered something and that motivated me…”


“I see that you are speechless. That is the correct answer.”

The reason for the betrayal is simple. I found my memory. This was the reason Archer participated in the cooperation in the first place, so it is not particularly strange if he leaves.

However, there is a catch. It was about whether he regained all his memories. Seeing that he struck betrayal without a moment of hesitation, it seemed like he had a very strong motive.

However, the starlight within the alter ego alone will not be enough to retrieve all of the memories.

From noble mtl dot com

“So, did you get all your memories back?”

“Even if I couldn’t find all of those things, I knew. “If you’re thinking of persuading me, quit it, you damn bastard.”

“Don’t misunderstand that I am persuading. “Who would convince a guy like you?”

As expected, Archer was unable to retrieve all of his memories.

But the archer’s heart seemed solid. He hadn’t thought about persuasion in the first place, but it seemed like he wouldn’t listen even if he tried now.

“First of all, congratulations on getting your memories. “Then why don’t you at least introduce yourself?”

“Introduce yourself?”

“It means making your goal or name known. Wouldn’t that kind of introduction be possible? “At least I need to know why I was attacked by you so it’s less unfair.”

“The name… the name…”

In his words, which had been without hesitation until now, the composure disappeared and anguish remained.

“…I don’t know your name?”

Han Jaejoong was embarrassed. This is unexpected. Looking at his reaction now, it seemed like he had forgotten both his name as a person and his name as a monster.

“So this nameless guy attacked us, saying he knew my dream?”

Jo Ayun also added a word of help. She was equally dumbfounded.

It was absurd to see a guy who didn’t even know my name making a fuss about finding his purpose.

“What’s so important about names?”

“It’s important. It must be a symbol of your time. In a word, it means that there is a purpose to a subject that not everyone knows about. “Isn’t that just a fragmentary impulse, not a purpose?”

“Everyone, shut up!”

There was shame in the archer’s voice. He picked up the bows lying around and aimed them at them. The pain in my back was strong, but I ignored it.

“What do people like you know!”

The memory of touching the belt was enough. It was too much to guess about my life and find motivation to act now.

Do they even know the sadness he felt when he was declared unworthy of being a hero? I don’t know. That’s why they laugh at it like that.

Name? What’s so important about names? What is the name?

I have already gained a lot of memories. The reason for cooperating with Contradiction and Botis was not to find memories, but because it made it easier to defeat them.

“On a subject that is not much different from me!”

The archer tried to pull the strings. But it was impossible. This is because it was extremely difficult to move his arms while his waist was cut off, and his bow string was specially manufactured to enable sniping at ultra-long distances.

It was difficult to overcome that tension with my current strength.

The Watcher sighed and lifted his feet. Now it was time to break his neck.

“Well, it’s a story we don’t need to know. “Your purpose and your name.”

At that moment, I heard the sound of unfamiliar footsteps stepping on a piece of glass.

“…What the hell is this?”

Jason, who had been wandering around the city looking for scorpions, returned to an abandoned building.

“Comrade? And you guys too? “No, it seems like it was a life-or-death situation.”

Jason saw the scene and quickly became convinced.

“That’s unexpected. “I thought you would stop it.”

Jo A-yoon was confused as he looked at Jason, who nodded his head coolly.

“Huh? “I plan to.”

Jason quickly ran up to the archer’s side, crashing through his knees and slamming his head into the floor.

“Please save my comrade!!!”

The Watcher forgot his words for a moment.

“You know I have no right to do that! But if you are a comrade once, you are a comrade until the end!! “Even though I know this idiot has committed a crime, I must protect him!”

“…No, hey.”

“Please look at the face of an idiot like me! Please have mercy once!!!”

Jason was firm. The archer also forgot what to say.

“What is this idiot doing now…?”

“Thank you, Jason.”

A voice that should not be here. A neutral voice, as soft and cool as a breeze, came from behind Jason. There was no time to react to the sudden appearance.

“For buying me time until I come.”

Botis. She took her favorite cane and struck Jason with it.

Kwasik! An ordinary-looking wooden stick pierced Jason straight through.

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