Transformation or Death
Chapter 197
197 – Among the Named (9)
When Jason was not aware of his miracle, that power always made him wander, just like his psychology.
Gathering does not occur simply because there is a specific location.
It must be done based on a specific goal, for any reason, such as thoughts or emotions.
The power lacking emotional exchange only operated through the ability to move, and the lack of unity only caused dispersion.
The power of unity caused dissolution.
But it is different now.
Jason became aware of his power and also learned how to use it appropriately.
As mentioned earlier, gathering is not just about a place.
We must become one in the same place and with the same heart.
Just like September, a wish is needed.
Although Jason’s life was different, he was able to help people with similar mindsets through his own efforts.
Five star lights of different colors and a common grudge and obsession came together.
However, the wishes were not worth just five people.
Even if you are not close, there are people with the same heart.
Today, many people lost their daily lives. There are countless people who have lost precious things to scorpions before that. The grudges of those who risked their lives to challenge him and those who died still remain. Their purpose is only one.
May justice be meted out to that vicious monster.
Infinite support was added to the five types of starlight.
It went beyond simply gathering starlight and awakening it with the ultimate technology, and led to the miracle of creating the ultimate summoned body.
Argo, the ultimate summoning god!
Stand on the earth now!
“The wishes of countless people came together here and succeeded in operating this Argo!”
Jason briefly explained this entire process in one sentence.
“This is a miracle that will never happen again!”
“Is this the f*ck?”
The genre has changed again. Amundsen clicked her tongue as if it were not worth it. This is because she didn’t mean to suddenly merge and lend strength.
Don’t you think lending strength like this is not your own help, but the help of this thing you are currently riding?
“Why are you doing this? Isn’t it crazy?”
“I agree.”
“Ah… I see you like this….”
On the other hand, the Watcher seemed quite satisfied. Red Vega looked at him and fantasized about whether to buy him a toy like this later.
“So, let’s say your ability is actually to control a giant robot like this, and that ability has now been revealed.”
“My power is unity! “This summoned body is the result of a miraculous probability that it would not come out except in the current situation…”
“Ah, I understand! Stop! Anyway, we are united around you, right?”
Odette complained. Even though I understood everything else, there was one thing I didn’t understand.
“But why is that fox b*tch in the center!”
Five tables were spread out in a V shape, and each table had one person inside. In the very center was Red Vega, not Jason.
“hehehe, if you’re jealous, tell me honestly that you’re jealous. “Jealousy is not good.”
“Why should I be jealous of you! “No, if not Jason, at least my brother… Ah, no, Watcher should be the center!”
From noble mtl dot com
“I’ve wanted to be in charge of the right arm for a long time.”
“Oppa, just shut up!”
The Watcher wondered as he maneuvered the table back and forth.
“But how do you control this?”
“I don’t know!”
“Hmm, f*cked.”
If you can’t move, there’s no reason to unite at all.
“Well, I think that’s possible?”
At that time, Red Vega carefully raised his hand. Then the Argo’s right hand was also raised.
“Oh. Do.”
“Why are you doing this to yourself? “Are you so f*cking jealous?”
Amundsen muttered as if he were jealous.
“If you’re jealous, you should have worn red! “It’s common sense that red is the center, right?”
“Where is such common sense?”
“If you don’t know, study!” “If you look at the cartoon, you can see it all.”
“You guys are really…..”
Red Vega was triumphant and placed both hands on his waist. Argo’s hands were also placed on his waist.
“That’s all good, but wouldn’t it be better to proceed quickly?”
The Watcher pointed ahead.
“The scorpion is preparing to attack.”
A scorpion in a stinging pose with its spear raised. An ugly purple light began to flow through the huge window. Anyone could see that it was in a ready position to shoot out a beam of light.
“And above all, I don’t have much time anymore.”
“Uh, how much do you have left?”
“50… Oh, it’s just been 49 minutes.”
“Argo sortie!!!!”
With a strong cheer, the Argo moved forward.
It was a mysterious feeling. Even though it was my first time controlling it, it felt natural, as if I was using my own body.
The starlight printed as we advanced was Red Vega’s own.
“The Argo is the combined strength of all of us! Of course, your power will be included in that power!”
The total amount was much more than Red Vega’s own amount. This is true even compared to now that I have awakened to divinity.
Saying that everyone’s wishes were brought together was neither an empty statement nor an exaggeration. There was so much starlight that it seemed like it was infinite at first glance.
This weight and brightness is the size of the wish to defeat the scorpion.
It is heavy.
Every step is heavy.
“Uh. Now, just a moment.”
It’s really heavy.
More than simply feeling the burden, my steps were actually heavy.
Red Vega had one mistake. Just because you can manipulate it like your own body doesn’t mean it’s really your body.
Originally, Red Vega used its unique flame to move freely between the air and land, and adhered to a three-dimensional acrobatic fighting style. This was because it was his strength, and more than anything, because he was cool.
But the Argo cannot do that.
“Now, wait a minute! Did you say Mr. Jason? “He can’t fly?!”
“That’s right.”
“No, you can’t fly?! Now, just a moment! Time!”
While Red Vega was confused, Scorpion’s preparations were completed.
The scorpion thrust out its spear without any delay. The vicious poison that had gathered inside rushed out, creating starlight and wind pressure. The spot where I passed left a large, clean empty space, as if nothing had ever existed. A ray of light filled with the energy of loss.
“What time is there for fighting? Jason! Doesn’t he have a weapon?!”
“Great, great sword! “I have a great sword!”
“That’s enough!”
Amundsen quickly reached for the great sword, and the decoration on the Argo’s back was transformed and held in his left hand.
The Argo covered itself with the flat side of its great sword, which blocked the beam like a shield.
Originally, the great sword would have been lost in an instant, but before the light hit the great sword directly, the sword was surrounded by starlight to offset the power of the loss.
As soon as the light was lost, new light was added to block the beam.
“Well, it wasn’t just that guy!”
Relieved that the control was not held solely by the central personnel, Amundsen raised his sword at an exquisite angle and struck down the beam. The beam was twisted at a strange angle and then headed towards the scorpion.
Amundsen originally did not specialize in archery alone.
His ability is his eyes.
A vision for adventure, insight into all things, excellent for finding something and pioneering a path.
Beyond simply capturing something far away, it specializes in finding the optimal path for battle. With a different perspective from others, special actions that no one else would have seen become possible.
His eyes trained to the limit created techniques that were refined to the limit, and as he was naturally curious, he tried his hand at numerous weapons.
As a result, Amundsen became an excellent master of all weapons while using them all.
Weapon Master.
“Search for the haircut!!!”
Amundsen, who was excellent not only at his own skills but also at observing the skills of others, worked with Sky Polaris and taught many magical girls.
There is a secret that some of the magical girl’s fighting methods that have been used to this day are based on his techniques.
The exquisitely bent beam flew towards its owner, a scorpion.
“hahahaha! Did you see it!”
“Ugh… For now, I recognize you as Red… It’s a rusty red, so I’ll go with metallic red… I can’t hand over the original red…”
“Is now the time to worry about that, you two brats! Come!”
But the Scorpion split the beam without any disturbance and rushed towards the Argo.
“For your information, this ultimate summoning god, Argo, is also not immune to poison! “The moment you pass by, it will be over, so stay alert!”
“No, if that’s the case, why did you combine it!”
“Anyway, you’ve gotten stronger!”
Looking at the charging scorpion, Red Vega and Amundsen moved at the same time.
“This time, it’s me!”
“Stay still!”
On the contrary, it resulted in distorting the movement of the Argo. The two conflicting actions created conflict rather than harmony, and the Argo’s balance was shaken.
The scorpion raises its tail-like spear and charges fiercely.
“Don’t just put your motivation first!”
Just before it fell, the Watcher moved the Argo. He placed his thunderbolt around the Argo and performed his specialty, high-speed movement. The Argo moved like a thunderbolt. The speed was so fast that it seemed like a warp had been created.
Not only was it not enough to avoid the scorpion’s spear, he even went behind it and successfully attacked. He swung the great sword like an ax and slashed at the scorpion’s neck, which had already been wounded.
“Now I understand. The various buttons and touch panels placed on this table are all decoration. There is only one thing needed for control: mindset. “You must think of this Argo as your own and completely sympathize with it.”
This is why Han Jae-joong, who thought it was a giant robot, was unable to control the Argo. He thought of himself and the Argo separately.
Not the sense of operating a machine, but the sense of handling hands and feet. It is necessary to unite yourself with the Argo. As if it was extending from my body, I have to tune in.
“The problem is….”
“If there are five people, won’t there be conflict?”
“Yes, that’s right. That’s it.”
If all five people treat the Argo as if it were their own body, five movements are input into the Argo at once. Then, as before, the movement becomes twisted and the balance is shaken once again.
“…I don’t think gathering alone will be enough.”
We must go beyond simply combining our wishes and efforts and unify our thoughts.
“No, how the f*ck can you do that….”
Odette cursed out of sheer confusion, but then lost her voice as a sudden thought occurred to her.
“…Does it seem possible?”
“You can? Do not lie!”
“Sister… Oh, no, Odette! No matter how much you want to be active, bragging is a bit ugly!”
“Why don’t you shut up?!”
Odette sighed deeply and recalled what the Watcher had asked her previously.
-‘Can you cut off the scorpion’s breath?’
His tone was like this.
-‘I cannot give back to those who have lost what they have lost. ‘Because I’m just a helper.’
Watcher’s military power is outstanding. In fact, if I had had enough time, I would have kept hitting that scorpion’s neck for several hours and finally came to an end.
But that is limited to military force.
-‘But you are different. Your power is the power to protect dreams and create a path that will lead them to their dreams. It is the power of connection.’
Not the one who moves ahead and leads, but the one who guides them to their destination.
If there are no legs, he will kneel down and become a bridge for you, and if there is a wall, he will break through it even if it means breaking his fist. She has no destination for her, but she can be a strength to those who come her way.
I don’t have a dream, but I can protect my dream.
That was the role Jo Ayun gave herself and her purpose.
A butterfly’s ability to move is nothing more than an intuitive interpretation of its dream.
A miracle that creates a path and guides others there.
-‘It may be a ridiculous request, but can we present that miracle in a new form?’
Until now, this ability was only used as a power of movement.
But the essence is ‘connection’.
The power to connect the desired to the desired.
As Watcher said, it might be possible in theory. What was lost to the scorpion is passed on to the person himself. Because Odette, who uses the miracle of connection, has that possibility.
But Jo Ayun does not know how to create such a miracle. I don’t even know why that would be the case in the first place.
The condition presented by Contradiction was an increase in life expectancy upon victory. If everything goes back to the way it was, wouldn’t Han Jaejoong end up back in a time-limited state?
Like a mayfly that dies in the near future, shouldn’t we be anxious every day without knowing when we will die?
It may be selfish, but Jo Ayun thought it would be better for him to monopolize everything.
Of course, he is a person who has gone through a lot of hardships.
He is a man who saved the lives of many people, to the extent that he was not satisfied with just living a long life.
He is a person who needs to be rewarded.
But, what you gain by going through all this trouble is that you become terminally ill again? This is unacceptable. It is not in line with humanity. Didn’t the world live in a way where the fittest is the might of the jungle anyway? Isn’t it natural for someone who has worked hard and has that level of ability to get more rewards?
It was a cruel request.
It was no different from asking me to help kill myself.
However, Jo Ayun, who opened her mouth to refuse, was unable to continue speaking.
She also knows the truth.
The world is not governed by the law of the fittest, but by survival of the fittest.
It is not the strong who survive, but the fittest who survive.
This is a world where we survive not because we are strong, but because we adapt.
The more specimens to adapt, the safer conservation of the species becomes possible.
That is why humans have chosen to preserve individuals through mutual agreement, rather than allowing the strong to monopolize everything.
A fence made by agreement. There are strict laws and ethics.
Even if it is formal, the idea of equality exists.
A proper society requires more and more diverse people.
What Han Jae-joong dreams of is a just society.
He is a person who preaches that both heroes and the weak are worth surviving.
Jo Ayun did not know.
That’s why she ultimately maintained her silence. She dared not say that she was going against its will.
Because she swore that she would always remain his ally, because she promised to protect his dreams, because she promised to obey his will.
In the end, after much deliberation, Jo Ayun made a choice.
If you wish, it should come true.
As always, I don’t know how.
But what needs to be done remains the same.
Challenge the impossible.
It was something I had done up to now, so I was used to it.
“It’s no different from what I asked for.”
Jo Ayun was the person furthest away from this scorpion fight.
I was by the person, not by the scorpion. Saving their lives was more important than killing the scorpions.
I saw a person.
I saw people with different dreams.
-‘Please find my mom!’
A child who wanted to be with her family.
-‘Oh, no. I don’t want to die… I don’t want to die…’
A young man who wanted to live.
-‘My house… I can’t do it… I have to pass it on to my baby…’
Even as he was dying, an old man thought first of the legacy he would pass on to his relatives.
-‘Are you okay, Luna?! If you move in such an unwell state…’
-‘Sister, I have lost my divinity. But are you still worried about me? I… Have I become pathetic? ‘He’s no longer a great hero?’
-‘What are you talking about? Of course. Luna is my hero that I will always be proud of. So, don’t call me your sister… Huh? Why, why are you crying…?’
A hero who appears to have it all, but is actually emptier than others.
Many people were lost and longed for its return.
Odette’s role is to connect the wind and people.
From noble mtl dot com
“It’s about connecting hearts.”
Even if I regret this choice later.
“It’s easier than connecting dreams and people.”
I will grant your wish now.
Odette’s belt shone brightly. The belt was originally an auxiliary device to more easily control the power of a magical girl.
Divinity control was one of its functions.
Dishes have already existed for a long time. Just fill in the rest.
In the end, Jo Ayun decided to listen to Han Jaejoong’s request.
It was the moment when divinity was awakened.
At that moment, the butterfly flew beyond space. She goes beyond the limited conditions of space and heads towards the human heart.
“What, what?”
“Pretty butterfly.”
Butterflies flew towards the five people. The moment it touched her, the Watcher turned and looked at Odette. He didn’t say anything, but it was easy to understand what he was saying.
‘Thank you, Ayuna.’
Joa-yoon was moved by butterflies, thinking that she was such an easy woman to fall for those looks in one go.
With Odette’s words, the five spirits became one.
And before we knew it, Odette was at the center of it all.
“Wow, pink is the original color for magical girls…”
“It’s noisy. “Concentrate.”
“Let’s finish it in one moment.”
“Speak of course!”
“This is a real sortie!”
With Odette’s divinity awakening, the power of the Argo became even stronger, and her movements also gained harmony.
Flames were added just as they were wrapped around the lightning, and huge butterflies flew around the Argo. Using that butterfly as a starting point, the Argo moved freely.
The Argo, moving freely in all directions, confused Scorpion’s vision.
Every time the scorpion was shaken, the great sword fiercely cut through the air. The sword, freely playing around the blind spot, sharply cut off the scorpion’s neck.
Countless, beautifully.
The scorpion’s entire body was cut to pieces with a trajectory that seemed to be dancing. The scorpion’s huge body lost its balance. The spear has long since been lost, and his neck is hanging.
“Come on! “Prepare for the final special move!”
With Jason’s signal, the Argo jumped high.
Flying was impossible, but jumping was possible. Even its strength was so great that the heavy body of the Argo rose into the sky as if in flight.
I broke through the clouds.
The clouds that had created darkness receded around the Argo, revealing the blue sky.
Once the shadows cleared, the sky was incredibly beautiful.
Carrying the clear ship behind him, the Argo’s greatsword was mounted on his leg.
As soon as I stretched out my legs, lightning, flames, butterflies, and sword energy enveloped me. Finally, the golden starlight condenses.
The Argo fell powerfully.
“Hell kick!”
“Argo Kick!”
“Wouldn’t a clan kick be good?”
“You bastards will be damned until the end…!”
I tried to unite my heart, but it was not worth it.
With an inconsistent technical name, the leg of the Argo slit the scorpion’s throat.
His head rose in the sky and obscured the sun. A very brief solar eclipse. It was a moment when the world stopped breathing. A moment I longed for. It was a moment when the hearts of those who had watched their fight came together as one.
My head fell off.
A time of cheering began, and a wind of dust blew, signaling the end of the disaster.
The ending, as always, ended with an explosion, and the Argo rose up and threw his great sword into the air.
There was no blood, but the corresponding losses were buried.
Butterflies flew instead of blood drops.
The butterflies flew towards their original owners.
One of the owners was Jason.
“Wow, I didn’t know this would really happen! Everyone worked hard…”
As soon as the butterfly touched him, his breathing stopped. Everyone except Red Vega had that experience.
It is time for lost memories to be revived.
“Hey, if you do that now….”
Jason’s absence of consciousness that connected them together.
The Argo returned to the wreckage, and the five heroes suddenly found themselves in free fall.
Han Jaejoong muttered as he breathed in the refreshing blue sky air.
“There is no quiet day.”
Will it have to be like this until the end?
I smiled helplessly and closed my eyes as I fell.
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