229 – People and Heroes (6)

Blue Sirius saw an interesting sight. It was a very funny sight.

White Davih was sitting on Han Jaejoong’s lap and being groomed.

“It’s fun.”

Blue Sirius approached them, quietly raising the corners of his mouth.

Ttogak. The clear sound of shoes echoed through the alley. Jaejoong Han, who was accustomed to the sound of these shoes, was the first to flinch.

“Is it fun?”

As soon as she turned her head, he was able to make eye contact with her.

“Uh… A little? “It’s nice that it’s furry.”

The lesson I learned while hanging out with Yun Seol-hwa was that in times like these, you have to be more shameless. Jaejoong Han took on the challenge by recalling his memories from when he was dating.

“Jaejoong, I’ve been getting jealous lately.”

“Oh really? “Uh-huh, my friend, get off quickly.”

But that’s a story from when I was in a student relationship. This had the opposite effect on Yun Seol-hwa, who had recently become more possessive and jealous.

‘Are you screwed?’

Han Jae-joong looked at Yoon Seol-hwa’s thoughts.

“I was so worried… What are you doing in a place like this? “I couldn’t do it either!”

‘You’re screwed.’

Blue Sirius looked down at White Davich’s lower body covered by the width of her skirt and burst into anger.

“I didn’t do anything!”

“Huh? That’s not quite right. Lying is bad!”

“You’re really going to get scolded!”

“It’s not me who gets scolded, it’s your brother who gets scolded! “I’m the owner, so why are you confronting me!”

Blue Sirius felt dizzy at White Davih’s next words.

“As far as the master-slave relationship… Oh, that’s not possible, Jaejoong. “I think I’m going crazy.”

“Blue Senpai was already crazy! “What are you saying now?”

You are telling me something new. White Davyh lifted his finger to his mouth and nodded.

It may seem like a lovely gesture to anyone, but it wasn’t in Blue Sirius’s eyes right now.

“Get off, right now.”

“I don’t like it!”

White Davih hugged Han Jaejoong tighter as if he was protesting.

“You can’t fall!”

I don’t know what will happen to Han Jaejoong’s body if he escapes the sphere of influence. It was a defense mechanism based on that mentality.

However, in the eyes of Blue Sirius, who did not know the circumstances, it simply seemed like a deception.

“Uh… You really don’t notice.”

Han Jae-joong laughed as if he was dumbfounded and looked at Yun Seol-hwa’s eyes. The burning eyes, uncharacteristic of an ice wizard, seemed as if they could put White Davih into frozen sleep at any moment.

“But he also has a reason. You can see my reaction now, right? Huh?”

Han Jae-joong, feigning relaxation, looked straight at Yun Seol-hwa. When the burning eyes turned towards him, they instantly became sweet.

‘Obviously, Seolhwa is out of her mind right now.’

Han Jaejoong swallowed nervously. It was clear that his one wrong word would determine the life or death of the child in his arms.

His mind was filled with fear, but his actions were not.

In fact, while he felt fear, he also felt pity. Han Jae-joong developed strong sympathy for Yun Seol-hwa’s twisted mind.

This time too, military superiority did not matter.

He gathered his courage and tried to persuade.

“Well… Seolhwa, let’s talk. “You have your circumstances and I have my circumstances.”

The more I spoke, the faster my head moved.

Then suddenly, Han Jaejoong arrived at one truth.

“…Wait a minute, it’s a snowflake. “Why aren’t you embarrassed when you see me?”

What is known to the outside world is that Han Jae-joong is dead.

However, Yun Seol-hwa was not embarrassed when she saw Han Jae-joong speaking normally. As if they knew he was alive.

“Jaejoong, you… Looked at me and were embarrassed. “Like you didn’t know I was coming.”

Blue Sirius raised the corner of his mouth bitterly. She sat next to Han Jaejoong.

“Hmph, I won’t be fooled! “The evil woman who is trying to separate me and my brother…!”

“Haru, please shut up.”

“I’ll have to wear a muzzle later. No, let’s just fill it up now.”

Blue Sirius waved her finger and ice formed in White Davich’s mouth, preventing her lips from opening.


“Surprisingly, I hate fighting. “Just stop there.”

The time comes often when you have to fight.

“It’s not surprising at all? You are so weak. “He was a kid who couldn’t even see blood.”

“No one says that except you.”

The speculation flowing from Blue Sirius has decreased. The murderous intent that was overflowing floated lightly like a dandelion seed and disappeared beyond the sky.

“Okay then… Jaejoong, shall we talk about what you said?”

Jealousy increased, but there were still feelings that did not change.

I don’t want to be hated.

For that reason alone, Yun Seol-hwa was able to get rid of her jealousy.


“…I see. “Memories.”

After she finished listening to the story, Yun Seol-hwa looked distressed with a serious expression.

“Of course, then it can’t be helped that you didn’t know I would come.”

Han Jaejoong was also distraught in his own way.

‘Please come and protect me…? Why? There is no such thing as a nuisance. ‘What was I thinking?’

This is because, in the past, she asked Yun Seol-hwa to protect her.

Something happened because she prioritized protecting herself.

Yun Seol-hwa became a disqualified hero because she was so crazy about her personal affections that she forgot her duties. In the end, she was cleared of her charges only after Han Jae-joong became a disqualified human being.

Has she forgotten that mistake? It was incomprehensible.

‘Why…? Why on earth…?’

Because of what experience she had and what kind of mental change she had, she forgot her mistake and thoughtlessly asked for her protection.

Han Jaejoong was truly confused right now.

“Yes, that’s right! Seolhwa, how did you find this place…?”


“Don’t lie.”

“It’s the power of love.”

Han Jaejoong felt strong and scrolled through his smartphone screen. He was able to confirm that a location tracking app was installed.

It was the power of scientific love.

“It was agreed upon.”

Han Jaejoong was convinced. In the past, I was caught up in many dangers, so it was worth it for Yoon Seol-hwa to impose this kind of restraint. Before making this choice, she couldn’t even get angry as she imagined the internal conflict Yun Seol-hwa must have had.

Didn’t you say it was agreed upon from the beginning? It was a justifiable arrest.

“…Then, well, there’s nothing we can do.”

In fact, in the past, when Han Jaejoong lost consciousness, he moved his finger to unlock his fingerprint recognition and forcibly installed it, but since he has now been forgiven, it was an agreement anyway.

From the beginning, she had no intention of participating in the operation to arrest White David and Odette.

Because I had an intuition that Han Jaejoong was alive in some form.

If he was alive, it was obvious that the headquarters would try to arrest him again, so they participated in the operation and tried to steal Han Jae-joong by taking advantage of his release and information.

“Anyway, Jaejoong, I’m glad you’re not okay, but we can still talk.”

“Aren’t you disappointed? “You obviously forgot your promise.”

“Ugh, what disappointment? I like you no matter what you look like. It’s good because it’s you. So memories don’t matter.”

“Oh, but memories are important!”

During the story, Haru melted the ice and expressed her opinion. It wasn’t nova, but rather thin ice on purpose, so it could be melted with just a few taps.

“If you remember, you won’t stay still like you are now, and you’ll turn into a monster and come out! After all, it’s best for you to be weak!”

Yun Seolhwa nodded her head.

“Of course, that’s true. “For some reason, you said the right thing, Davich.”

“I always say the right thing!”

“Anyway, Jaejoong, you don’t have to cling to your memories.”

“Isn’t it a bit scary when it comes out in this context?”

“Oh, that’s right! “Please take off the remaining ice for me!”

Han Jaejoong continued speaking, pushing White Davich’s cheek away as he brought his face closer.

“And we must find memories to find clues to solving our current situation. “You can’t keep hanging out with me and him, right?”

“I don’t mind though.”

“Be quiet.”

Yun Seol-hwa touched her chin and nodded her head.

“Of course… That’s true.”


“But I think it will be alright.”

“I believed it!!!”

The day turned red and Han Jae-joong had a disgusted face.

From noble mtl dot com

“At first, I thought White Davih was the devil who took you away from me. An enemy I must defeat to protect you. But when I heard the story, it wasn’t like that. Rather, this kid is closer to her noble counterpart. “It allows you to remain in this world even after death.”

“That’s… Right.”

Like it or not, White David was definitely a noble person to Han Jae-joong (although admittedly, she was a little proud).

It was thanks to her that he was able to remain in this world when he was terminally ill and almost died.

“Besides, if you don’t have Dabih now, you’ll be a corpse, so you’ll have to stick around…”

Even now, her existence is essential to Han Jaejoong’s survival.

“Oh yes! “I’m adopting White Davih!”

Yun Seol-hwa came to a conclusion.


“We want to adopt him as our pet.”


As expected, Seolhwa is not in her right mind right now. Han Jaejoong came to a serious conclusion.

“It’s… A folktale.”

“What do you think? Are you fine?!”

“Did you turn? Oh, no, let’s go to the hospital first. “I have to go to the hospital and get therapy…”

“No, Jaejoong, I’m serious.”

“Because you seriously say things like that, it means it’s not normal!”

Haru tilted her head.

“Isn’t that strange? Normally, my older brother would say, ‘That’s crazy. “Let’s do it right away.” He must have liked it…?

“As expected, you understand my feelings!”

“It’s been a few years since we teamed up.”


Han Jaejoong became even more confused about his past self.

“That’s right, Jaejoong, we made plans to get married, right? One of my plans at the time was to adopt a pet. “It’s not that different.”

“Oh, and I promised my brother that I would be a little girl for the rest of my life! “It’s nothing special!”


Yun Seol-hwa calmly confessed her lies one day with a little hint of shame. It was even worse because it was a lie mixed with a bit of truth.

Although we promised the future, we did not get married, and although we formed a relationship as sworn brothers, we were not that blind.

“Well, according to the contract, I am the owner! If my brother says I must be his pet, I can’t help it! “I’ll move on!”

“I, I have never done that….”

“You did it before you lost your memory!”


Han Jaejoong was in confusion.

The two women kissed in an instant. While he was confused, Yun Seol-hwa and Haru made a quick adoption plan.

“On paper, if you two get married, you can be adopted and become a child! “I’m an orphan, so there’s no problem with that!”

“I see. Then, on paper, the child will be considered adopted and legal problems will be eliminated…”

“Oh, that’s right. “Right now, my brother is a corpse, so if you enjoy your married life wrong, you’ll get into trouble right away!”

“Hmm… If I use something like a condom….”


I was dizzy.


Just as Orange Altair actually acted to keep the magical girl from pursuing her, Helios did the same.

“It’s dangerous!”

It was to tie these divine magical girls here. She was adept at delicately manipulating magic, and was also adept at interfering with others’ use of magic.

Of course, it is important to interfere at a level that will not be detected.

Poof! As she unfolded the barrier of flame, Silver Luna and Red Vega’s vision was subtly obscured. The embers slightly obscured my eyes.

In a place where delicate technology was being exchanged, just that level of disruption was fatal.

Odette’s butterfly and Amundsen’s slash penetrated their blind spots.


“I won’t get hit!”

Using the overwhelming output of the divinity, the body was forced to rotate, or the attack was repelled based on the magic power used in that rotation.

Like that, they wasted their stamina.

The body and mind are deeply related. As your stamina disappears and your body becomes overheated, your anger will cool down.

Anger is a short-lived emotion rather than a strong one.

“Odette! “Why are you helping White when you had such a close relationship with the Watcher?!”

“Of course, because it’s the right thing to do!”

And she actively tried to have a conversation. She didn’t forget to shout loudly so that everyone could hear. Conversation that can be heard even amidst the roar of battle.

“Why do you hate that idiot so much? “You’re a colleague!”

“Colleague? A psychopath like that is not a colleague!”

It is human nature to want to interfere as the conversation continues. Especially if there are sentences you want to edit.

“She is the one who killed my friend… Gray! How can you think of me as a colleague?! Moreover, that shameless appearance without even a trace of reflection… My teeth are shaking! “You don’t know her instincts yet!”

“It’s too much.”

“Take your hands off me right now! Since you are a colleague of your benefactor, I can let you go! But if you go any further than that….”

In a flash, excitement enveloped Silver Luna’s entire body. Bang! Just by lightly stretching out her fist, the ground was dug up as if an excavator had passed through it, and even the clouds in the sky were split.

This overwhelming power. This is what placed her at the top of her powers.

“Just like last time, you will have to be treated badly.”

In the past, it was the cause of Odette’s defeat.

Helios glanced sideways and ran towards the opponent in front of her.

“Botis…What happened to Green Arctrus?”


Odette’s true intentions were not the only thing to be discovered through this battle. It was also Amundsen’s past.

Reduces conflicts among magical girls. Aside from that, she had her own personal curiosity.

It was volunteer work mixed with a bit of calculation.

“Then what were you of her?”


“Who are you now?”

“What are you asking!”

Amundsen proudly introduced himself.

“I am Amundsen! “I am Amundsen, the star adventurer!”

Helios chuckled as he heard the introduction.

“I have a lot to talk about.”

“Me too!”

They projected their past onto each other. The only remaining string of the past in this world. Evidence of memories.

“It used to be the baby of babies, but now it looks like it’s grown a bit!”

“Shut up!!!!”

Among them, there were shameful memories that I wanted to erase.

The battle continued.

The conversation also continued.

“I don’t know the circumstances of you Japanese magical girls! But we have our own circumstances!”

Odette’s words felt like they were directed at Red Vega, not at Silver Luna, who was confronting her more deeply.

“Red Vega! You stupid bastard! It’s all a misunderstanding! “A sidekick is just like you!”

“It’s the same…What is it?”

“I made the same promise as you! If the promise was to kill your brother after he became a monster, you were asked to stop him right before he became a monster! Why do you think it was the sidekick and not you?”

Red Vega felt like her heart was dropping when she heard those words.

“Because I’m not good enough?”

“You idiot! That’s because their abilities are different! But you are strong! You only burn something, you can’t recreate it! But that b*tch is different!”

Odette shouted as if trying to persuade her.

“My brother entrusted his death to that b*tch! So that it can be recycled even after death! May you continue to remain in this world and be with us!”

The conversation continued.

“And the plan worked! Surely my brother died once, and now he is a corpse! But the soul still remains!!”

Silver Luna and Red Vega, who were preparing to attack, stopped moving.

Even Helios couldn’t imagine that something like that could happen, so he had no choice but to stop.

“hahahaha found a gap!!”

“You’re really still a kid!”

Helios sighed deeply as he watched Amundsen attack without taking advantage of the opportunity.

“What is that….”

“Sister Deneb!”

Unlike Silver Luna, who had not fully grasped the situation yet, Red Vega’s eyes sparkled. She knew right away what Odette was talking about.

“If you don’t mind, can you send me to Jaejoong’s side right now?”

“I’m so rude, but I allow it, you bastard!”

Odette gave her butterflies.

“Don’t fight, let’s talk! Please!”

Unlike before, he felt comfortable as if he was embracing her.

“Come back and hit me in the head!”



In addition to a smartphone with a location tracking app, there was one more item in Han Jaejoong’s pocket. It’s none other than a butterfly. It was her weapon that Jo Ayun asked her to always carry with her.

That butterfly was connected to another butterfly.

Through the dimensional gap, Baek A-hee was led to him.

The road continued.

“W-this place….”

When she came to her senses, she was on Han Jae-joong’s lap.

“…Is it heaven?”

“Who are you?”

Han Jaejoong was taken aback by the sudden appearance of a person.

“I told you so! “She is my Jiknyeo!”

Haru kindly gave me the answer. She was still sitting on Han Jaejoong’s lap and hugging him.

“Hello, Jiknyeo! “Are you here to arrest me?”

“Why is it so bright?”

“She doesn’t really need to be gloomy, does she?”

Baek Ah-hee slowly took a breath as she looked at her like that. Jaejoong Han and Haru had a lovely conversation. Haru pressed her body against him even more. The fleshy flesh of the voluptuous body changed its shape according to its actions.

‘As expected…’

It wasn’t a mistake.

‘It was stolen as expected…!’

Immoral and subtle contact. The person making contact has a calm face, as if there is no s*xual connotation whatsoever. On the contrary, Han Jae-joong’s expression becomes perplexed.

Baek Ah-hee fell into anger again.

That kind of gesture, that kind of expression on his face,

‘That seat is mine…!’

Baek Ahee, because she should have been his.

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