Transformed into a comic book artist

Chapter 31 Chinese Comics Newcomer Competition

Zhao Jing thought Su Xian'er was curious about his royalties, so he told her.

This is not a secret. Once the royalties are paid next month, she will know how much money she has earned.

However, he also knew that the reason why there are so many and it crushes "The Saint" is mostly due to the rewards from the reader group and the special nature of the inner area.

In fact, the number of readers who read the book is impossible to exceed that of the orthodox comics.

Because the orthodox comics do not have high requirements for the style of painting, even if it is all muscle style, so what? As long as the world view, plot, and setting are properly controlled, the muscle style of painting can be tolerated. Besides, it has been so many years, and everyone is used to it.

But there is a phenomenon in the circle of orthodox comics readers, that is, one account for multiple uses!

This is actually not a secret. Other anime and even video websites are also the same. After all, students read more comics, and students themselves do not have much money. They have to spend money on daily expenses and playing games, so this phenomenon occurs.

But the accounts in the inner area are surprisingly basically all one person, and after investigation, it was found that this is the so-called shame.

This has led to the subscription of "Su Xian Series" almost catching up with "Saint".

But the other party's manuscript fee crushed "Saint" and was basically all the credit of the reward, which surprised Zhao Jing. After all, this shows that Su Xian'er's readers and fans are very cohesive and extremely fond of the book "Su Xian Series".

As a result, Su Xian'er can't wait and ask him for manuscript fees? It seems that she is indeed young and ignorant, but this also proves that the other party is very malleable.

Zhao Jing laughed dumbly and replied, "Miao Bi, although I am the editor-in-chief, it is the Finance Department that controls your manuscript fees. I am not responsible for the manuscript fees of you cartoonists."

"You are so cheap."

Seeing these four words, Zhao Jing said with a smile, "Miao Bi, do you have an urgent matter, or are you short of money recently? I can lend you some privately."

A 17-year-old girl should not be short of money if she is short of money.

Zhao Jing felt that if he lent money to Su Xian'er, the relationship between the two could be more harmonious, which would be beneficial to their future relationship.

"Really? I need 200,000."


Luckily Zhao Jing didn't drink water, or he would have burst out laughing.

"I can't afford 200,000." Just when Zhao Jing was about to type this sentence, he suddenly thought of something and paused, then deleted the sentence and said again, "Mr. Miaobi, 200,000 is not impossible to solve, but I have a condition."

"Unspoken rule?"

"No!!" Are all the people who draw books so dirty? Zhao Jing typed speechlessly, "It's a newcomer competition in the comics circle. I wonder if Mr. Miaobi knows about it?"

Su Xian'er said she didn't know.

Seeing this, Zhao Jing explained directly.

The Huaxia Comics Newcomer Competition is a large-scale comics competition jointly funded by Tencent Comics, You Yaoqi and Comics Home Forum.

The significance of this competition is to expand the readers of the comics circle, discover newcomers and innovative comics.

Every industry needs newcomers and fresh blood. Otherwise, if an industry is full of old people, then the industry is not far from death.

The Chinese Comics Newcomer Competition has been held for six years, and this year is the seventh year.

Every year, newcomers stand out from the newcomer competition and become famous. Many well-known cartoonists have participated in the newcomer competition. After a few years, some have risen and some have fallen.

However, this situation did not make Zhao Jing and others happy, because their fundamental purpose is to expand the readers of the comics circle.

Although discovering newcomers is the main thing, they want to attract new readers with the works of excellent newcomers, rather than the comics being praised by old readers, and then no new readers read comics.

This phenomenon of putting the cart before the horse has always been a problem that these senior executives are at a loss for.

This issue has actually been discussed many times, and the final conclusion is the problem of painting style.

It is very abnormal for a large industry to have only one painting style.

But old readers are used to it, and well-known cartoonists don’t want to change, while newcomers want to innovate, but there is no place to learn, and the muscle style is deeply rooted in people’s hearts, which leads to the current comics The style of painting is becoming more and more distorted.

Until Su Xianer’s "Su Xian Series" appeared!

Yes, Zhao Jing had never thought that there are actually different styles of painting in this world, and they are so simple, pure and fresh.

Now the results of the "Su Xian Series" and the increasing number of readers who claim that they do not read comics but are attracted by Su Xian'er's Weibo comments have given Zhao Jing hope.

The Huaxia Comic Newcomer Competition is a national competition, which means that the competition will receive a lot of attention. In addition, Tencent Comics is one of the organizers, so the publicity will not be bad. You must know that the ACG industry is strongly promoted by the country, and Tencent will not make mistakes in publicity.

Compared with this kind of publicity, Su Xian'er's battle on Weibo can only be regarded as a small fight, or even not a small fight.

However, it is this kind of small fight that has made Su Xian'er reach 5 million followers now, which makes Zhao Jing unbelievable and even more delighted.

This means that his idea is correct. The emergence of different styles of painting can definitely attract new readers.

There are few readers in the inner area. If Su Xian'er draws orthodox comics, wouldn't it be more attractive to new readers?

"You want me to participate in this newcomer competition?" Su Xian'er said with little interest, "It seems that the review editor also invited me last time, but I'm too lazy to go."

Su Xian'er really has no interest. If she hadn't found Zhao Jing because she was short of money today, she would have ignored the editor for several days. She came to spread the culture of comic books, so she hoped that other comic book cartoonists could imitate her style of painting, create different comic book plots, and then let her read them.

After all, she prefers to stay at home and do whatever she wants. When she is in the mood, she sings for Lin Jingshu to listen to, and when she is tired, she sleeps, so she has no interest in this messy competition.

Decadence is the truth, and laziness is justice!

"The first prize of the newcomer competition is one million. Teacher Miaobi, don't you consider it?"

Huh! Su Xian'er's eyes suddenly lit up when she saw this sentence, "Really?"

Seeing this, Zhao Jing smiled in his heart. The previous conversation made him know that Su Xian'er is short of money now.

Although he didn't know the reason, since he was short of so much, it must be urgent, so he thought of this way to seduce the other party to participate in the newcomer competition.

"Of course, this is the annual rookie competition after all, and we won't be stingy with the prize money."

Su Xian'er thought about it. Her aunt owed more than 2.5 million yuan, and if she could get the first place, it would be 1 million yuan. With 1 million yuan plus her royalties, she could pay off the bank's debt in a few months, and she didn't need to use her house to take out a loan.

"Okay... you convinced me, so when the rookie competition starts, please notify me."

"No problem."

"What about the 200,000 yuan?"

Seeing this, Zhao Jing typed, "Wait a minute, I'll make a call."

While Zhao Jing was calling, Su Xian'er was looking at the first episode of "Su Xian Series" on the computer, and felt that it was necessary to rush out the second episode. After all, if she didn't draw it, she couldn't continue to make money.

It was not on the agenda before, and I didn't know how to dig a pit at the end after the plot of the second episode was drawn, that is, to be as imaginative as the girl next door in the first episode.

Now, Su Xianer showed a wicked smile, "I'm sorry, auntie, who made you bankrupt!"


Lin Jingshu: Please... please... please vote for recommendation (/ω\)

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