Transformed into a comic book artist

Chapter 338 A different Su Xianer!

The next morning, six o'clock in the morning.

Lin Jingshu had just opened her eyes in a daze, and after her eyes were clear, she heard the alarm clock on the bedside table ringing. Obviously, her biological clock was more punctual than the alarm clock.

As the most normal girl in the dormitory, Lin Jingshu was undoubtedly the recognized big sister in the dormitory. Of course, in her eyes, she was just a nanny.

Su Xianer skipped classes all day and was addicted to the Internet. The school principal, dean and teachers could not do anything about Su Xianer.

Wang Zimeng went to class when she wanted to, and did not go to class when she did not want to. She was addicted to games and chatting on the phone with the boyfriend in the other party's mouth. However, due to the identity of her father Wang Zhongxian, the school could not do anything about Wang Zimeng's truancy.

As for Shiina Yui Sakura's fear of men, the school is still discussing how to teach Shiina Yui Sakura. It is impossible to expel her because of her psychological reasons. If so, social opinion may drown them.

So in the whole dormitory, in Lin Jingshu's view, she is the only normal person, and it is not easy to take care of these three guys.

As Lin Jingshu got up, she was thinking about how many blades she would receive today.

When Su Xianer exposed the school, although people outside the school could not enter, there was a large group of students and even teachers in the school who were fans of Su Xianer. However, because Su Xianer was a lazy person and never left the house, Lin Jingshu would receive loving gifts from Su Xianer's fans every morning when she ran.

A small blade...

The first time she received this gift, it was given by a senior sister. At the time, Lin Jingshu was shocked and thought she had met a murderer.

Unexpectedly, the senior sister asked her to hand over the blade to Su Xianer and explain the reason, which made Lin Jingshu laugh and cry. The most important thing was not only that, they also received a lot of express delivery mailed to Su Xianer.

Of course, in addition to the largest number of blades, there were also many fan letters and snacks... So they didn't need to buy snacks, and they couldn't finish the ones given by fans.

This made Wang Zimeng envious, saying that she also wanted to become famous and receive things from fans. That feeling must be very different.

Of course, the other three didn't take it to heart. After all, Wang Zimeng was always on a whim and couldn't stick to one thing for more than an hour or two.

Lin Jingshu put on her sportswear and prepared to go for a morning run.

However, when she went downstairs, she glanced and was stunned...

What she saw was a girl sitting on the sofa. The girl was wearing a flawless white dress, clean and tidy, with long black hair casually scattered, shining golden light in the sun, and a light red glasses hanging on her small but straight nose. At this time, the girl was holding a book and reading it seriously.

The focused look made Lin Jingshu a little dazed.

Meow meow meow! ?

Before she could speak, the girl seemed to hear the movement, looked up, her eyes slightly curved, and said softly, "Jingshu, you're awake. I made breakfast, do you want to try it?"

The voice was pleasant and gentle, like the cry of an oriole. Lin Jingshu swore that she had never heard Su Xianer speak in such a tone and manner. For some reason, although this scene was beautiful and holy, it gave Lin Jingshu goose bumps.

She turned her head stiffly, and sure enough, there was hot porridge and rice on the table. Even the bowls and chopsticks were laid out...

"Su... Su classmate? How did you become like this?" Lin Jingshu stuttered, with a tone of deep confusion and strangeness. What the hell? Why did Su Xianer become like this?

Not only did she get up early, but she also made breakfast! She even wore a dress... This is a dress! Su Xianer hates wearing a dress the most.

And she also wears glasses...

What the hell is going on? Lin Jingshu felt that her mind was confused and her whole body was stiff.

"What's wrong?" Su Xianer smiled slightly, propped up her glasses, her face was holy, and she was bathed in holy light, "I have always been like this."

Bullshit! Lin Jingshu was a little crazy, obviously she didn't know what was going on. Su Xian'er got up early in the morning and her temperament changed drastically, making Lin Jingshu wonder if she had traveled through time or had split personality.

However, Lin Jingshu thought about it for a while and suddenly realized, "Are you collecting materials?"

According to Lin Jingshu's idea, Su Xian'er became like this, probably to collect materials for her comics and prepare for the comics... Although it was a picture book, Lin Jingshu knew that in the game of Azur Lane, there seemed to be a Jiuge destroyer, which was made based on Su Xian'er as a sample...

Maybe Su Xian'er was imitating the character of the Jiuge destroyer? In order to put herself into this ship girl, it would be easy to draw like this?

Lin Jingshu, who figured it out, thought it should be like this, otherwise how could the decadent Su Xian'er become like this.

Of course, even so, Lin Jingshu still felt weird. She didn't even go for a morning run, and went directly to the dining table to prepare for breakfast.

But her eyes looked at Su Xian'er from time to time, and found that she was holding a book "Music Under Your Fingertips".

Lin Jingshu knew this book, the author is Ruth Slanqianska! This book is suitable for piano students above the intermediate level, and mainly teaches students how to practice piano effectively.

Lin Jingshu glanced at Su Xianer strangely and found that she seemed to be immersed in it.

However... she was careful and found that Su Xianer's eyes were very distracted. Although she seemed to be focused, she was dull when she looked closely. Obviously, her mind was not here.

Lin Jingshu wanted to ask, but she held back.

Although she didn't know what Su Xian'er was going to do, in Lin Jingshu's opinion, the change of Su Xian'er was a good thing for her. Even if she knew that Su Xian'er was pretending, she hoped that Su Xian'er could pretend for a while.

She just didn't know who this scene was for.

Ding Dong——

A crisp doorbell rang, and Lin Jingshu subconsciously looked towards Su Xian'er and found that her body was stiff. This made Lin Jingshu understand that Su Xian'er's appearance might be related to the person who rang the doorbell.

Thinking of this, Lin Jingshu's gossiping psychology as a little girl ignited a raging fire...

Lin Jingshu was too curious! Who had such a great power to make Su Xian'er become like this?

When Lin Jingshu opened the door, she saw three queens.

One of them Lin Jingshu knew was Chen Xue.

Next to Chen Xue was a tall girl with charming eyes, looking at her curiously.

However, Lin Jingshu's eyes were on the leader, a capable lady in casual clothes and sneakers.

"You are Jingshu, right?" Ye Yuqing's eyes lit up, and before Lin Jingshu could speak, she handed the fruit in her hand to the other party, and then walked in without any courtesy.

"Jingshu, we are here to visit." Chen Xue winked...

"Little fairy!!"

Just as Lin Jingshu was about to speak, Ye Yuqing's shouting came from behind.

Lin Jingshu greeted the two and led them into the house. As soon as she came to the living room, she saw Ye Yuqing hugging Su Xian'er tightly and rubbing against her. The happy look on her face made Su Xian'er's mouth twitch. The look of being angry but not saying anything made people laugh.

And Lin Jingshu looked at Ye Yuqing and Su Xian'er's slightly similar appearance, and she suddenly realized.


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