Transformed into a comic book artist

Chapter 385 Officially launched!

On the third day, Station P officially opened at 2pm.

Fans have been looking forward to this for a long time. You have to know that this is the website that Miaobi teacher has spent three days to promote on a large scale. Just for this, we have to give Miaobi teacher face.

And as long as you register as a member on Station P, you can get the benefits of Station B and Tencent Comics, isn’t it wonderful.

Of course, Liu Ruyan mentioned to Su Xianer before that P Station has fewer profit points. Like the comic contest that Su Xianer thought of before, this can be done, but Liu Ruyan hopes that P Station has a stable and long-term profit method .

And what is the most stable profit method? Of course, it is the membership method. So Su Xianer directly posted a post on Weibo.

"P-station is a website I envisioned, a website for painters all over the world. But every website needs to make a profit in order to grow. One of the best ways for P-station to make a profit is to put GG in the future , but GG is a boring thing. So tomorrow after registering as a member of P Station, the VIP mode will be directly opened. The VIP membership is 8 yuan/month. Here I promise that P Station will never put GG and the VIP membership will never increase the price."

As soon as this Weibo appeared, it caused a lot of discussion.

Su Xianer was quite nervous when she posted this Weibo. After all, it was her first website, and she was blatantly encouraging everyone to become a VIP member. She should be scolded, right?

As a result, ten minutes after posting the Weibo, I saw that someone really scolded her.

"The angry grass and wonderful pen came out of Jiuge!"

This was the one with the most likes, which made Su Xianer's face twitch and secretly cursed it as poisonous.

However, except for this one, the others expressed understanding, and some people even found it incredible.

"Fuck? Eight yuan a month? Not even two digits! I've already prepared a membership of thirty yuan. Look at Bilibili, twenty-five yuan a month. Look at Tieba, thirty yuan a month. Basically, it's twenty or thirty yuan. It's so easy to cheat the money of otakus! Teacher Miaobi can add a 2 after the number 8."

"Eight... eight yuan... my meal costs fifty or sixty yuan."

"Emmmmmm... I just grabbed eight yuan in the group today, just enough to open a one-month membership of P Station, so happy."

"Eight yuan is also money?"

"Teacher Miaobi, please increase the money! I'm afraid P Station will go bankrupt."

Su Xian'er read a lot of comments, all saying that eight yuan is too cheap. Is P Station sure it won't go bankrupt? These made her speechless. Why do people still like to give money now?

The reason why it's eight yuan is that Su Xian'er has considered it for a long time. Small profits but quick turnover is a very clear direction. Eight yuan is just stuck below the two digits, below nine yuan. People will sigh at a glance, it's really cheap.

It is indeed cheap, but Su Xianer knows that many of her fans are junior high school and high school students. Most of these two groups do not have much money. Apart from the food expenses, there is not much money left in a month.

If it is only 20 or 30 yuan a month, how can these people get money out of their hands?

Of course, the most important thing is that Su Xianer herself did not intend to make money from P station. She just wanted to have such a platform for a large number of painters to stand out. The money she made before was enough for her to spend several lifetimes...

And the VIP membership is to maintain the operation of P station and avoid losses.

It can be said that yesterday's Weibo made everyone very fond of P station. After all, it is now the copyright era. Almost every website has its own membership. The prices are different, but mostly the same.

If it was in the 2000s, the membership of eight or nine yuan a month was really too black.

But now it is almost 2019, and the membership of eight yuan a month is not only not expensive, but even too cheap.

So when P station opened today, countless users flocked to P station. Among these countless people, there are also a large number of middle-aged and elderly people who did not go online much before. Because of the China Art Association, newspapers have been promoting this matter a lot in the past two days, so that many middle-aged and elderly people who are not used to it but like to look at paintings have finally started to learn to surf the Internet by themselves.

Of course, in addition to this, the moment Su Xianer's fans entered the website, they began to search for "How to Cultivate a Passerby Girlfriend".

You know, they have been looking forward to the licking Qiu Shiyu! The black silk is simply irresistible and makes people think about it day and night. I thought that Miaobi teacher would probably postpone it for a long time, but I didn't expect it to be released directly.

When the search came out, many people looked at the title and cover of "Passerby Girlfriend" in disbelief! And there are actually ten episodes presented below!

"Fuck, Miaobi teacher is crazy... No, Miaobi Studio is awesome, awesome!"

"I rely on Miaobi Studio in this life."

"Crappy Miaobi, the best thing you did was to set up Miaobi Studio."

Now most people know that Miaobi teacher usually only wants to think about the story plot, and then determine the style of painting. As for painting? Of course, it is left to Miaobi Studio to paint.

Before, someone criticized Su Xianer and openly looked for someone to do it for him. But since no one paid attention to him, he left the stage awkwardly.

For fans, as long as the story was thought up by Su Xianer, the style was set by Su Xianer, and the plot was considered by Su Xianer, they would definitely watch it.

Even now, if someone wants Su Xianer to draw it herself, fans will get angry with the other party. Damn, at that speed... Don't you think it's one chapter a year? That's really an annual update.

And this is not a novel. Everyone has their own writing habits. A plot is different in different hands because the writing methods are different. But in comics, it is necessary to set up a studio, otherwise it would be exhausting to draw alone. So many people agree with Miaobi Studio.

As a result, when everyone couldn't wait to open the book to read "The Passerby Heroine", they found that they had to register as a member to read it. They were upset! Then they honestly registered as a member.

At this time, Su Xian'er was on the phone and asked Liu Ruyan, "How many people have registered as members now?"

"Not many, just 20,000." Liu Ruyan said, and smiled, "Don't worry, little boss. I observed from the background that most people who enter the website are basically searching for your comics. After all, many people come here for "The Passerby Girl". Some people search for the names of masters from the Art Association... Others are observing the website to see what functions it has. The rest of the people are starting to register as painters on P Station."

After speaking, Liu Ruyan continued, "The number of registered members now has reached 80,000."

Su Xian'er blinked, "So many? What about the VIP members?"

"A few thousand." Liu Ruyan was not in a hurry. After all, everyone was curious. Who would go to a new website to recharge money at the first time? How could they spend money if they didn't understand the functions of the website?

"Why so few." Su Xian'er said disappointedly.

Liu Ruyan rolled her eyes and said, "Miaobi, don't be impatient. It's only been five minutes since the website was launched. Although there are not many registered members and krypton gold members, in just five minutes, according to the backend calculation, our website traffic has reached one million, and this number is still rising wildly!"

Su Xian'er scratched her head, "Oh..." Because she didn't know the website, she didn't understand the meaning of these data.


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