Transformed Marvel Genius

Chapter 122: Pep teaches you PS

At the Bern Hospital, Happy, Pep and Colonel Roddy reached a consensus and kept Stark a secret for the time being.

With the help of the doctor, Stark climbed on the treadmill and walked slowly.

"Because he has been in a coma for too long, Mr. Stark still needs a period of rehabilitation training. During this time, he should not be emotional and maintain a stable state of mind."

The doctor told Pep and others.

Pep nodded.

Colonel Roddy pulled Pep past Stark: "The search and rescue team found a black box in Atlantic Beach, Long Island, with good records."

"Give me a copy and I'll send it to Xavier Castle."

That is to leave a thought for Maya, after all, it is her daughter's last voice.

Colonel Roddy took his leave.

Happy came up, looked at Colonel Roddy's back from the corner and said, "Pep..."

Happy's voice was too low for Pep to hear.

Helpless, Happy rubbed his hands and put it on Pep's ear.

"What, you took all those photos?!" Pep almost cried out, no wonder there are so many photos in Stark's safe, all of them are Anna's private photos: "Don't you two know the right to privacy? "

Happy was embarrassed: "I didn't take the photos, I just hired a private detective, and all the private detective's photos passed through me."

"Mr. Stark asked me for a photo just now, what should I do?"

Pep looked back at Stark, Stark and Pep looked at each other, and they both waved and smiled.

This guy, don't you have the concept of human rights and privacy laws? A voyeur, it's a good thing Maya didn't find out, and there was no accident.

Then he turned his head and told Happy, "So, Stark's memory still stays in Building B of Beacon Hill Manor,"

Pep's explanation to Happy Barbara was mainly to explain that Xavier Castle was too troublesome. If one day, Stark became interested, went to Xavier Castle to visit and found that his daughter was gone, and he was still killed by a missile he built. of.

Pep thinks it's better to make up a white lie.

"Happy, you make a few photos and ask Garcia for the source of the photos. There are so many Xavier Castles."

After Anna disappeared, Pep went to Xavier Castle, only to discover that Xavier Castle was full of surveillance cameras, which contained various photos of Anna walking, as well as three-dimensional projections.

The kid recorded every move at Xavier Castle.

Just as a material.

"You know Photoshop, it's just cutout, crop, layer, paste."

"When you cut out, look for a monotonous background. When you cut out, you have feathered it and pulled it out."

"When pasting, choose a complex background, the more complex the better, such as gardens, lawns, bushes... This way the feathering effect cannot be seen."


"Happy, do you understand?"

Pep asked, Happy nodded, Pep was worried and asked Happy to repeat it.

Happy: Photo or something, I don't know anyone with that name.

Pep sighed, she felt the helplessness of the management, and it was not easy to take teammates with them.

Finally, he pushed Happy and said, "Go to Mr. Stark's side. He called you, and you can handle it as you like. You just need to take the photo, and I'll find Coulson to solve it."

Happy walked to the treadmill, Stark stretched his head and winked: "Happy, give me a photo of the long legs as soon as possible. You see, I haven't seen this little kid for 254 days. Get it sorted as soon as possible."

Happy nodded, like a chicken pecking at rice.

Here, Pep pressed the graphene crystal communication and called Coulson.

Coulson was very forthright and asked Pep to provide materials, and he drove out overnight.

Pep has posted photos in the past, tens of thousands of photos, especially the MIT graduation ceremony.

Maya was insane and took 1314 pictures. It is said that the memory directly exploded.

Coulson doesn't care. He has a lot of connections. He feels that in SHIELD, some newcomers will be very willing to help, such as Fitz, such as Simmons, isn't it just a picture.

During the transmission, Coulson remembered something and called Pep: "I have a photo here, Anna Hansen's, which is quite special."

Pep clicked to receive. After receiving it, the photo popped up. Anna's photo was a satellite photo.

The accuracy of satellite photos is not high, except for a few extremely special military satellites.

And this one is clearly the highest-precision satellite shot that S.H.I.E.L.D. can control.

After image processing, the definition is so high that you can even see the fluff on Anna's small round face.

The photo is zoomed in, and you can still see the sharply narrowed pupils of the short legs. Anna is afraid, in front of the Jericho missile.

Zooming out, zooming in, zooming in, zooming out, Pep watched it several times, and he was not happy.

On the Jericho missile, there is still Stark's lettering, which is evil - God is with you.

Sliding his finger to the corner, Pep was silent for a long time, but did not delete it in the end.


On the island, Anna stroked her hair to the left with her right hand, and her hair dripped wetly. The hair was so luxuriant that it weighed as much water as lead.

After landing, Anna held her hair in two fat hands and wringed it dry.

Then he took off his battle clothes and spread on the beach.

The outermost layer of the battle suit has a layer of conductive film resistance, vacuum manufacturing, and alloy evaporation. It was originally used for ironing, but it turned out to be no use for the ancestors of ironing, Killian and others.

Code the battle suit and adjust it to exothermic mode, that is, according to Q=Q=IR2, increase the surface resistance, which can be used as a simple induction cooker.

Drag the swordfish and put it on the battle suit.

In the sea, Anna pulled out two metal wires in her left and right hands, the anode in her left hand and the cathode in her right hand, and put it on the way the swordfish rushed, the cathode and anode released a voltage of 2,500 volts.

The swordfish was knocked down instantly, which affected the pond fish, and many sea fish turned their stomachs.

Anna's pair of chubby hands couldn't catch everything, so she could only drag the biggest and fattest ashore.

Originally, Anna was going to use a utility knife to repair it, but the metal spider volunteered, and instantly cut out the heart and lungs of the more than two-meter-long swordfish, and cut open the liver and gallbladder.

That's quick, Anna is rarely convincing.

The first server is Nick Fury's lion's boldness, and the military can offer 500 million dollars for 100 million dollars, and 500 million can be opened to one billion. Anna feels embarrassed standing on the side.

The second suit was the ability of the metal spider to dig out the heart and the lungs. Before the words were spoken, the swordfish cut off the scales, pulled out the heart, liver, spleen and lungs, and tore off the inner membrane and visceral layer.

Incidentally, the swordfish was cut into two hundred pieces.

Then he climbed up the coconut tree, cut off three coconut palms, and drilled a hole.

The two little hands held the coconut fruit and drank the coconut milk while eating the swordfish.

The regeneration of the super desperate factor requires energy consumption. The more regeneration times, the more energy is consumed.

So Anna became a foodie. Because of the memory-inducing factor, if she didn't eat back to her original size, she would feel hungry.

So Anna settled for the food first.

This is also something that can't be done. Whoever builds the perpetual motion machine will be suppressed by Thomas Young.

p.s. Ask for recommendation and collection

Thank you 3 fans for the reward

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