Transformed Marvel Genius

Chapter 172: cosmic cube

The United States has been searching for Captain America's wrecked spaceship.

Of course, the United States is not interested in the bones of the ship, but the ultimate weapon of Nazism - the hypercube.

"I think it's the hypercube that's doing it!"

The director of Braised Egg was taken aback: "You know about the hypercube?!"

Braised eggs have to be shocked. If you say Captain America's shield, now every child has one.

But the super cube, in this world, apart from the remnants of Nayen, the rest of the world knows not much, even the director of the braised egg knows it in the ninth-level data.

Everyone doesn't know that hypercubes can travel through the world, and naturally they don't know that hypercubes are cosmic cubes.

Unlike the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Howard didn't pick up the Hypercube.

Now the mainstream view of S.H.I.E.L.D. is to suspect that the Hypercube was on the plane that crashed Captain America.

Anna nodded, and the little chubby hand snapped up the hypercube data, which was the ninth-level data of Director Braised Egg.

"In the Middle Ages, the crusaders seized the hypercube and hid it in the church. In 1942, the German scientist Johann Schmidt discovered the hypercube by studying European mythology books."

"In March of the same year, Schmidt led Hydra to win the Hypercube from the city of Tonsberg, Norway."

"Subsequently, Schmidt used the hypercube to develop many super weapons to provide strong support for the German Nazis."

"In 1944, on the eve of the victory of World War II, in order to prevent Schmidt from blowing up New York, Captain America and Schmidt perished together, and the hypercube was also lost."

Record so far.

Anna clicked the mouse, and Dr. Zola appeared on the computer screen. The doctor sat in the prison and narrated the research on the hypercube.

The study found that the hypercube emits gamma rays, and the hypercube that Schmidt just got is hidden in a lead box.

Then there is the weapon made from the hypercube, which is actually a gamma ray gun.

It's just that the design principle is different from that of "Anna II".

Dr. Zola's version uses the Hypercube to release energy.

What "Anna II" takes is the reaction of ultra-short laser pulses and ionized gas, that is to say, the gamma ray gun for concrete pouring is an upgraded version of the laser.

And the last bomb Schmidt used to blow up the world was the gamma ray bomb.

A gamma ray bomb is equivalent to 1 million tons of TNT.

Not much, just 50 "little boys", one can fry 50 Hiroshima and 60 New York.

And there are dozens of them hidden on Schmidt's plane.

So both the military and S.H.I.E.L.D. are interested in Captain America's crashed plane.

Nick Fury pondered for a while, thinking of what Anna said about gamma rays: "So you think the Arctic melting event is the ghost of the hypercube?!"

Anna nodded.

"If your guess is correct, the U.S. government will do whatever it takes to search every inch of the Arctic."

Think, dozens of nuclear warheads, and a nuclear warhead manufacturing machine, the US government can go crazy.

Anna's eyes lit up: "That funding..."

"I can give you 50 million yuan from S.H.I.E.L.D. now, and then lobby the government, and there will be 500 million distributed to you until I find it!"

550 million, of course, the more money, the better. She is only 20 billion now, which seems to be a lot. Compared with Stark, it pales in comparison.

Others are ten times their own.

Anna felt that she still had to work hard to make money. No matter how small the 550 million mosquitoes were, they were still meat. Anna felt that it was worthwhile to move her head. She touched her chin, thought of a troublesome matter, and added one more sentence: "I also suspect that the Polaris is related to the hypercube. !"

This is purely private goods with short legs.

She felt that Polaris was so idle that she abandoned her in chaos, or raped her first, then raped and then killed her, and even hunted her across dimensions.

Seeing how she was digging three feet into the ground, her short legs felt frightened.

Thankfully, she has been developing wretchedly and hidden deeply.

Well now, it's time for the US government to fight with her, maybe it's all about doing everything in the country!

The director of Braised Egg nodded, he was sure: "Let me show you some information."

Pulling out the tablet and throwing out the files, all of which are level 9 top secrets, it seems that Director Lu Dan really thinks that Anna is her own person.

"This is a photo taken in the Arctic by the Polar Institute of the National Academy of Sciences."

The background of the photo is ice and snow. In the wind and snow, someone staggers over. Looking at her appearance, it is a woman. The photo is not very clear, and her face is faint, like the North Star.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. has done pattern matching, and the match with Polaris is 95%."

"In fact, that's where the 'Polaris' came from, her first appearance at the North Pole."

wow... blunder and blunder instead.

But according to Anna's understanding, the cosmic cube can open the space door, but the space door can only be opened in an independent universe.

When will it be teleported to a parallel universe?

Is there a connection between the main universe and the parallel universe?

Or is Polaris not from a parallel universe?

Without enough data, Anna couldn't guess.

But for Braised Egg, he can already be sure that Polaris is an alien, she came to earth to make trouble, and the U.S. government will do everything in its power to catch her.

Look, when she came, the North Pole melted, the polar bears went extinct, and 45 American citizens were brutally murdered.

It would be hard to explain to the American people without catching her.

In short, Miss Polaris has been having a hard time recently.

The director of Ludan remembered something and called up a photo: "Think about it, there is no way to find her. S.H.I.E.L.D. has already done a match, at least it proved that she is not an American citizen, nor is it in northern Europe."

The databases on the US side and the Nordic side are quite complete, and the others with databases are excluded, no.

Anna glanced at it. The background of the photo was the cathedral. There was a chair in the middle. On the chair was a woman. The woman was wearing a Jack Sparrow island hat. Gothic.

"Who is this, putting on a show!"

Anna felt unhappy when she saw the woman in the If the photo was not virtual data, Anna felt that she would throw her feet on the ground and use her small thick legs.

She was unhappy with two kinds of women, one was those with **** and butts. In Anna's impression, it was the performance of not having flesh in the brain, but only growing on the chest and buttocks.

To put it simply, it's a big brain.

The other is to pose in front of her and pretend to be cool.

The woman in the photo meets the second rule, and the chest and **** are not visible because of the bad angle.

In the heart of the little short legs, only she is the coolest, the most dazzling and the most attractive, and the rest are floating clouds.

Having said that, Anna still has to do things: "I have the genetic bank of Columbia University. Through genetic comparison, I can find out the pedigree of the woman in the photo from the appearance."

In addition, an extra sentence was added: "It is not reliable, but it can be used as a reference."

Director Ludan nodded. He was a secret agent, and if he had doubts, it was enough to use force.

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