Transformers: Start To Fix Arcie's Headlights

Chapter 109 Yingjiang Sent Troops To Invade The Auto Repair Shop And Was Tortured By Blood!

city ​​of los angeles.

Fatty Ding Square, one kilometer away.

At the gate outside a food factory, a special team of 30 people appeared.

This is the person sent by the Eagle Nation's military to inspect Chen Mu's auto repair shop.

The military of the Eagle Kingdom, in order to find out what purpose the Decepticons and his party are always looking for Chen Mu.

Before taking tough military action, a special team with the best detection capabilities was specially sent to investigate on the spot.

Let's find out what kind of energy and identity this Chen Mu has, which is worthy of being feared by an overlord like Megatron.

Nearly ten military equipment vehicles, and three armed heavy armored vehicles, stopped here urgently.

"Report to the captain, all members of the Silver Fox Squad have assembled!"

A deputy team arrived first, looked at the team of 30 people in front of him, counted and reported immediately.

At that time, the captain got out of the car and walked quickly.

Looking at all the soldiers who are ready to go, they look relieved.

"Brothers, this mission is special."

"We need to conduct a special investigation on Chen Mu, an auto mechanic, within a relatively short period of time.

"The specific content is to find all the real information about him and bring them back to the headquarters."

"Be careful, and never startle the snake.

"This man, even the leader of the Decepticons, Megatron, is afraid of him."

"So, I hope everyone will give their best to treat it!"


The captain announces the task, and all members salute and reply.

The deputy team stepped forward and gave a loud shout.

"The target is within 1000 meters, everyone is divided into three teams of 10 people, set off immediately!"

After all, the whole team was immediately divided into three teams, armed with elite weapons, and set off along the streets and alleys towards the destination.

The members of the stopped armored vehicles and equipment vehicles quietly waited for news from the investigation team.

Once you encounter any crisis, you can rush to the rescue, or even suppress the opponent with firepower.

At that time.

Over the auto repair shop.

Under the circumstances that no one could see, a blue energy shield appeared faintly.

The domain of the Mechanic God seems to sense an external force from 21, which is constantly approaching here, and becomes more and more vigilant.

"Everyone be careful, Riding can't go to the auto repair shop.

The people in the deputy team sneaked past from the front.

Everyone climbed up the tall building, and the auto repair shop was only about 500 meters away.

Through repeated observations, the deputy team found that in the auto repair shop, there is currently only one petite girl who is busy with simple tasks in the shop.

As for the target mission Chen Mu, it has never appeared.

The other two teams also squatted at the appropriate punctuation points, quietly waiting for the next order.

The Silver Fox Squad is the most prominent one in the Eagle Kingdom's military. It is a powerful team that executes secret appointments and is responsible for reconnaissance and protection of important people.

The military special teams in the entire country have been ranked among the top three in terms of strength for ten consecutive years.

Its superb ability level and extremely orderly and tacit cooperation can always complete impossible tasks under unexpected circumstances of the country.

At first, Minister John and Lieutenant Pete agreed that there must be some kind of ulterior secret hidden behind Chen Mu.

Otherwise, the Decepticons would not search for this person's information over and over again, and even proposed to kill him.

Also, just a human being.

With the strength of the Decepticons, it is very easy to complete the killing task.

But when Megatron mentioned Chen Mu, Lieutenant Pete was good at observing.

Faintly aware of this matter, it is not as simple as imagined.

For this reason, before proving his attitude to Megatron, Lieutenant Pete ordered all the satellites to detect Chen Mu's location, and must send a top-notch investigation team to find out all the secrets behind Chen Mu.

Therefore, the Silver Fox Special Forces in the army received news from the Ministry of National Defense and came here specially.

The task given by the headquarters is to let the team find all the real information about Chen Mu in a short period of time.

There is no specific time requirement.

So on the way to the destination, the captain announced to everyone, giving him a full day to understand everything here.

Since one day, without being forced to use strong means to arrest and interrogate, the Silver Fox team arranged the first trial plan.

An old Ford classic car tremblingly drove towards Auto Repair Shop C from outside the street.

A soldier in the car, George, pretended to be an ordinary person, with a tiny walkie-talkie by his ear.

buzz buzz...

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Li Zhi chose to go into the store to test it out.


"Is your boss Chen Mu here?"

"My car has problems, I want him to fix it for me!"

All of a sudden, George pretended to be familiar.

It is natural to mention Chen Mu's name, wanting to name the subject to see each other.

At this moment, Michaela got up and smiled politely.

"The boss is busy and will be here soon."

"I want to help you check the condition of the car."

Facing the foreign guests, Mikaela was not too defensive.

After talking to the other party, he directly opened the front cover of the car to check the situation.

With so many days of study, Mikaela has been able to solve a large number of problems in the car on the market alone.

Seeing Mikaela's proficient look, Xi Zhi didn't make any mistakes.

He didn't want to make the other party doubt himself because of some small actions.

No one knows what Chen Mu's true identity is and what strength he possesses.

Whether his employees are equally different is not uncommon.

Everything is in an unknown state, and George will not act rashly.

Mikaela is familiar with the road, and after a quick search, he found that it was the cross interface of the car's gearbox, and the connection was not strong.

"Sir, the problem with this car has already been checked for you.

"I'll fix it for you in no time!"

Mikaela said with a smile.

When George stopped, he could only nod with a slightly embarrassed smile.

Unexpectedly, a small worker in an auto repair shop can repair a car?

At this step, George miscalculated.

But if you insist on seeing Chen Mu, this operation will make people suspicious.

In desperation, George could only follow through.

"Great, I'm sorry to trouble you, little girl."

As soon as he said this, Mikaela in front of him started working.

The boss is still busy in the basement, and Mikaela doesn't want to disturb him because he thinks the problem can be solved.

As for George on the side, seeing that Mikaela was busy and no one was around at the moment, he began to observe the situation in the store consciously or unconsciously.

A very small pinhole camera is connected to the investigation screen of the captain's car.

All the recorded items in the store are no different from ordinary auto repair shops.

After George walked through the entire store, inside and out, and observed it, everyone found nothing special here.

In addition to being able to get the favorable terrain once the attack is launched, any other features and items are worthless.

During the introduction, George turned his gaze to Mikaela who was working.

The little girl in front of her, she was only about an adult, she was obviously still a student.

"Little girl, you are still a student [how come you start car maintenance."

"Generally, boys like this kind of work a little more!"

George lit a cigarette while pretending to have nothing to do.

At that time, Mikaela who heard it smiled lightly.

"In order to be able to save up some tuition fees before going to college.

"At the same time, I have been familiar with car repair since I was a child. That's why I came to Chen Mu."

Seeing the mention of Chen Mu, George still couldn't help but a different look flashed in his eyes.

Then, George asked again.

"Your store manager, Chen Mu, how are you doing?"

"I haven't seen him for a long time!"

In a short period of time, George decided to use the approach of old friends to pursue Chen Mu's news.

"Very good. The boss has received good orders recently, and the benefits are very high."

Mikaela didn't notice it, and really thought that the two knew each other, so she told the truth.

Indeed, as Mikaela said.

Since Mikaela came to the store, Chen Mu has recently received orders with a much higher price than before.

Plus some time ago, the TV station made an interview suddenly.

In the nearest car shop, business is very good.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Mikaela's skills will also be given more opportunities to learn, so that they can be used quickly.

What Mikaela didn't know about this seemingly ordinary opponent was that he had revealed different information to him.

The recent sudden improvement in business is enough to prove that what happened to Chen Mu recently has changed.

After receiving this news, the special forces obviously understood that Chen Mu had indeed made some moves recently.

However, at this time Mikaela had already buckled the front cover of the car.

Mikaela quickly resolved such problems.

After simply paying the money, George worried about his identity and drove away.

The first trial was a face-to-face meeting with the auto repair shop. As for Chen Mu himself, he didn't meet him.

However, as far as the current situation is concerned, although the progress is slow, the direction is good.

However, when George drove the car away.

When everyone was preparing for the next step, the investigation team suddenly changed.

One kilometer away, inside the captain's scout car.

A call from the Ministry of Defense came suddenly.


"Subordinates received!"

On the other end of the phone was Lieutenant Pete from the Ministry of Defense.

The news came that Washington suddenly fell out of love a few minutes ago, and the whole city was attacked by Decepticons and plunged into chaos.

The task steps of the Silver Fox team were accelerated, and after quickly investigating Chen Mu's news, they needed to transfer the battlefield to Washington.

If necessary, coercive measures can be taken to detain Chen Mu back to the Ministry of Defense for investigation.

The sudden change in the place of work made the captain a little surprised.

The sudden fall of Washington is a huge event for the entire Eagle Country.

After weighing the pros and cons, the captain called the vice-captain without any hesitation.

"The plan has changed, Washington has fallen, and now immediately arrest Chen Mu and bring him back to the headquarters."

"Complete the task quickly and rush to Washington immediately!"


As soon as the words came out, the entire team responded one after another.

At that time, everyone's eyes became even sharper.

"From now on, everyone, hold weapons and go to the auto repair shop."

"Be careful, don't hurt any human beings, and take Chen Mu back alive.


Following the order of the vice-captain.

The three squads, waiting for orders, approached the auto repair shop with weapons in hand.

Things changed quickly.

As an important city in Eagle Country, Washington has the best economy and political body in the country.

If there is a problem in such a place, then in contrast, any task must be put aside.

Right now, the best way

He had no choice but to bring Chen Mu back by means of violence and coercion.

The Silver Fox team got the order and acted quickly.

Soon outside the auto repair shop, it was less than a hundred meters away.

In the Mechanic God Domain at that time, the defense above had already turned red.

The silver fox special team, armed with guns, gradually approached the scope of the mechanical god's domain.

The three automatic pulse rifles buried everywhere have already recognized the position of the intruder and are ready to attack at any time.


Until that moment, it was a soldier who, under the command of the action, took the lead in stepping into the scope of the mechanical god's domain.


Without waiting for any excess, the soldiers broke into the realm of the Mechanic God, and it took less than a second.

With a pulse cannon, 763 instantly went through countless obstacles and chased the soldiers' chests.

One shot penetrated the bodies of several people behind him.

A team of ten people was shot through three members in an instant.

"Everyone be careful!"

Things changed suddenly, and the soldiers behind them immediately shouted vigilantly.

Everyone hid behind the bunker, wondering what happened.

Everything happened suddenly, without warning.

Looking at his companion whose chest was smashed to pieces, he was a special soldier with extremely high military quality, and he couldn't help but be astonished.

"Where did you call from?"

The adjutant spoke over the intercom.

But people can't judge at all.

The speed of this pulse cannon is simply beyond the reach of human naked eyes.

"Everyone be careful, the enemy has spotted us."

"Listen to my order, immediately take cover and rush to the outer wall of the auto repair shop.


The adjutant knew that the situation was urgent and could not delay for a moment.

After thinking about it, he immediately gave instructions to everyone.

However, he never thought that this would be the worst choice in his life.





As soon as these words came out, all the members of the Silver Fox Squad came out immediately.

Heading towards the outer wall of the auto repair shop, he ran over at the fastest speed.

boom boom boom......

However, at the next moment when everyone acted.

In everyone's ears, the sound of gunshots that cut through the air rang out.

Immediately afterwards, several people fell down.

The pulse guns flying from all directions are very precise in positioning.

Every shot was unbiased, hitting the soldier's chest.

Such a terrible attack, it was too late to fight back, not even a scream!

After a while, gunshots and falling to the ground sounded in the captain's earphones, and there was complete silence.

A terrifying atmosphere instantly strangled all the remaining soldiers in the convoy.

"Squad Silver Fox, please call back."

"Please call back..."

The correspondent on the side, nervously facing the pager, kept calling.

But the other party remained silent and became dead silent.

All soldiers attacked by pulse guns lost their lives in an instant.

Less than a few seconds later, the powerful energy directly swallowed and digested all human corpses into sand.

At this time, Chen Mu, who was still in the basement, suddenly heard a reminder.

[Ding! Successfully kill the intruder, get +10 points for killing the enemy]

[Ding! Successfully kill the intruder, get +10 points for killing the enemy]

[Ding! Successfully kill the intruder, get +10 points for killing the enemy]

When Chen Mu heard this, she was a little puzzled.

"What's the matter, did that wave of thieves happen last time?"

"With so many people, it looks like it's still a big gangster!"

Chen Mu curled his lips and didn't care. He didn't know that at this moment, one of the strongest special forces of the Eagle Kingdom had died in the defense of the Mechanic God's Domain. .

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