Transformers: Start To Fix Arcie's Headlights

Chapter 97 Terrible Reward, Get The Death Star Of The Mechanic God!

It was late at night.

When the sky above the city, a bright light like the sun appeared.

All the people were astonished.

Just everyone, shocked what kind of object this is.

After the light body descended and dissipated, it didn't take long.

All the electricity in the city is unimpeded again.

As for the unknown luminous body, no one knows where it went.

At that time, Chen Mu finished manufacturing the cosmic energy core.

Looking at all the materials, there is only ~ the last one.

After much deliberation, Chen Mu had no choice but to turn on the computer and enter the eBay cross-purchase network to check.

Chen Mu's move is also a chance.

Although in Eagle Country, most countries in the entire Western Hemisphere allow residents to own firearms.

But the barrel of the main battle tank can belong to the scope of military weapons.

No matter how outrageous the country is, this kind of thing is not enough, if you want to buy it, you can buy it!

With the attitude of giving it a try, Chen Mu entered the words "the gun barrel of the main station tank" in the search dialog box, and after confirming that it was correct, he finalized the search.


Chen Mu is ready, the search result has no products.

But at this time, Chen Mu actually found out that another product appeared.


I don’t know if I don’t look at it, I’m startled when I look at it!

Chen Mu clicked in.

I saw the product name, the retired main station tank of Eagle World War II

Someone actually bought this stuff!

Chen Mu was stunned.

This eagle country is really fierce and tough.

How could this person take home something from World War II and keep it.

Dare to sell it on the Internet...

In Chen Mu's heart, he was really speechless, wandering in sleepiness.

Most importantly, when Chen Mu initiates a dialogue with the owner of this item.

When I asked the other party how many planes they had, the other party actually replied, "Three planes"!

Chen Mu asked the reason because two gun barrels are needed to repair the car.

If there is only one big guy in this business, Chen Mu is not enough.

But he never expected that Chen Mu still underestimated the awesomeness of the Eagles.

This guy actually stocked up on a World War II tank at home.

When Chen Mu heard this, he immediately sent a big thumbs up to this merchant.

Afterwards, Chen Mu also got straight to the point and asked the other party the price directly.

The two tanks add up to a total of 2,000 yuan.

It sounds like it's not expensive.

Not long ago, Chen Mu just received a bonus of 10,000 yuan from the TV station.

Now for Chen Mu, 200 yuan is a piece of cake.

Chen Mu didn't think much, just clicked to buy.

The 2,000 yuan was paid, and Chen Mu couldn't help but feel pain again.

Stretch out, now all the materials are ready, and work will start tomorrow.

Looking at the capital under the final material, Chen Mu smiled faintly.

"System, I have spent a lot of money. This time it works, you must give me rewards that are worth the money..."

Chen Mu shouted softly.

At that time, the system immediately responded with a bright and crisp "ding" ringtone.

the next day.

Early in the morning, Chen Mu was waiting at the door of the auto repair shop.

When I bought the tank last night, the merchant said.

Will personally deliver both tanks this morning.

Unexpectedly, Chen Guozhong came to the store.

Not long after, there was a rumbling sound outside the door.

The door opened.

Chen Mu was surprised to see "two upright Eagle Homeland War M

3 tanks swaggered in.

Chen Mu was stunned, and then another car followed closely.

The two tanks are both M3 medium tanks dedicated to Eagle Electric during World War II.

Two big guys, after parking in front of the store.

When the door slammed, a middle-aged man with a big beard and a bloated figure came down with a cigarette in his mouth.


"My name is Tom!"

"Hello, sir. My name is Chen Mu."

The middle-aged man came over to say hello, and Chen Mu responded enthusiastically.

"These two tanks were left by my great-grandfather."

"My great-grandfather was a famous general, except for a huge house, there are only a few big cars.

"You are willing to sell the treasure left by your great-grandfather?"

After hearing the story of the middle-aged Tom, Chen Mu asked curiously.

I saw Tom smiled slightly.

"These tanks can't fire, so it's better to keep them at home for some money, and you can buy more wine.

After hearing the other party's answer, Chen Mu smiled symbolically.

What a filial son.

The great-grandfather fought all his life, and the few tanks represent his life's feats, which will be sung for future generations.

It's good to stay with Tom. If the family is in trouble, it doesn't hurt to make a living.

But this guy sold his grandfather's tank just for a bottle of wine...

Chen Mu was speechless, and when he was emotional, he didn't show his emotion.

Before leaving, the middle-aged Tom told Chen Mu enthusiastically.

"If you just want the barrel, I can arrange for someone to disassemble it for you.

"No need, I can do it myself."

Chen Mu waved his hand and refused with a smile.

Things are in Chen Mu's hands, so disassembly is not difficult at all.

Tom didn't say much. After saying goodbye, he took his companions and left the auto repair shop.

Looking at this person's free and easy back, I will definitely buy a bottle of good wine today and have a drink.

The two disappeared from view.

At this moment, Chen Mu saw that everything was ready and started to act.

At that time, Chen Mu had a thought.

Two M3 main battle tanks were quickly broken down in the auto repair shop on the spot.

Numerous rigid supports emerged, supporting every detail and every step of the tank.

Looking at this, Chen Mu smiled lightly.

This is a passive skill in the realm of the Mechanic God.

[Automatic Dismantling System of Mechanic God's Domain]

Soon, two main station tanks weighing nearly 100 tons quickly disintegrated under the domain of the Mechanic God.

...asking for flowers......

With the passive, the dismantling of the tank is several times more convenient.

In just ten minutes, all the parts were disassembled in sevens and eighties.

Two slender gun barrels stood in front of his eyes.

After dismantling the important items, put all the rest of the waste aside.

At this time, Chen Mu's mind moved again.

All the necessary steel materials before were picked up by a huge storage frame in the field.

Suddenly, a huge melting pot appeared.

Under the blessing of a strong current, the furnace heats up thousands of degrees in an instant.

Five tons of steel were soon placed inside the furnace.

Chen Mu was fine for the time being, so he rode his bicycle to a nearby place and had a breakfast.

Woke up too early in the morning, Chen Mu didn't have time to eat.

Wait twenty minutes or so.

When Chen Mu came back from driving the Ducati, in the area of ​​the store, the furnace had smelted all the scattered scrap copper and rotten iron into all the steel frame materials needed for a piece of car.

At that time, Mikaela in the store was shaking the video recorder in his hand, indicating that everything can start.

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Go back to the store.

With a flick of Chen Mu's finger, a huge projection robot arm instantly put all the auto parts in their proper positions.

Chen Mu changed into his overalls, put on his gloves and tools, and stood in the middle of the car assembly.

According to Mikaela's record, Chen Mu quickly connected, installed and configured all the important accessories like a god, and installed them all.

Those big and small, hundreds of big and small connections that need attention, Chen Mu has done it all by himself.

In less than an hour, everything was recorded by Mikaela, and everything was completed.

Before Mikaela was surprised, why Chen Mu's speed was so fast.

I saw Chen Mu smiled, stretched out his right hand and snapped his fingers.


After all the important things are installed, a huge robot arm projection appears again in the store.

On the arm, palm projection with five fingers spread out.

In an instant, dozens of slender beams of light were projected above each finger.

These beams of light have a certain amount of stickiness.

After each contact with an object, it can be quickly lifted into the air.

The beam of light is like an intelligent human being, and under the interweaving of light and shadow, the final assembly work is quickly completed in the store.

There was a sound of jingling and clanging, and the fast horn rang.

In Chen Mu's eyes, a GMC? TopKick? 4500 speed visible to the naked eye is rapidly reshaping in front of his eyes.

Ten minutes later, a brand new car reappeared in the world.

When that huge arm put the last cosmic energy core, which can release brilliance, under the engine of the vehicle.


The vehicle starts instantly, the lights are on, and it is domineering!

At that time, a voice came from the ear.

【Ding! Host remodeling GMC? TopKick? 4500 completed, get rich rewards】

[Ding! The host has obtained the Death Star of the Mechanic God].

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