Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 1011 Confiscation (1)

As of March 17, the number of European coalition troops landing had exceeded 1 million.

There are 50 states in the United States, among which Hawaii and Alaska have long been occupied by the German army. Among the remaining 48 states, the top officials of the state capitals of South Carolina, North Carolina, and Georgia have also been affected. The other 45 states are in complete chaos, because these state governments have now become the top leaders. If there were only one or two states, they might be able to unite to resist foreign enemies, but now there are 45 states with their own agendas.

This can't help but remind Yannick of the "Battle of Joint Vertical Attack on Qin" during the Warring States Period of ancient China. The period from 453 BC to 221 BC was a period of great turmoil in ancient Chinese history. The seven kingdoms of Qi, Chu, Yan, Han, Zhao, Wei and Qin stood side by side and fought with each other. They were called the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period by later generations. "United Vertical" refers to Su Qin's alliance strategy of lobbying the princes of the six countries to unite to resist Qin. The Qin State is in the west, and the Six Kingdoms are in the east and are distributed in the north-south direction, so they are called "Hezong".

Although the combined military strength of the six countries at the beginning of the alliance far exceeded that of Qin, they were still defeated in the end.

Cooperation requires consensus among multiple parties. As long as one party is cunning, the alliance will collapse. People have selfish intentions, and countries also have selfish intentions. The six countries have joined forces to attack Qin several times, and even broke through Hangu Pass. They are about to reach Xianyang, but they are either afraid that they will not be able to defeat Qin and become the target of Qin's revenge, or they are afraid that others will The country took advantage of the situation to become stronger, so it either quit midway or held back, not to mention that it often profited together with Qin in the later period.

Among the six countries, Qi Yan is too far away from Qin and has territorial disputes with Wei, Zhao and Chu. South Korea is too weak and has little say. If they jointly attack Qin and win, Wei, Zhao and Chu will benefit the most. Qi Yan will be thankless and will not get any benefits, and Wei, Zhao and Chu will also It's not a good thing. Maybe he will stab Qi Yan when he turns around after fighting Qin. This is not just possible, it actually happened. Lord Xinling attacked Qin and was victorious. He turned around and slapped South Korea (attacking South Korea and extubating the tube). Zhao Guohe failed, so he attacked Rao'an in Qi from the east. If the failure was like this, wouldn't the victory be even more exciting?

In this way, even the six countries cannot work together; now these 45 "small countries" are even less likely to share the same enemy.

Ten days later, the life and death of senior officials in Washington were still uncertain. Most people had already assumed that they were in danger, that is, they were completely dead. Although some states proposed to form a new government immediately, few responded. It has to be said that power can really make people crazy. Even at a critical moment of national life and death, many people still flock to it.

On the other side, in just ten days, the European coalition swept across the entire state of South Carolina and wiped out more than 100,000 US troops.

As for the ordinary people, they refused to hand over their weapons obediently.

In a small town more than ten kilometers away from Columbia, the capital of South Carolina, three German helicopters flew over the town. The helicopter hovered over the town, and the loudspeaker mounted on it repeated the announcement over and over again asking the residents of the town to hand over their weapons. "Dear residents, this land has been owned by the great German Empire. If you want to continue to live on this land, you must abide by German laws, hand over your weapons, and are not allowed to hide any guns and ammunition. ."

Listening to the loudspeaker repeating over and over again, the machine gunner next to the hatch asked casually. "Do you think they will obediently hand over their weapons?"

"I'm tired of seeing it." The grenade gunner next to the hatch on the other side shook his head. "These Americans keep saying that owning guns is a natural human right. They regard guns as their own lives."

Guns are the core of American culture, and Americans have special feelings about guns. From the first day that white people set foot on the American continent, they began to use guns against Indians. During the American Revolutionary War, a large number of armed militiamen participated in the war and eventually drove away the British rulers. In the early days of the founding of the United States, many states still did not have the budget to establish armies. Therefore, the use of militias also created the phenomenon of ordinary people in the United States owning firearms at that time. Later, Among the constitutional amendments, Article 1 is about freedom of speech and belief, and Article 2 is about citizens’ right to own guns.

Later, the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution stipulates that citizens’ rights to bear arms are as follows: A well-trained militia is necessary to ensure the security of free states, and the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall be inviolable. It is considered a natural human right for citizens to own guns, which laid the legal foundation for the legalization of gun ownership in the United States today.

After a while, the machine gunner saw someone rushing to the roof of the second-floor hut below, pointing a shotgun at them and firing several shots. But at this distance, it was impossible for the shotgun to hit them.

The machine gunner pointed his gun at the guy and said loudly. "There's a guy down there who is firing at us. Can you fire back?"

"Wait a minute, please ask the command center for instructions first." After saying that, the helicopter pilot contacted the command center behind. "Command center, command center. This is the B-3 team. We are under ground fire attack in Town 31. Can we fight back?"

Soon, the command center replied. "Retaliation allowed, do you need support?"

"No need at the moment, thank you." After hanging up the communication, the pilot gave a thumbs up to the machine gunner.

The machine gunner then started shooting at the guy on the roof.

"Chuchu!" The sound of the gunshot was still so clear and harsh despite the loud noise of the propeller. The bullets that exploded hit the concrete floor, leaving craters one after another. The guy was obviously startled, turned around and ran towards the stairs.

"Damn it!" the machine gunner couldn't help but curse. "The distance is too far, lower the altitude!" The role of the helicopter door machine gun is mainly to suppress fire. The helicopter's own mechanical vibration and strong rotor airflow can affect the trajectory. It is basically impossible to kill a person accurately with it.

While they were talking, the man below had already disappeared without a trace.

"Let me do it!" The helicopter pilot aimed at the two-story house and pulled the trigger of the rocket launcher.


Several rockets were fired from the rocket nests on both sides, heading straight for the hut. As the fire flickered, rockets flew into the building, causing a violent explosion. Flames rolled out of the windows. Glass fragments shattered by the air waves were mixed with the rolling flames and shot out in all directions and fell towards the ground. .

Three helicopters dropped munitions wildly over the town. Almost all the machine gun bullets, grenades and rockets were used up. Fires were burning everywhere in the town, and most of the town was shrouded in thick smoke.

At this time, the horn on the helicopter sounded again. Compared with the previous mild announcement, this time it was a murderous warning. "This is the consequences of resisting the empire! You are given 24 hours to hand over all your weapons, otherwise this town will be destroyed!!" Then he walked away.

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