Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1007 Tianding Phoenix Star (1)

Caiwei smiled and said, "It's a pity. If you give up, you will get something. Compared with the happiness of our family, giving up this little thing is nothing."

She spoke very grandly and openly, but in her heart it was not what she imagined.

Mu Bai is stingy and reluctant to spend money. When they return to Mujia Village, they won't be able to spend much. After that time, if she asks Changmei or Yingge to steal those things back, it will definitely make that family more expensive than cutting meat. painful!

Du didn't know what Caiwei was thinking, and praised her: "Weier is still open-minded and open-minded. Compared with the peaceful and peaceful life of our family, this little thing is nothing! Oh, by the way, those two How to deal with the thin horse?"

Caiwei said: "I plan to return the deed of sale to them and give them some money. According to the laws of our Jin Dynasty, good women can establish a female household as long as they have three acres of land. They took the money and bought three acres of land." Land, if you set up a female household, you can live a happy life without relying on men!"

That night, Caiwei actually gave Mei Niang and Lian Niang their prostitution contracts, gave them three hundred taels of silver each, and told them her own thoughts. Whether they listened or not was up to them. Son.

They helped Caiwei drive away Dafang's family, which made their family uneasy, so Caiwei did her best and gave them the opportunity to be good citizens, so she was worthy of them and her own conscience!

After sending away the two thin horses, Caiwei returned to her room early. Nangong Yi didn't come last night, so she would definitely arrive early tonight. In order to prevent him from missing out, she decided to stay in the room and wait for him.


Jade Kun Palace

Because the relationship with her son broke down and the emperor refused to make the decision for her, Queen Mo was so angry that she fell on the couch and didn't drink any water for a whole day.

The great eunuch Chen Shangxi did not dare to slack off and hurriedly sent people out of the palace to tell the King of Qin the news.

When King Qin heard the news, he was about to leave the palace to see Caiwei in Zhuangzi. He knelt in his mother's palace all night last night, which made him lie down all day today. As soon as his legs and feet became more flexible at night, he couldn't wait to go to her. , to relieve the pain of lovesickness.

Unexpectedly, before leaving the house, he was stopped by the eunuch from his mother's harem.

After learning that his mother went on a hunger strike to protest, Nangong Yi naturally couldn't ignore it. In desperation, he followed the eunuch into the palace again.

Queen Mo made up her mind to cancel her son's marriage because she had already investigated clearly that Mu Caiwei, that bitch, was indeed entangled with Huo Yuan. It was said that the "Mu Family Canxing" in her name was given to her by Huo Yuan Yes, she has been in frequent contact with that Huo Yuan. Even on the old lady's birthday yesterday, she used the excuse that the woman she was engaged to be unable to attend the banquet, but she met that Huo Yuan in private. The two of them were sitting in the teahouse talking and laughing. , talking loudly, clearly did not take her son seriously!

How could such a lowly, shameless, and arrogant bitch be worthy of marrying her son? Not to mention the matchmaker's wife, she is not even worthy of being her son's concubine, but the stubborn son is fascinated by her. No matter how hard she talks and how hard she treats, he just can't understand her painstaking efforts and refuses to say anything. Cancel the engagement.

It was a matter of his life and the eyes of the world. She must not be vague. She must not let his life be stained because of that bitch!

As the mother of a country, she actually went on a hunger strike to protest, which is a bit too biased to say the least. But if she had any means, she would not take such extreme measures!

Nangong Yi came to Yukun Palace. Queen Mo was lying on the couch with a cold face and her eyes closed. The maids and eunuchs of Yukun Palace knelt on the ground and begged the queen to eat.

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