Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1025 Chaoyang’s thoughts (2)

Hun'er was drawn in her heart, and she had heard some things about Princess Qin. It was said that Princess Qin was unparalleled in beauty and had been following King Qin's Northern Expedition. She was favored by King Qin, and the soldiers in the Northern Expedition also respected her very much. , it is said that she used her private money to buy pigs for the soldiers in the Northern Expedition to improve their food, and she also opened a nursing home in Qing County...

The woman in front of me is indeed as beautiful as a fairy, matching the beauty of the legendary Princess Qin. However, we can't conclude that she is Princess Qin just based on her beauty? If she was really Princess Qin, why didn't she have any servants by her side? Furthermore, the King of Qin has already left this place, and most likely has arrived in the capital now. How could the Princess of Qing stay here?

Seeing the Madam's eyes moving around, Caiwei knew that she didn't believe her, so she said, "In addition to redeeming that little girl, I also have a profitable deal to discuss with my mother. "

"What deal?"

When the Madam heard the word "making money", her ears immediately pricked up.

Caiwei said calmly: "I want to ask my mother to open a brothel in another place."

Her plan is to open more brothels in Lingbei. Lingbei is remote and isolated, and most of the people there are barbaric and ignorant. The daughter rites passed down from generation to generation poison the bodies and minds of Lingbei women. Although Caiwei made Tuoba Kui suspended the daughter ceremony for three years, but three years later, the women in Lingbei had to endure the torture of flesh-cutting and stitching. As a woman, not only could she not enjoy the pleasure of the bed between husband and wife, but every time When couples have sex, they have to endure the pain of tearing. She wanted to save these poor female compatriots, but she also knew that such a thing could never be suppressed by force, but could only rely on subtle influence. Let the charming prostitutes from Dajin go to Lingbei, let the men in Lingbei enjoy the joy of a complete woman, and then become obsessed with a complete woman's body. Only in this way can they give up the practice of circumcision on their own women. Only by persisting can this long-standing ritual be gradually abandoned.

The bustard asked puzzledly: "Where to go?"


Before Caiwei could say anything else, the Madam heard that she was going to such a wild place in Lingbei. She shook her head like a rattle and said while shaking her head: "I opened a brothel in Qingxian County very well. I can make an income of 1,800 taels a year, so I can't afford to go to that barbaric place and suffer. Besides, the Monu people live a nomadic life and have no fixed residence. Although our girl is from a wealthy family, she is also I'm so delicate, I can't stand that tent that smells like a sheep!"

Caiwei said: "Mom, don't reject me too quickly. If I build you a house like this one and give you a guarantee of one thousand taels of silver every year, all the income from Mengnu will be yours, and you don't have to ask the government for help." Is mom willing to pay taxes?"

So many benefits are simply a fantasy. After hearing this, the Madam suddenly laughed: "Hey! Are you kidding me? If there are such good things, let alone me, it will be the whole industry in Qingxian County. Everyone is happy to go."

"Since my mother said this, I will assume that my mother agreed!"

As Caiwei spoke, she took out two more five hundred taels of silver notes and placed them on the table.

"I will arrange for people to build a house in Lingbei as soon as possible. When the house is built, Shen County Magistrate will send people to escort mother and girls there. I think mother is a capable person, and I also ask mother to persuade several brothels to go there together. The treatment in the brothel is the same as yours, otherwise it would be bad if only mom and her family could go there and the customers would crowd through the door and tire out your girls!"

The Madam couldn't believe that a huge sum of one thousand taels was given to her so easily. But there was one thing she completely believed. This girl must be the real Princess Qin, otherwise she would not have been able to instigate Shen Zhixian at will.

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