Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1090 The wedding night (3)

Princess Tuotuo's outfit is so bold and sexy!

She braided her seaweed-like black and shiny hair into thin braids, wore an ivory Buddhist crown, and only wore a tube top-style transparent short gauze dress, which was embellished with gold. Jewels, stones and other objects were shining and dazzling, but the gauze was very short and barely covered her swollen breasts. Under the gauze, a small section of her white and soft belly was exposed unbridled, and her navel was attached to She was wearing sparkling diamond ornaments and flamboyantly wearing a bright red miniskirt with gold rims under her navel, revealing her two slender white thighs, her feet were bare, and there were delicate bells tied around her ankles as she walked. Lu Lai's slender waist twisted, her short skirt fluttered, and the bells on her ankles jingled. She was really alluring and sexy.

Tuo Tuo stood proudly on the carpet in the center of the hall with his plump and round chest raised, staring hotly at Nangong Yi, hoping to see the stunning look in Nangong Yi's eyes.

However, His Majesty the Emperor of the Jin Dynasty was talking to an eunuch and didn't even look at him, which made Tuo Tuo feel a little disappointed.

However, she cheered up immediately. Even if he could resist her outfit, he could not resist her hot dancing. When he saw her dancing, he would definitely not be indifferent!

Thinking of this, she nodded confidently to the musicians, indicating that the music could begin.


The drums sounded, and Tuo Tuo led eleven other dancers in white transparent silk clothes and white ribbons on their heads to dance. They swayed their hips rhythmically, like water snakes, making all kinds of sexy and sultry moves. Movements, sixteen people, with her as the leader, all with different postures, alluring eyes...

At this moment, Nangong Yi's eyes were no longer on her. He was lowering his head to listen to the news sent by a young eunuch from Chengqian Palace.

"Your Majesty, the Queen is already up. She has just had dinner and is taking a bath..."

Bath? His little girl is taking a bath?

Nangong Yi perked up and immediately imagined many beautiful and charming pictures...

Princess Tuotuo, who was dancing enthusiastically, suddenly became excited when she saw Nangong Yi. She thought it was because of her that his expression changed drastically, so she was overjoyed and swung her waist and danced even more energetically...

At this time, Nangong Yi was concentrating on whispering to the young eunuch of Chengqian Palace: "Go, go to the House of Internal Affairs and get a pot of warm house wine. Remember, don't tell the queen what the wine is..."


The little eunuch exited, and Nangong Yi touched his chin, thinking about the alluring scene of Xiao Nizi taking a bath, wondering how to leave early...

Princess Tuotuo twists her waist and moves her hips, performing various difficult movements with exaggerated movements. While raising her legs, squatting, and rotating, some parts are exposed or not, all of which are eye-catching and make men swell with blood. , can't stop.

The coquettish person was dancing happily, but suddenly he saw Nangong Yi holding his head, swaying, looking like he was too drunk.

The chief eunuch Yang Yong immediately stepped forward to support him and said in a voice that could be heard by everyone in the palace: "Your Majesty, you have drunk too much. How about I help you go back and have a rest?"

Nangong Yi nodded and said: "It's okay, I really can't hold it anymore..."

With Yang Yong's help, Nangong Yi stood up, his tall body swaying slightly, and he said in a drunken voice: "Dear envoys, I drank too much today. Please feel free to go back and lie down for a while..."

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