Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1137 The fate of the bad guys (2)

However, from Caiwei's point of view, she didn't feel any disadvantage in being able to die with the one she loved. Instead, she felt very romantic and happy. Seeing the man's guilty look, she smiled mischievously and said, "What are you doing?" Do you know that you have lived longer than me? You said that I will die first in the future. Hey, let me ask you, if I die before you, and you die with me, will you hate me? "

The man smiled, pinched her nose and shook it: "Your brother, heartless little girl, if you die, what's the point of living for me? I wish I could die with you!"

In the darkness, Caiwei trembled, as if something deep in her soul had been touched. A warm current spread across her body. She raised her arms and wrapped them tightly around the man's waist. He murmured softly: "Yi, me too. If you die, even if you let me live, it will be meaningless. I might as well die with you..."

Hearing what the little woman said, the man's heart was suddenly moved, and the burden in his heart was relieved a lot. He slowly raised his head and stared deeply at his woman. As their eyes intertwined, he raised his hand and buttoned He kissed the back of her head...

A sweet kiss, overbearing and long, until she was out of breath and kept hitting him with her hands, and he stopped.

Looking at the little woman's flushed cheeks, he raised his hand and patted her little butt: "Go, bring me a cup of tea for my husband. After talking for so long, I'm thirsty."


Caiwei got off the ground obediently, pulled the embroidered shoes and went to pour tea for the man. The teapot was placed on the round table in the middle of the ground, a set of exquisite official kiln teapots, and four exquisite cups.

While she was pouring tea, she asked casually: "How is Tuotuo's hand? Will it become useless?"

"Yao Yuanjian has already gone to see him. Although it has been sewn up, the wound is too big and the muscles and bones are broken. I'm afraid it can't be opened!" Nangong Yi leaned on the couch lazily and said casually and naturally. One sentence.

After Caiwei poured the tea, she handed the cup to the man and said worriedly: "Tuotuo is the princess of Miao Jiang. She traveled thousands of miles to congratulate our Jin Dynasty, but you have disabled her. I'm afraid Miao Jiang will not give up easily." Yes, in my opinion, it is better to cure her, then send envoys to accompany her back to Miao territory, and tell the Miao clan chief the cause and effect of this matter. I don’t expect that Miao clan chief will be angry because of this. It's up to you."

The man took a sip of tea and said calmly: "Her hands are probably disabled, and even Judge Yao has agreed that it is extremely unlikely."

Caiwei smiled and said: "What are you afraid of? I'm here. When I rescued you in the suburbs of Yushu County, you were no longer breathing, weren't you also rescued by the Turtle Immortal? Don't worry, as long as the residual hand is still there Here, Great Immortal Turtle will definitely have a way to hook her up."

Nangong Yi said: "It's up to you. I'm just taking advantage of the witch. If I really fall for her, I don't know what will happen now. I feel scared just thinking about it..."

Caiwei said, "Isn't this okay? Stop being so upset. By the way, how is Luoxue?"

Luoxue was indispensable for what happened today. Otherwise, with Nangong Yu's pig brain, he would never have come up with a way to control men using voodoo.

Nangong Yi said coolly: "She was sent to serve Li Ruizhu. Li Ruizhu is infected with lice. Anyone who gets the lice on her body will also be infected. I don't want to injure a good person, so I just asked her to serve Li Ruizhu. It's considered a good idea." Punishment for her!"

Caiwei couldn't help but shudder, just thinking of the dense blisters on Li Ruizhu's body, the squirming black insects looming under the blisters, and the lice scrambling to crawl out after the blisters broke...

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