Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1157 Lovely Xiangyun (2)

This is the second time she has come back after moving away from Qingyun Town. Nothing in Qingyun Town has changed. However, the originally bustling streets in her eyes have become a bit narrow and depressed. She is probably used to the wide streets and luxury in the capital. shops, everything in the town seems a bit unsightly!

When I returned to my backyard, it was quiet and everything was as usual. Although it was empty and no one was living in it, it was clean and neat. You could tell that someone was cleaning it at a glance.

Caiwei glanced gratefully at Uncle Zhou's house next door. Seeing that there was no movement at his house, she went to the wing to take a look. The wing rooms on both sides were still covered with the soil she transported from the space, but nothing was planted. It was a pity. , if you plant any grains and vegetables, they will definitely grow well.

She thought for a while, found some cumin seeds in the space, and asked Changmei to come out and help her plant cumin in the east and west side rooms, saving them for Uncle Zhou's family to use for kebabs in the future!

While busy, she vaguely heard the sound of Uncle Zhou's house opening the door, Uncle Zhou's voice, etc.

Caiwei came out of the wing and saw Uncle Zhou coming back from buying meat through the wall. He and Jiujin were pouring the fresh meat they just bought into the house. Aunt Zhou heard the noise and came out of the house, followed by the little Yuanzi. Son!

She smiled and called Aunt Zhou in the yard next door: "Auntie!"

Aunt Zhou was taking the meat from her son's hand when she saw Caiwei suddenly appeared and shouted in surprise: "Wei girl, why are you back?"

Caiwei said with a smile: "Come back and see Uncle Zhou and Auntie, Brother Jiujin, and the Nursing Home. By the way, I can talk to Mrs. An about something!"

Aunt Zhou nodded repeatedly: "Okay, just come back. You kid is very interested!"

When Jiujin saw Caiwei, he was stunned. First, a flash of ecstasy flashed in his eyes, and then he felt sad as if he had thought of something. After not seeing each other for a few months, he seems to have grown taller and stronger than before. The boy's face actually has the appearance of an adult man.

Uncle Zhou was as happy as Aunt Zhou when he saw Caiwei.

"Hey, Wei Yatou is back. Why don't you say something when she's back? Come on, you're at home. Go back to the house and make breakfast for Wei Yatou. Jiujin, you go help your mother."


Jiujin agreed, looked at Caiwei, and went back to the house.

The Zhou family had most likely finished breakfast at this time and were preparing to make some meat skewers for lunch. Caiwei didn't want to trouble others, so she called Aunt Zhou and said, "Auntie, I've already eaten. I'll wait for you." Come to my aunt’s house for lunch later!"

"That's okay," Aunt Zhou said cheerfully, "Auntie will bake pancakes for you at noon, and wrap small fried fish in the pancakes. You've loved eating them since you were a child."

"Then there's Auntie Lao!"

Caiwei came out of her yard and went into Zhou's house next door, ready to help Aunt Zhou make meat skewers.

It's not too cold now, and the Zhou family is running around in the yard every day. Zhou Jiujin is cutting meat, Uncle Zhou and Aunt Zhou are running around, and Yuan'er is doing the killing.

There is one more person working today, and the work is particularly fast and not so boring.

Aunt Zhou is a lively person who loves to talk and gossip, but Uncle Zhou and Jiu Jin both have boring temperaments. On weekdays, when they are working, the two of them are silent, and Aunt Zhou is the only one who chatters endlessly about life. After a while, she became bored and stopped making any noise.

Now that Caiwei is here, Aunt Zhou has to nag her, shake out all the gossip she has stored in her belly, and share it with Caiwei.

"Wei Yatou, did your eldest brother go to the capital to look for you some time ago?"

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