"It's too late. If Auntie Xie hadn't died, I might have considered your suggestion. But now that Auntie Xie is dead, everything is impossible. I can't forgive you, let alone live with you as if nothing happened. We still have to Let's get together and part ways! If you think Heli is embarrassed, I don't mind if you divorce me, as long as I can separate from you. If Heli gets in the way, it's up to you to divorce me.  "

After saying that, Xiangyun's tone softened a little and said: "If there is nothing else, you can leave. I'm going to have breakfast. As for the divorce letter, you can write it and send it to me. I'll send it to you." You can go and get it, it’s up to you!"

After saying that, she stood up and left regardless of Mo Zili's reaction.

But as soon as she took two steps, someone grabbed her arm. Xiangyun struggled twice but couldn't get away. He couldn't help but turn his head and said to Mo Zili: "Let go. I've said everything I need to say. You What else do you want? Let’s get together and have a nice break, can’t we?”

"How about getting together and breaking up? At that time, you were wishful thinking, and I didn't agree." Mo Zili said with a cold face, holding Xiangyun's hand tighter and tighter, as if he was afraid that she would run away if he let go.

"Do you have to break up with me?" Xiangyun was shocked and angry, and couldn't help but glare at him.

Seeing the resentful and alienated look in Xiangyun's eyes, Mo Zili's heart ached as if being pinched. However, there was an indifferent expression on his face. He looked at her condescendingly and said, "It's not me who wants to I'm sorry, you pushed me too far. I know I've been sorry to you, but I've already apologized and promised to send Du Wanqing away. I'll only be good to you in the future. What else do you want from me? You You’ve been hit, you’ve been scolded, and you’ve let out your anger, so why are you still holding on to it? What do you want?”

Xiangyun said angrily: "It's not me who's holding on, it's you who's holding on to me. I just want to live a quiet life alone, why can't you let go?"

Mo Zili sneered and said, "Let go? What do you think our Duke Li's Mansion is? If you want to marry, just marry in. If you want to leave, just leave. Don't dream. The day you marry me, there will be no more." There is no choice. You are my person in life and my ghost in death. Don’t ever think about leaving my Duke Li’s residence for the rest of your life!"

After saying that, he waved his hand, and Xiangyun was thrown to the couch aside. She groaned, and as soon as she stood up, she saw Mo Zili walking towards her step by step, untying the jade belt around his waist as he walked.

"What... do you want to do?" When Xiangyun saw this, she suddenly felt something bad. She cautiously grabbed the jade pillow on the couch and held it in front of her as a defense.

At this time, Mo Zili was already on the verge of rage. He took off the jade belt around his waist and began to take off his robe. Hearing this, he said in a cold voice: "You are doing what a husband and wife should do, don't you blame me for not touching you?" I will make it up to you now."

"No, I don't need your compensation!" Xiangyun was so frightened that he shook his head repeatedly: "I just want you to leave!"

At this time, she was still thinking about leaving him. Mo Zili was heartbroken and angry. He took off his robe, leaving only the white tunic on him. He leaned down and approached Xiangyun and said, "I wanted to You coaxed and pampered me like a baby to make up for the trauma in your heart, but you insisted on going your own way and insisted on breaking up with me. Remember, you asked for this."

After saying that, he swept away the pillow Xiangyun threw at her, pushed her down on the couch, and then covered her up.


Xiangyun struggled to get away and screamed anxiously, wanting Cui Wen Cui Lu to come in and help her. But for some reason, none of them came in. Mo Ziqi controlled her two hands with one hand and used the other to roughly take off her clothes.

Xiangyun was angry and ashamed, and shouted in pain: "Mo Zili, I will hate you forever!"

Mo Zili froze for a moment, then sneered sarcastically: "If I didn't do this, you wouldn't like me, so why should I pity you?" After saying that, he lowered his head again and continued to tear Xiangyun's clothes off.

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