"no, do not want----"

Xiangyun screamed reflexively and shook his head desperately to refuse.

Bai didn't know that Mo Zili wanted to rape Xiangyun. She only thought that her son-in-law had a change of heart and wanted to make up for her daughter. When her daughter refused, she said angrily: "Yun girl, you are willful again. How did mother teach you?" ? Do you have to make your mother angry to death before you are willing to accept it?"

Wu felt guilty, fearing that Xiangyun would tell the truth about Mo Zili bullying her, so she hurriedly pulled Wu into the house, "Let's go, let's make room for the young couple, let's not stay here without a wink." It's an eyesore..."

Xiangyun didn't want to be alone with Mo Zili. When he saw his mother-in-law dragging his mother into the house, he hurriedly followed her, but was stopped by Mo Zili: "Xiangyun, I have something to tell you!"

Xiangyun turned around and said bitterly: "I don't want to listen to you, and I don't want to see you either. "

Mrs. Wu had already walked to the door. When her daughter said this, she immediately stopped and turned around and said sternly: "Xiangyun, Zili talks to you properly, how can you be so ignorant? The rules my mother taught you in the past." Have you forgotten everything? Why don't you quickly apologize to Zili?"

Bai said, "Hey, let's not get involved in their young couple's affairs and let them make trouble." After saying that, he pulled Wu into the house and closed the door.

Xiangyun was locked out of the door. She turned around helplessly, just in time to see Mo Zili walking towards her. She was so frightened that she hid back again and again in fear.

Seeing her panic, Mo Zili stopped and said softly: "Don't be afraid, I will never hurt you again. I came here to tell you that you were attacked this time." , it's most likely Du's fault, don't worry, I will uphold justice for you."

Xiangyun just pressed against the door tightly, looking at him warily with a pair of rabbit-like red eyes, obviously still worried about what happened just now.

Mo Zili looked at those frightened round eyes, feeling distressed and helpless. He knew that what he had done just now frightened her, and when he thought that Du Wanqing almost killed her last night, he felt more and more love for her in his heart. He whispered Said: "You don't have to be afraid. Not only will I not hurt you in the future, but I will also treat you twice as well. As long as you don't make trouble to divorce me, I will follow you no matter what you want, isn't that okay?"

Xiangyun had learned his lesson, so naturally he didn't dare to fight with him anymore. He only lowered his eyes and pursed his lips tightly, but said nothing.

Her eyelashes are thick and long. When they hang down, they look like two small fans, fluttering one after another. They are so beautiful. If he didn't have important things to go back to Beijing to do, he really wants to stay like this. Here, look at her a little longer.

However, he must go back immediately to get to the bottom of this matter. He wants to interrogate that Du Wanqing himself. He wants to see what kind of ugly face she hides under her gorgeous skin!

On the official road leading to the capital, Mo Zili sat silently in the carriage, constantly recalling the voices of the guards in his ears.

"Master Li, Wangcai is the servant of the house, right?"

"According to his confession, the attack on your wife was ordered by your concubine Du Shi. The purpose was to rape your wife and then kill her and ruin her reputation. Du Shi gave them three hundred taels of silver and a violet jade. He gave Wangcai and his sister a bracelet as payment, and promised to return Wangcai and his sister's deed of betrayal to them after the deed was completed, so that they could become good citizens..."


He laughed self-deprecatingly, his smile sarcastic.

Mo Zili, you think you are noble, but you are actually the stupidest fool in the world. For her, you did not hesitate to violate family rules and became a sinner of the Liguo Palace; for her, you hurt your innocent and kind wife. , make her hate you to the core; for her, you use all your savings to buy her a life and a home, buy her favorite jewelry to please her, and help her pay back the huge amount of money she owes Mi Fangzhai...

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