Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1287 Is this you, the young master (6)

Just as he was talking, a parrot with a red beak and green beak flew to the branch in front of the imperial study and shouted happily: "Master, I'm back!"

When Caiwei saw the parrot, she said happily: "He's back! Great. Have the dinosaur fossils been dug out?"

"It's been dug out. Three corpses have been dug up and they are on the way to be transported!" The parrot fluttered its feathers and entered the space quickly!

Xiangyun rode a carriage on the small road leading to the capital. While thinking about how to contact Caiwei, he rubbed his belly sadly.

Hey, so hungry!

At this time, Cui Wen suddenly shouted: "Young madam, the young master's car is coming!"

When Xiangyun heard this, she pushed the green pattern on the side of the car curtain, stuck her head out and looked out. Sure enough, she saw a carriage with the mark of Duke Li Guo following closely behind her car. .

Cui Wen said: "Young madam? What should I do? Do you want to stop and wait for the young master?"

"Wait for him?"

Xiangyun sneered, patted the wall of the carriage, and said loudly to the coachman: "Hurry up, run as fast as you can. If you can get away from the carriage behind, I will give you five taels of silver!"

Five taels of silver was definitely a huge amount of money for a coachman. The coachman was overjoyed when he heard this, raised his whip and whipped the horse on the buttocks, and shouted loudly: "Drive——"

The horse was whipped, raised its head, neighed, spread its hooves and ran forward.

The road in the country was bumpy and bumpy, and the man's bone injury was not healed, so he couldn't bear it. Xiangyun saw that his car was getting farther and farther away from Mo Zili's car, and he curled up his mouth happily.

In the car behind, Mo Zili's face was pale, and he was covering his injury in pain, with big beads of sweat rolling down his forehead. When Chengcai, the accompanying boy, saw this, he said with concern: "Sir, you are not feeling well, let's go back."

Mo Zili lowered his head, and after a long while, he said with difficulty: "No need..."

Chengcai said anxiously, "But the young lady has disappeared..."


Mo Zili interrupted him, slowly raised his head, looked in the direction ahead, and said with difficulty: "I won't...let her run away..."

For the five taels of silver, the coachman also worked hard. He kept whipping his whip all the way, and the carriage flew all the way and soon arrived in the city.

After entering the city, Caiwei asked the coachman to slow down the car. There were many people in the city, and if the carriage ran fast, it would be bad if it hit someone.

"Young madam, let's get rid of the young master's car!"

Cuiwen retracted his head from the car curtain and said happily to Xiangyun.

Xiangyun leaned against the car wall, closed his eyes tiredly and said, "Don't mention him to me, it's disturbing."

Cui Wen stuck out his tongue at Cui Lu, not daring to speak casually anymore.

The carriage was driving "clack-dap-dah", and the car was quiet. I don't know how long we had been walking, but an extremely elegant voice came into the carriage.

"Leader Li, please go outside slowly. See you later----"

Xiangyun opened his eyes suddenly as if he was struck by lightning.

This voice has been lingering in her ears for two days, and she has been thinking about it in her dreams. It is absolutely unmistakable.


She shouted, opened the car curtain and looked out. On the bustling street, a tall, handsome and tall man was facing away from her, talking to an older man.

Xiangyun was so excited that he jumped out of the car without even putting on his hat curtain, ignoring the surprised looks of the girls, and walked towards the figure step by step...

Closer, closer...

Xiangyun smelled the familiar fragrance, and her heart beat wildly. She asked carefully: "Sir, is that you?"

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