Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1292 Parrot is looking for someone (5)

No matter what he does, she can always think of some bad things that make her sad and angry. Therefore, what she needs most now is not his apology and compensation, but that he can stay away from her and give her enough Space, don't let her see him again.

However, Mo Zili didn't know what he was thinking. The more Xiangyun avoided, the more he wanted to catch her. For some reason, he always had a feeling that as long as he didn't pay attention, she would leave him and escape to Going somewhere he couldn't find, this feeling made him very uneasy, and he had to keep an eye on her all the time, always keeping her in his sight, just in case. Although this approach was very different from his previous way of dealing with things, there was no other way, and only in this way, to eliminate the uneasiness in his heart.


After dinner, Caiwei and Nangong Yi held hands and went for a walk in the Imperial Garden. On the way, Caiwei told Nangong Yi about her idea of ​​releasing concubines who had not been favored.

After hearing this, Nangong Yi pondered for a long time and said: "Although these concubines are not favored by the Emperor, they are still nominally the Emperor's concubines. Different from those other maids, if they are released, they may cause trouble in the court." The ministers objected. "

Caiwei smiled and said, "I've thought about this a long time ago. These people have to be released secretly. After they get out, we can give them new identities. By then, we won't be afraid of everyone's criticism."

Nangong Yi said: "There is no airtight wall in the world. Those old men will make noise again when they find out."

When the palace maids were released from the palace before, many ministers already opposed it. If the emperor's concubines are released again now, the ministers will definitely react strongly. Not only the ministers, but also the queen mother and the emperor may not agree. .

Caiwei smiled and said, "If you're afraid of their objections, just find something bigger to attract their attention. If you don't let them focus on these people, it's the end of it!"

When Nangong Yi heard this, he said curiously: "What could be more concerning than this?"

Caiwei smiled proudly, shook her head and said: "The excavation work at Erlong Mountain has ended. In a few days, three huge dinosaur fossils will be transported to the capital. By then, those three behemoths will definitely If it causes an uproar in the capital, the emperor can take advantage of that moment to release the person. Even if he is discovered, who would keep an eye on a few inconspicuous concubines with such a big matter?"

This move is called making a splash in the east and attacking in the west to distract the enemy. Caiwei often uses it in bed. Although the effect is not very good, she can't help but use it frequently. Now she has used it very skillfully.

Nangong Yi said: "How did you know that the excavation over there was finished? How did you know that three corpses were unearthed?"

Caiwei said: "The news brought back by Parrot is absolutely accurate, so as long as you agree to let him go, I guarantee that no one will make things difficult for you."

The man always believed in her words. After hearing what she said, he said: "Now that the lady has spoken, even if someone is in trouble, the husband must do his best to make the lady's wish come true. Oh, by the way, you said, the parrot is back." ?"

"Yes, I'll be back in the morning!"

"That's it!"

Nangong Yi touched his chin and said: "I remember Madam said that the parrot can find the lost prince of Qingluo Kingdom. Since it is back, why don't Madam send it to look for it? If it is found, wouldn't Qingluo Kingdom want to find it?" Do you owe our Dajin a favor?"

Caiwei slapped her head and said with a smile: "Look at my memory. I always felt like something was wrong. It turns out it's this. It's simple. Just wait."

After saying that, he summoned the parrot with his mind and conveyed the task of finding the person to it.

Finding someone is simply too easy for the parrot. After receiving the order, it flew out of the space like a green rocket, flying to high places. When it flew until only a small green dot remained, it His eyes widened, and with a flick of his eye, a piece of golden light enveloped the earth.

After a moment, Yingge contacted Caiwei with his mind and shouted: "Master, I found it. This person actually lives in the capital!"

Caiwei glanced at Nangong Yi in surprise and said, "The parrot said he found him. This person is in the capital!"

Nangong Yi said in surprise: "You found it so quickly, can you make a mistake?"

"Of course it's not wrong, the parrot is a mythical beast!" Caiwei was very assured of the parrot's abilities. She raised her head, looked up at the green dots in the sky, and ordered: "Go and see who that person is? Where does he live?" Remember it and tell me."

"Yes, Master!"

The parrot agreed and disappeared with a hiss!

"Just wait and see, it will find the prince of Qingluo Kingdom soon!" Caiwei said firmly.

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