Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1350 If you love someone, believe it (6)


"The Queen----"

In the distance, lanterns and torches illuminated half of the sky red. Yang Yong led his people, shouting loudly, to look for Nangong Yi and Cai Wei.

Caiwei stood up, waved the handkerchief in her hand, and shouted, "We are here!"

Yang Yong and others heard Caiwei's cry, ran over panting, and said loudly: "Mother, just now someone came from the city and said that Mrs. Mu is about to give birth!"

When Caiwei heard this, she immediately said loudly: "Really? Who sent the letter? What did the person who sent the letter say?"

Yang Yongdao: "It's the little eunuch who stayed in Mu's house who came to report the news, saying that Mrs. Mu started to see red two hours ago, and has been struggling for two hours now, and she has probably given birth now..."

Hearing this, Caiwei immediately beamed with joy and said: "Quickly, pass on my decree and quietly prepare the car. I want to go back to see my mother and brother immediately. "

Nangong Yi hurriedly said: "I'm going too!"

Caiwei smiled and said: "All the officials came with you to hunt, but you left everyone behind for the sake of your mother-in-law's birth. Now, you have given those censors an excuse to impeach me. You can stay here without worry. I am the only one." It's okay to go alone, it's not like you don't know what I'm capable of!"

Nangong Yi thought about it, so he had no choice but to stay, and ordered Yang Yong to prepare a phoenix chariot for Caiwei, and Duo Duo led several teams of guards to escort her back.

Caiwei said helplessly: "It is against the palace rules to return to Ning privately. I originally planned to go back secretly, but the emperor sent people to send me back with great fanfare. Was he afraid that others would not know that I was gone? Or was he afraid that the censors would not impeach me? Me? Don't worry, I can just go back quietly by myself, no one can hurt me!"

Soon, Caiwei's car was ready. An inconspicuous two-wheeled carriage with a green curtain covering the roof rushed down the mountain in the darkness of night...

On the way, Caiwei sent out the parrot to report to her the situation there in a timely manner.

"Parrot, how are you? Has your mother given birth?"

"Master, it's not yet, but it seems to be coming soon. Po Wen said she saw the top of the child's head..."

When Caiwei heard this, she was so anxious that she wished she could see this little guy in her house all at once. If it wasn't already late enough, he would definitely send the carriage back and ride there on a white-haired tiger... …

"Parrot, have you given birth?" She asked again as the carriage passed by her village.

The parrot cried "Gah": "---- came out, the head came out, it's so ugly and wrinkled..."

"Just come out, Amitabha!"

Caiwei clasped her hands together and chanted Buddha in her heart. When she heard that her mother was about to give birth, she was frightened. Medical conditions in ancient times were extremely poor, and a woman's life was in danger at any time during childbirth. Her family was so harmonious and peaceful. Mom is so gentle and considerate, if something unexpected happens, she will definitely collapse!

"Gah----it's a young lady, an ugly young lady!" the parrot continued with his venomous tongue.

Caiwei burst out laughing. Her father was gentle and elegant, and her mother was as beautiful as a flower. How could they give birth to an ugly daughter? The parrot must have never seen a baby before, and when he first saw that little pink thing , so I think she is ugly.

After learning that her mother gave birth safely, Caiwei felt relieved and no longer chased the driver to hurry up. She chatted happily with Huanqiu, all she said was how cute the child was!

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh----"

Without warning, dozens of cold arrows were shot from all directions, instantly killing the running horse. Even the driver was not spared. He was hit by several arrows and fell down on the dirt road in the countryside.

Huanqiu said in surprise: "No, there is an assassin!"

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