Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1431 He is coming (2)

Mo Zili stood behind her, looking at the disappointed little face in the mirror, tears slowly flowing down his face, and he couldn't help but feel a sharp pain in his heart.

She is sad because she cannot go back to marry that man. She is disappointed, regretful, painful, and sad because of this...

However, he doesn't blame her. It's because he didn't do well and hurt her too deeply. Other women would hate him. Therefore, he doesn't dare to expect too much. He only hopes that she can give him Just a chance at redemption.


He raised his hand and was just about to put his hand on her shoulder to comfort her and coax her, but the face in the mirror changed color in vain. She stood up and quickly ran to the side, hugging her shoulder. , looked at his raised hand warily, and asked tremblingly: "What do you want... to do?"

Mo Zili took back his hand and said with a wry smile: "Do you distrust me just like that? We have lived under the same roof for several months. Don't you still know what I am like?"

Xiangyun leaned against the wall tightly, the vigilance in her eyes not relaxing at all. She plucked up the courage and said to Mo Zili: "Since you think you are a good character, why do you do such a hard thing?" Son? You clearly know that my heart is not with you, why are you forcing me? Also, didn’t you say that you are sorry for me and want to compensate me? Then please let me go and give me freedom. The greatest compensation. "

"Except for this matter, I can promise you anything." Afraid of causing her panic, Mo Zili did not approach her anymore. He just stood there and discussed with her softly.

Xiangyun said: "Well, please tell my parents that I am here so that they won't worry about it."

How could he hide this idea from Mo Zili? He didn't move or object, and said, "Okay, when we become a real couple, I will be able to bear the burden of apology in front of my father-in-law and mother-in-law!"

"What? A real couple?"

Xiangyun's heart collapsed, and she shouted: "What do you want to do? Mo Zili, let me tell you, if you dare to force me, I will, I will..."

She looked around, then suddenly raised her hand and pulled off the tired golden phoenix hairpin stuck in her head. The sharp tip of the hairpin was pointed at her throat, and her tone was tragic and decisive: "If you dare to force me, I will die." In front of you!"

Mo Zili said sadly: "Xiangyun, you don't have to be afraid, I won't hurt you, let alone force you to do something you don't want to do. I will wait until the day you are willing. If you are not willing, , I will never force you."

Xiangyun said flatly: "I will never agree, you'd better give up!"

Mo Zili said dejectedly: "I won't give up. If you don't want to, I will wait for you forever. It will be a long time. I believe that sooner or later, you will accept my sincerity."

He was such a paranoid man. Xiangyun was speechless. She held the hairpin and thought for a while and said, "Didn't you say you won't force me? Well, please go out. I don't want to see you now, and I don't want to eat."

Mo Zili paused for a moment, because he didn't want to force her, let alone make her angry, so he said: "Okay, you can have a good rest. If you want to eat or want anything, just say it. I will come to see you tomorrow." After finishing, he looked at her reluctantly, turned and left.

When he got outside, he said coldly to several men in black: "Keep an eye on her. If she runs away, you guys will die!"

"Yes, sir!" Several men in black hugged their fists and respectfully agreed.

Chengcai quickly came over and said: "Master, let's go back quickly. The search for someone outside has been overwhelming. If you don't go back, I'm really afraid that the substitute won't be able to hold on..."

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