Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1449 Falling into the trap (2)

"Master, be careful!"

Caiwei said doubtfully: "What?"

She is a mortal with naked eyes, and her eyes cannot see anything else, but the parrot's heavenly eyes can see clearly. Amidst the sound of the drum, I saw many ghosts floating out of the human skin drum, under the steps of the palace, in the cracks of the tiles, and behind the rockery. These ghosts were male and female, old and young, all with disheveled hair. , his face was covered with blood, and you could tell at first sight that he was a person who died tragically.

They were floating, filled with sinister aura, and gathered towards Caiwei, trying to capture her soul. Caiwei didn't know that the danger was approaching, and still looked around, wanting to know the purpose of Jiya's drumming.

The parrot was frightened and flew over quickly, trying to disperse the ghosts.

However, those evil spirits did not have physical bodies to disperse, and the parrots walked through them, squawking anxiously.

Caiwei saw the uneasiness of the parrot and asked anxiously: "What's the matter, parrot?"

The parrot said eagerly: "Master, hurry up, go back to the space, there are evil ghosts who want to haunt you and seduce your soul!"

As she screamed, several ghosts had already floated to Caiwei's side amidst the increasingly tense drumbeats. However, before she could reach out to seduce the ghosts, she saw a sudden golden light flash on the Taoist robe Caiwei was wearing. The one at the front The ghost disappeared suddenly and silently under the golden light.

Then, the golden light gradually spread, like a luminous body, emitting precious light in the night, shooting into the night sky, magnifying infinitely!

Caiwei suddenly opened her eyes and looked at the Taoist robe on her body in disbelief!

But the parrot saw more than she did. It saw those Yin people floating in the air who had been raised by Queen Jiya for many years. They all retreated silently at the moment of golden light, as if they wanted to escape. However, But they were shrouded in the suddenly amplified golden light. The ghosts struggled a few times, and finally disappeared without a trace...

Caiwei only saw her clothes glowing, but not the rest. She didn't know what she had just experienced. She was still on guard waiting for Jiya to make a move. How did she know that if she didn't have this Taoist robe? Those Yin people with extremely evil aura just now had taken away her soul, and her physical body had also died suddenly!

Queen Jiya finally saw that the Taoist robe Caiwei was wearing contained a very strong aura of gold and auspiciousness. Her gaze was sharp, and her scarlet eyes showed a bit of greed. So many treasures were given to this woman. What a pity it was occupied!

She raised her lips, suddenly put away her human skin drum, turned around and walked towards the palace.

Caiwei, White-haired Tiger Changmei and others had already eliminated the wizards under Jiya. When they saw Jiya retreating into the palace, they wanted to chase after her.


The parrot flew up, opened his eyes, glanced at the huge palace, and said, "Master, the yin energy inside is so strong that even I can't see clearly what it is. You'd better not go in."

Caiwei said, "If we don't go in, will the old witch escape?"

Parrot laughed and said: "How can we let her run away? We won't go in, just let her come out!"

After that, he flew up, grabbed two lanterns hanging in the courtyard, and flew to the top of the palace.

Yo, set fire!

What a great idea!

Caiwei raised the corner of her mouth and praised the parrot for her intelligence for the first time. She was not idle either. She used her mind to transport a large amount of dry firewood from the space and helped Changmei and the parrot set the fire!

During this period, Queen Jiya's palace was eerily quiet, with no movement at all either inside or outside.

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