Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1665 Small Temple by the River (4)

After rinsing the wound, she cut off one leg of the dry cotton trousers she was wearing next to her body, and used the trouser leg to carefully bandage his wound. After bandaging, she went to twist his hair while he was still awake. .

It was completely dark, but Mo Zili still hadn't woken up. Juhua was afraid that his wounds would become inflamed, or that wild beasts and robbers would suddenly break in, so she didn't dare to sleep, so she hugged her knees and sat by the fire to watch over him... …


In the prison of the Ministry of Punishment

Nangong Yi interrogated Li Kaifeng for several days, but found nothing. The man's mouth was as tough as a thousand-year-old river clam, and he could not be pried open no matter how hard he tried. All the torture instruments in the prison of the Ministry of Punishment were used on him, and he was also tortured. The tormented man only had half his life left, but he just gritted his teeth and refused to confess.

Nangong Yi was very angry, but there was nothing he could do to him. Li Kaifeng was born in the military, he had a very tough temper, and his physical endurance was stronger than the average person. Moreover, he was a smart man and knew that he would definitely die if he confessed. There is a danger of being beaten to death at any time, but at least there is hope of survival, so no matter how tortured he is, he just doesn't speak.

After returning to the palace, the man told Caiwei about the incident in frustration.

Caiwei also had a headache after hearing this. If Li Kaifeng refused to confess, there would be no way to eliminate the remaining forces he had hidden outside. These desperadoes were very loyal to Li Kaifeng, and they would keep watching their family, waiting for opportunities. , to avenge Li Kaifeng, they will always live in danger and uneasiness.

She's not afraid, she has space and martial arts, and those desperadoes can't do anything to her. But her little buns were pitiful. Once they left her, their lives would be threatened all the time. This was something Caiwei couldn't tolerate, so she had to find a way to get Li Kaifeng to speak.

The interrogation of Prime Minister Ning and Duke Fu has been temporarily suspended. With Li Kaifeng as an important suspect, the possibility of their crimes has been basically ruled out. However, in Nangong Yi's heart, even if they are with the Queen Mother and the court, Yue's death has nothing to do with it, but these two people have violated his taboo by inciting people to go against Caiwei, so even if they are wronged this time, they deserve it!

When Nangong Yi told Caiwei that Li Kaifeng refused to confess, the parrot happened to be present. It said strangely: "Master, why don't you use the Turtle Immortal's Ecstasy to captivate that person's mind? What do you want to ask him?" He will answer obediently, so why go through all the trouble and use torture?"

When it said this, Caiwei suddenly woke up from a dream. She slapped her forehead and said with a smile: "Hey, why didn't I think of that? I have also used Ecstasy. They say that one pregnancy is stupid for three years. Now, I believe it!"

Nangong Yi saw her muttering to herself and asked her what was wrong. Caiwei didn't hide it. I told him about the incident. When Nangong Yi heard that there was such a good thing, he hurriedly urged Caiwei to get the medicine from Laogui. He wanted to interrogate Li Kaifeng overnight because he wanted to know who killed his mother and who killed his sister. !

If Li Kaifeng is forced to speak, he will not know whether the confession he gets is true or false. If he uses Ecstasy, he can definitely ask for the true confession. In this way, the truth will be revealed to the world

Caiwei also wanted to know the result as soon as possible. Before Nangong Yi finished speaking, she hurried to get it from Old Turtle. She handed the Ecstasy Powder to the man and sent him out of the space to ask him to ask the Ministry of Punishments. Case closed.

In fact, she originally wanted to go with them, but when it was time for the three buns to go to bed, she or Nangong Yi personally coaxed them to sleep. Their work and rest schedules were very regular, so she didn't plan to go to bed for one. Li Kaifeng broke the rules of children's life.

The little buns are more than nine months old, and they can already crawl around in the whole space. In the past, when they were just born or when they just rolled over, the boys watched them too much. In order to prevent them from falling or letting them After being injured, Caiwei had to spend a lot of time taking care of them every day, practicing their vaginas, and teaching them to crawl. Except when they were sleeping, Caiwei basically spent the rest of her time with Caiwei.

In order to take care of them, Caiwei even had to eat and manage the harem accounts after they fell asleep. Otherwise, the buns would cry if they didn't see her when they woke up.

With the bond of these three little guys, she has not been to Lingbei for a long time. There must be a lot of backlog of glass there, probably filling up several warehouses there. Maybe it will cause panic among the glass workers, no. , she had to go to Lingbei before everyone panicked, settle their wages once, and appease the workers' emotions at the same time...

The trip to Lingbei was aborted before it was planned.

Because, that night, Nangong Yi used Ecstasy to interrogate the murderer of the Queen Mother and Chaoyang!

Li Kaifeng, who had been tricked, was extremely well-behaved and told Nangong Yi everything clearly. It turned out that the death of the Queen Mother and Chaoyang were both instigated by Li Kaifeng. The purpose was the same as Caiwei speculated, which was to create a gap between them so that he could take advantage of them when they were separated.

However, I didn't expect that two nearly perfect murders did not shake Mu Caiwei at all, and she was able to solve the case. It was really a steal but a loss of rice!

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