Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1670 Mrs. Shen’s decision, second update (1)

Juhua was taken back. When Mrs. Shen and Mrs. Cui saw her daughter, she hugged her and cried so hard that she couldn't stop crying. Juhua was infected by her mother's emotions and thought of yesterday's near-death experience. A few tears were shed.

Master Shen was naturally happy to see his daughter return safely, but he was a father and could not express his emotions by holding his daughter and crying like Madam, so he had to persuade her on the side.

"It's good that my daughter is back. Madam, please stop crying. Look, you've made your daughter cry. Why don't you check to see if your daughter is hurt? Is she frightened or something?"

When Mrs. Cui heard this, she hurriedly let go of the chrysanthemum. She didn't even bother to wipe her tears, and looked up and down.

"Good boy, tell me quickly, are you injured anywhere? Have you ever suffered? How were you rescued..."

Juhua answered one by one. When answering the last question, she thought of what Mo Zili said to her, so she deliberately concealed the fact that the man saved her and said: "After my daughter fell off the cliff, luckily she didn't..." He fell on a rock and was later washed to the shore. When he saw a ruined temple on the shore, he hid there for the night, and was later found by Liu Huyuan..."

What she said was concise and concise, but Mrs. Cui heard it thrillingly!

Falling off a cliff, being washed away by a flood, hiding in a ruined temple on a barren mountain, all of them sound scary enough. My daughter has experienced so many things in one day, and I really feel sorry for her.

Juhua was worried about the wound on her butt, but it was in a shameful place, so she didn't say it in front of everyone. After she got back to the car with her mother, she hesitantly told her about being bitten by a snake.

When Mrs. Cui heard that Chrysanthemum had been bitten by a snake, she was so frightened that she asked her daughter to take off her pants to show her.

Juhua was very close to her mother, so she naturally did not shy away from her mother. She immediately took off her pants to her knees and lay down on the low couch to let her mother check her injuries.

When Mrs. Cui saw the swollen and purple wound, she kept chanting Buddha's words in her heart-broken mouth. She wanted to ask the doctor to come and see her, but Juhua held her mouth.

"Mom, is this place allowed to be seen by others? Let alone showing it to others, you can't even tell anyone about it!"

Mrs. Cui also knew that her daughter was right, but when she saw the purple mark on her daughter's buttocks, her heart trembled with distress, and she muttered in her mouth: "It's okay if you don't invite the doctor, mother will give it to you later." Find a detoxification pill and take one. By the way, your wound will also need to be washed with strong alcohol later to reduce inflammation and kill poison."

Juhua obeyed her mother's words and agreed obediently. After her mother saw the injury, she stood up and put on her pants.

While she was putting them on, Mrs. Cui suddenly saw something strange on her obscene pants. She was stunned and her eyes nearly popped out of her sockets. She grabbed her daughter's arm that was lifting her pants and asked in a trembling voice: "You're obscene?" Pants...what's wrong? Where are those trouser legs?"

Juhua stiffened, and the expression on her face froze.

Damn it, she forgot about cutting off her trouser legs. Now, Mo Zili's matter can no longer be hidden from her mother.

She twitched the corner of her mouth and whispered: "Mom, don't be anxious, listen to me..."


After the chrysanthemum was retrieved, Mr. Shen immediately ordered to set off. Although Mr. Mo was trying to save his daughter from falling into the water, the time for his takeover was tight. He had been delayed for half a day yesterday and could not delay any more, so he left a few people behind. I continued my search while I took my wife and daughter on my way.

The car was driving gurglingly. About half an hour later, a nurse from the hospital rode a horse to Master Shen's car and said, "Sir, madam, please come over immediately. I said I have something important to discuss with you!"

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