Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1692 Return to Mu Village (4)

The third aunt was chattering, like Xianglin's wife, confiding her pain to Caiwei.

Caiwei sympathized with third uncle and third aunt. She knew how much third uncle and third aunt loved Cai Lian. Cai Lian's death must have devastated them to the point of death. Fortunately, Lian'er left a little girl behind before she died. Give it to them, otherwise, they will definitely collapse.

Seeing Third Aunt's devastated look, Caiwei could only comfort her and said: "Aunt, don't just be sad, you have to look forward. Fortunately, Sister Lian'er has left you and Third Uncle a thought. From now on, You old couple, just watch the little girl live her life! If you don’t want to stay in Mu Village anymore, go to the capital to find my parents, and they will settle you down well!"

Third Aunt Mu wiped away her tears and said, "Your sister Lian'er is here. We don't want to go anywhere, so we just stay here to watch over her and live one day at a time..."

Since they didn't want to leave Mujia Village, Caiwei couldn't force it, and planned to give her more money later so that they could live the rest of their lives without worries...

The third aunt talked to Caiwei for a while, and left in a hurry because she was thinking about the little girl at home. Caiwei used her mind to send a stack of small denomination banknotes to the third aunt's broken purse, fifty Two by one, ten banknotes, and five hundred taels of silver were enough for them to spend the rest of their lives with adequate food and clothing...

After the third aunt left, Caiwei hugged Mingzhu, and Nangong Yi hugged Jin'er and Yu'er, and the family of five went to visit the patriarch's house.

When the patriarch saw Caiwei and his wife coming, he hurriedly and enthusiastically welcomed them in and invited them to take their seats.

It is said that scholars should look at each other with admiration after three days of separation, and now the daughter of the scholar's family should also look at them with admiration. Caiwei is no longer the poor girl with a yellow face who timidly came to his house to borrow food two years ago. She was wearing silk and satin clothes, with a head full of pearls, and acted like a noble lady, making people feel awe at the sight of her.

Her husband is the handsome young man who donated money to the villagers to build houses in the past. He is also wearing a splendid robe like her. He looks like a rich and noble man at first glance. Her three children are all very beautiful, even more beautiful than her. The golden boys and girls under the Guanyin Bodhisattva's seat in the temple are so beautiful that the couple's eyes widened when they saw them.

"Hey, Wei'er? Is this your baby? She gave birth to three children in one birth, and they are all so handsome. Wei'er is so lucky!"

The patriarch's wife stood in front of Caiwei with a face full of love. She stretched out her hand and wanted to touch the pink and tender face in Caiwei's arms. However, when her calloused hand almost touched the pink and white face, Her little face suddenly froze. The sharp contrast between her tender face and her old hand made her suddenly feel ashamed. She retracted her old hand in a dignified voice to avoid being scratched by the rough palm. to your child's delicate skin.

The patriarch's daughter came in to offer tea. When she saw the immortal Nangong Yi sitting there lazily, she immediately stayed there, as if her soul had been lost. Seeing her lose her composure, the patriarch coughed majestically, The daughter suddenly regained her composure, quickly offered tea, blushed, lowered her head and went out.

Alas, this evil evildoer is making the young girl lovesick again!

Caiwei smiled helplessly, picked up the tea and took a sip. tastes really bad. It's far worse than the tea brewed from the Lingxi water in her space. It's just like a cloud of mud.

"Haha, Wei... Girl, do you have anything to do when you return to the village this time?"

The patriarch opened his mouth. In fact, he was going to call Caiwei "Weier" just now, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he felt something was wrong. Caiwei's identity was different from what it used to be. Calling her "Weier" would be rude, so, He hurriedly changed his words, and the word "Weier" on the tip of his tongue was temporarily changed to "Miss Wei", which made Caiwei almost spit out the tea she just drank.

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