Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1854 Purple Pearl Necklace (5)

Ning Huaixiu said: "It is said that the old lady plans to use the second lady's birthday banquet to bring happiness to the house and eliminate bad luck; besides, forty years old is a full life span, and a person can only live a few full life spans in this life, so , the Liguo Government plans to do something grand.  "

The second lady is Mo Qingshan's wife and Mo Zili's mother Bai. Juhua has already rejected Mo Zili and is married to herself. Naturally, she doesn't want to have anything to do with Duke Li Guo's mansion, so she shook her head without thinking: "Don't go!"

After hearing this, Ning Huaixiu said calmly: "Look, Juhua, this is your fault. Mr. Mo saved your life and almost died because of you. The second master and second wife also ran to Bianzhou because of this." After staying there for more than half a year, I heard that the second master was in poor health. Because he couldn't stand the weather in the north, he got really seriously ill in Bianzhou. If the Yao Hospital Judge hadn't rushed there quickly, he would have almost died of the illness. , all this is not because of you, so you owe others, how can you ignore such an important matter as the second wife’s birthday? At least you should go to pay birthdays to prove that you have not forgotten others’ kindness. ah!"

"The Liguo Duke's Mansion is a home with bells and pans, and everything is lacking. If you want to repay others' kindness, you can't repay it with gold, silver, and silk. Why not take advantage of the second lady's fortieth birthday to pay her birthday in person?" , in front of others, firstly, let the people in the capital see that you are open and honest, and have no relationship with Mr. Li as rumored outside; secondly, it will also make the second lady and Mr. Li feel that you are a thoughtful person, and their You remember all the kindness, so that I can feel a little comforted and feel that I saved you in vain..."

She was moved with emotion and understood with reason, and Juhua also listened. She lowered her head and ate the fruit while saying: "According to what you said, I really should go, but I'm afraid my parents won't allow it." , Moreover, Duke Li Guo’s Mansion didn’t give me an invitation, so I can’t even go if I want to!”

Ning Huaixiu said: "If my sister has this intention, why not wait for my sister to pick you up on the day of the second wife's birthday party? Then my sister will just tell your father-in-law that we are going shopping, and I don't think your father-in-law will know about it. Wouldn't it be better?" "

Juhua is a simple woman. After hearing what Ning Huaixiu said was reasonable, she agreed: "Well, just follow my sister's arrangement!" Then she began to think about what to bring as a gift to Bai...

In the corner of Zhenbao Pavilion, Huan Yun looked downstairs and whispered to the person in the wheelchair: "Sir, they have all left and the carriage has disappeared. Can we go out?"

Mo Zili said sadly: "Let's go!"

Huan Yun said: "Then, madam's birthday gift..."

"Let's talk about it later!"

Mo Zili sat slumped in the wheelchair, his face was as pale as paper, and his heart was still beating wildly. He didn't expect to meet her again here. God really played a big joke on him. Fortunately, he He saw her first and hid in time, otherwise he would be even more embarrassed if she saw him in such a mess.


Huanyun pushed him and walked outside.

"Wait a moment!"

He suddenly remembered what the purple pearl necklace looked like when she first came here. She must have liked that set of things and didn't buy it for some reason. She had always liked purple accessories. This was the moment she left him. He remembered it later.

He owed her a set of jewelry, which had always been a pain in his heart. Fortunately, God gave him a chance to make up for it, and he could finally make up for the regrets in his life...

Three days later, Xiangyun and Wanyan Jingchen ended their journey to the imperial examination and set off back to their own Qingluo Kingdom.

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