Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 804 Mayfair’s concerns (4)

Caiwei stopped her hand and signaled to Xuanqiu to take care of Fei'er, while she walked towards Mr. Ji who had just stood up with a cold and stern air.

"You, what are you going to do? You are brave. Stop. I tell you, I am Mrs. Ji..."

"Whether you are a chicken or a duck, if you bully my sister for no reason, you should pay the price!"

Caiwei interrupted the drunkard's words and spoke coldly. She said the last few words through gritted teeth.

She is a very protective person and always values ​​her family more than herself. Now that Mr. Ji has teased her sister in front of her, she must make him pay the price. After saying that, he flashed behind Young Master Ji and kicked him in the crook of his leg, knocking him down with a 'pop'.

Caiwei originally planned to make him kneel down, but she didn't want to just kick him. Before she could do anything to him, he fell down like a puddle of mud and screamed "Wow wow wow". Killing people'.

Even though he screamed miserably, Caiwei had no intention of sparing him. She leaned over, grabbed his hair with her backhand, lifted him up from the ground, raised her jade fist high, and suddenly heard a cold voice.


Caiwei turned around coldly, only to see the cold-faced man she had met when she first came, walking down the stairs slowly with his hands behind his back. His cold eyes glanced at Caiwei's hand and said "wow, wow" When he called Mr. Ji, he showed a fleeting look of disgust.

He walked to Caiwei and said softly: "Mr. Ji made a mistake first, but he and his men have learned a lesson. Please show your kindness, girl, and be merciful!"

Caiwei sneered and said, "You look like a bitch and a gentleman, but I didn't expect that you are in the same group with this dirty thing. When those big men came to besiege our two little girls just now, why didn't they see you?" To persuade them to be arrogant? Now that the situation has reversed, you have come to give me an ideological education class under false pretenses. Ha, how funny!"

After laughing, he said harshly in vain: "Get out of here! Otherwise, I'll beat you too!"

Mr. Mo was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't expect that this woman who looked as delicate as a willow could say such rude words. He twitched the corner of his mouth, slowly stretched out a hand, made a gesture of invitation, and said: " Since the girl said this, please do it!"

Needless to say, they also understood each other that if Caiwei defeated him later, Caiwei would have to deal with Mr. Ji; if he won, Caiwei would have to let Mr. Ji go.


Under the curtain of her hat, Caiwei glared at him fiercely, glanced at him and let go of the drunkard in her hands, taking advantage of the moment when the drunkard fell down, she jumped forward!

At the same time, Mo Ziqi, who was like a leopard on the opposite side, also approached at the same time!


The two fists collided for a moment, and there was no difference! But there was no sound of bone cracking or huge impact as expected, only a 'pop' sound was heard, the air seemed to shake, and the two of them stepped back at the same time.

In a duel between internal strength masters, most of the internal strength used is invisible, and most of the injuries are internal injuries, which cannot be seen from the outside. To be precise, the two people's punches did not collide in the actual sense, and they both used seven punches. Eighty percent of the inner strength tested the opponent, and then took the opportunity to stop.

As soon as their heels landed on the ground, the two of them used strength at the same time and ran towards each other!

After the previous contest, Mo Ziqi was fully confident that he could win her without hurting her; Caiwei also made up her mind not to lose in front of her sister. If she really couldn't beat him, it would be a waste of space. A little bit of spiritual power can teach the scoundrel who bullied my sister a lesson!

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