Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 825 Mengnu surrenders (3)


Caiwei laughed shamelessly and almost shed tears.

"Great Khan, all of your women have been circumcised. Only you regard such disabled women as treasures. In our Dajin, only disabled and old bachelors who cannot marry a wife will want them. Don't worry. , no one cares about your women. As for the cattle and sheep, the capital of the Jin Dynasty is thousands of miles away from here. It’s not enough money to travel there, let alone you. When you surrender, you will be the same as before. You can live how you want, no one will enslave you, not only that, I also came up with an excellent way to help you enslaved people get rich!"

Tuoba Kui sneered: "Woman, why should I believe you?"

"That's all!"

Caiwei raised her hand, and a square object suddenly appeared in her hand. The object was thin, not much thicker than paper, but more crystal clear than crystal. When she looked from one side to the other, There is no visual obstruction at all.

She stepped forward and handed the thing in her hand to Tuoba Kui's hand, and kindly said: "Be careful of the edge, you may scratch your hand!"

Tuoba Kui looked at the magical thing in his hand and was startled: "What is this?"


Caiwei smiled and said, "I will teach you how to make glass, and then buy it for one tael of silver per piece of glass. The raw materials for making this kind of thing are everywhere in Monu, and it doesn't cost you a penny, so , you don’t have to worry about the cost of raw materials, just make this kind of thing with peace of mind, and I guarantee that no matter how much you make, I will buy them all, what does the Khan think of this deal?"

Tuoba Kui stared at the glass in his hand for a while, then raised his head and asked, "How long does it take to make a piece of glass?"

Caiwei stretched out a finger and smiled brightly: "Khan, a Mengnu man in his prime can burn at least ten pieces of glass every day!"

Tuoba Kui's eyes flashed, his face gloomy and uncertain, as if he still couldn't accept her arrangement for a while.

Caiwei said: "Please make a decision soon. If the Khan decides to surrender today, we can do what I said before. But if the Khan refuses to surrender, when the King of Qin captures the capital city, the Khan and Mongolia will The slave people have become prisoners of war, and all the previous decisions will be overturned and invalidated. At that time, let alone burning glass for money, even if you prisoners of war are asked to do it for nothing, do you still dare to resist?"


She smiled and said lightly: "I only gave the Great Khan ten days to think about it. After ten days, if the Great Khan does not surrender, I will have no choice but to kill you!"

A few words of kindness and power broke down Tuoba Kui's last psychological defense line. He is a human being, not a god. He is also afraid of death and longs to live like ordinary people. He originally fought to the death because he was afraid of Mengnu's tribe. After being enslaved by the Jin people, he now sees a glimmer of hope. The Mengnu people will not be oppressed or enslaved, and will live a good life. If this is the case, surrender is not a bad idea!

He pondered for a long time, then raised his head and said in a deep voice: "What you said may represent the Jin Dynasty?"

Caiwei knew that she could not convince him alone, so she smiled and said: "If the Khan can't believe me, it doesn't matter. Early tomorrow morning, the King of Qin will send someone to talk to the Khan about surrender. When the time comes, he will sign and sign, and the Khan will naturally believe him." Yes."

Tuoba Kui closed his eyes and said after a while: "Okay, I will be waiting for the envoy from the Jin Dynasty tomorrow!"

Seeing that he agreed, Caiwei suddenly felt very good. She said with a smile: "Since the Great Khan has agreed, please keep your word and don't welcome the envoys of the Jin Dynasty like you welcomed me today."

When Tuoba Kui heard this, he said with displeasure: "The men of Mengnu always keep their word and are not as treacherous as you Jin people. Since the Mengnu people have made a promise, they will definitely keep it!"

These few words made Caiwei extremely satisfied. She smiled, tried her best to comfort Tuoba Kui, and then stood up to leave.

Tuoba Kui saw her riding a white-haired tiger, flying away at lightning speed, and closed his eyes weakly. This time, he really made up his mind.

The white-haired tiger ran very fast. The woman on its back was a little excited at the moment. Tuoba Kui finally agreed to surrender. The man would soon be victorious. Banshi returned to the court, and the relationship between them also changed. We can see the light of day soon!

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