Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 925 Embarrassment (5)

There was a black line on Caiwei's head. She thought about the embarrassing scene when Huo Yuan bought these things. She slapped her forehead in annoyance. She hurriedly put on her new outfit and took off the dirty skirt and dirty pants. Wrapped in the bag, she also wrapped up the cushion that was stained by her, and hurried out the door.

Outside the door, Huo Yuan was waiting quietly. When he saw Caiwei, he smiled kindly, but there was still a bit of embarrassment in the smile.

"Yeah, it fits quite well!"

In order to ease the awkward atmosphere between the two of them, Huo Yuan pretended to be relaxed and said something.

At this moment, Caiwei was so embarrassed that she wanted to cover her face and run away. There was still Xianqing Yizhi chatting with him, so she just said something to him in a panic and ran away.

Huo Yuan saw Caiwei running away like a little mouse, and his slightly troubled face suddenly broke out into a smile. He had seen Caiwei being playful, he had seen her being cold, he had seen her be shrewd, he had seen her be obedient, But he had never seen her so embarrassed before. Her expressions and movements were both funny and cute, like a little mouse that was being driven into a panic by a cat. If he hadn't seen her getting anxious, he would have been reluctant to let her go. How could he have let her go? How fun it would be to tease her for a while!

Caiwei sat in the carriage of Prince Qin's Palace and ran back to Prince Qin's Palace in one breath. Her menstruation suddenly came and she was unable to contact the space. The original plan to throw Dafang's family out of the Jin Kingdom tonight had to be temporarily shelved. Even her trip to Nangong Yi's camp could not be realized for a while. In the past two days, she could only stay in the capital obediently. Without the support of space, many of her ideas could not be realized.


In an old house in Beijing

Mu Chongfu stayed at the table, eating roasted chicken with big mouthfuls, while cursing Caiwei's unkindness to the family at the dinner table.

"Let me tell you, Erfang and his family haven't left the capital at all. They might be hiding somewhere to enjoy their happiness. That little bitch Mu Caiwei must be afraid that we will take advantage of them, so she placed us in this remote place. I didn't care, I hid away and drank the spicy food."

Muliankui took a sip of the wine, put down the cup, and said slowly: "What are you afraid of when you hide? If you run away, the monk will also run away from the temple?"

"We will use it as her furniture these days. When the money from selling the furniture runs out, we will sell her house. I don't believe she can hide for the rest of her life? I don't believe they won't come out for the rest of their lives?"

He put down the wine glass. The small drink made his face glow red and he was in high spirits. He was completely different from the fleeing look he had when he came to the capital two days ago. He couldn't help but change the ragged clothes on his body into brand new ones. Wearing silk and satin clothes, even the few sparse white hairs were tied up with a red gold hairpin, imitating the landlord's style.

The whole family has changed. They all put on silk and satin clothes that they have never worn in their lives. They have been eating and drinking like crazy in the past few days, eating so much fish and meat that they almost pawned the money for the furniture in the house. All used up.

However, the second elder of the Mu family does not feel ashamed about this. He believes that this is a matter of course. It is natural for his son to support his mother and father. If the second elder and his family do not show up in a few days, he will consider selling the house.

Mu Zhongli took a chopstick of fish meat and put it into his mouth. While eating, he said, "Dad, we don't have the deed of the house anymore, so selling the house won't work. However, if they don't come out, we can sell this house." If you rent out the house, it shouldn't be a problem for a big house to cost you five or eight taels of silver per month."

"Yes, that's it. We are waiting for three to five days. If they still hide and don't come to see their grandparents, we will rent this house out! Then we will go to the capital to find them." Mu Chongcai supported his father. decision.

The family settled down and started eating and drinking happily...

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