Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 955 The marriage proposal is here (3)

"Look at how anxious you are, how can you decide a date just after proposing marriage? You are really a bachelor who has given birth to a child. He has never seen his wife in his last life!"

Mrs. Liu was annoyed, took the letter, read it over, and said, "This is a good thing. Grandma will naturally help you. It's just that the Mu family's status is a bit low. Will it cause criticism in the court?"

Regarding Caiwei's origin, Nangong Yi had indeed thought about it. Now that Mu Zhongqing was just a scholar, Caiwei's matchmaker was marrying him, so many people would indeed make long-term remarks. Therefore, he has made up his mind to let Mu Zhongqing pursue an official career. Of course, the starting point cannot be too high, otherwise the censor will accuse him of nepotism, and Mu Zhongqing will not accept it. Therefore, he plans to temporarily grant him a Hanlin Academy Dian Bo's position is slowly being promoted, and Mu Zhongqing must be willing to do so.

"Grandma doesn't need to worry about this. My grandson has already made arrangements. When the time comes, I will be able to stop Yunyun's mouth!"

"That's good. Don't be criticized by the courtiers just for the sake of temporary motivation." Duke Li Guo said.


Caiwei's family returned to their village again. Zhang Biaotou's family were very happy to see that the second young lady was also found, and hurriedly ordered his wife to prepare food and help the head of the family.

Mu Zhongqing was not in the mood to eat or drink. These days, several shops in his family were closed, and he would lose hundreds of taels at least.

It's not that he is greedy for money, it's just that his daughter is getting married soon. He wants to prepare a decent dowry for his daughter so that her daughter will not be too shabby and be looked down upon by her mother-in-law. Therefore, he is thinking about making more money so that he can give it to his daughter. Long face.

After sending his wife and children into the house, Mu Zhongqing hurried out without even taking a sip of water. He wanted to take a look at several shops at home, and by the way, he notified the shopkeepers of several shops to let them resume work tomorrow!

Knowing that the family was about to go out, Captain Zhang automatically hitched up the carriage without giving any orders, drove Mu Zhongqing away from Zhuangzi, and went straight to the shop in the capital. It has not been open for several days. I don’t know if some old customers are disappointed, and I don’t know if there will be any loss of customers.

Mu Zhongqing was thinking about it all the way in the car. If the King of Qin really came to propose marriage, he would use the betrothal gift from the King of Qin's palace as a dowry, and then use the family's village and snack shop as a dowry. These family properties were purchased by Caiwei. Yes, it is reasonable to marry her. Although the Prince of Qin's palace does not lack these things, it still has to add a few things from the Mu family to the betrothal gift to show off to her daughter, right?

And Fei'er, judging by her appearance, that girl is not going to marry Mo Ziqi. Since the eldest daughter of the Mu family can marry King Qin as his concubine, it won't be a problem for the second daughter to marry Mo Ziqi as his wife! When the time comes, he will marry Buzhuang to Fei'er and carry her betrothal gift to her husband's family. Thinking about it this way, it makes sense.

As for Wen'er and Wu'er, they are still young. Anyway, they still have a restaurant at home. They are saving a little and saving for ten or eight years. It should not be a problem for them to marry and start a family in the future!

"Master, we're here!"

Zhang Biaotou stopped the carriage at the entrance of Bafu Restaurant and shouted into the carriage.

Mu Zhongqing heard this and hurriedly got out of the car and walked to the restaurant.


A surprise call startled Mu Zhongqing. He turned around and saw his father Mu Liankui and brother Mu Zhongli running towards him in great surprise.

"Hahaha, I knew you must be the owner of this 'Eight Blessings Restaurant'. I stayed here for a few days, and I finally brought you back!"

Mu Zhongli exchanged warm greetings and took a look at his long-lost second brother.

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