Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 973 Recruitment (1)

Before dawn, the village was very busy. They drove out the chickens, ducks, geese, horses, cattle and sheep raised in the village, collected the excrement of the animals, cleaned the courtyard, wiped the furniture, and prepared the ingredients for the guests at noon. Everyone in the family was busy without even touching the ground, like a spinning top, and no one was idle.

Caiwei also dressed up deliberately today. She wore a rose pink double-breasted long gown with pomegranate flowers on the collar and sleeves, a pale pink satin eight-piece Hunan skirt underneath, and a cloud-falling bun. , Wearing two red gold plum blossom hairpins on the head that Mrs. Li Guogong rewarded, and a little pink and white on the face, she looks beautiful without looking enchanting.

The two little children were wearing very festive red gowns, with towering hairdos, and golden locks hanging around their necks. They were like a pair of children beside Lao Jun. They were white, tender, and very pleasing to the eye.

Mu Zhongqing and his wife, Mrs. Du, were dressed up in an extremely grand manner. Mrs. Du's hair had grown past her shoulders and could barely be tied up. She wore prosthetic hair and some expensive jewelry. She looked like a noble lady. She was nothing like a noble lady. Those noble ladies in the Duke Hou Men’s mansion are in trouble!

There was such a big commotion in the front yard, and the people in the back yard were naturally alarmed. Mu Chong went out to inquire about it, and when he learned that King Qin was coming to make an appointment today, he was so shocked that his mouth opened in an O shape. It had only been a few days since the proposal of marriage. Why did King Qin really care about that little bitch Mu Caiwei when he hired her so quickly?

When the Dafang family heard the news that King Qin had come to offer an appointment today, they were all shocked and opened their mouths. Mrs. Li muttered: "There are only a few beauties in the capital, and the likes of their sisters have become popular. If I were The bottles are there, which turn will they get..."

"Boss, this is not the time to say this, be careful the walls have ears!"

Mu Bai glared at his wife and warned her sternly. Although Li felt sour, she had to shut up obediently under the eaves.

Mu Chongcai stretched his neck and looked out the window and said, "Master, grandma, do you think they can invite us to come and watch the ceremony today?"

Muliankui smiled proudly and said, "Even if that girl doesn't want to see me, I am still her biological grandfather. All the emperors of our Jin Dynasty have governed the world with filial piety. She dare not not invite me to participate!"

"Hehe, that's good, that's good, it just allows us to see it too!"

Mu Chongfu said with a smile. Mu Zhongli glanced at him and said, "When you go out later, take some with you. You will also be officials in the future. Don't let those people underestimate us. Of course, there is a moderation in everything. Don't mess with it." To that damn girl!"

"Yes, dad is right, my son will remember it!"

Mu Chongfu coughed, straightened his back, and waited with his grandparents to invite them in the front yard!


Today, the King of Qin is offering a betrothal gift. Before dawn, the Prince of Qin's palace is busy. Xiaozhi and several housekeepers are counting the prepared betrothal gifts. As the direct prince of the Jin Dynasty, King Qin is marrying his own concubine. According to the specifications, The betrothal gift can reach up to 118 taels, which is second only to the 128 taels when the emperor marries the queen.

For many years, King Qin has been living under the suppression of the Crown Prince and Concubine Jin. The little wealth he has is used to make friends with courtiers and raise dead soldiers. Therefore, he does not have much wealth. In order to collect these 118 He also put a lot of effort into raising the betrothal gift. Fortunately, the queen and the emperor came to help, and Duke Li and his wife also tried their best to help, so he was able to collect this glorious 118 betrothal gift!

The more than 200 young men carrying the betrothal gifts were all wearing the same bright red clothes and stood happily in front of the betrothal gifts they were about to carry, ready to go.

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