Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 991 The traitor (2)

Mo Ziqi felt Feier's moved gaze, but did not respond to her. Instead, he kept looking at Queen Mo who was staring at him. The aunt and nephew looked at each other with their eyes, as if they were competing and fighting with their eyes for a long time. , Queen Mo moved her eyes away, sneered, and turned to the old lady and Wu.

"Mom, everything about marriage is dictated by your parents and the matchmaker, so do you just let him do whatever he wants?"

The old lady said in embarrassment: "Madam, it's not like you don't know this child's temper. He's smelly and hard. He can't pull ten cows back when he's so stubborn. If the family could handle him, the master would have done it four or five years ago." I just gave him a wife, can I still wait until today?"

Mrs. Wu laughed and said, "Come to think of it, neither his father nor I have this temper. I don't know who this kid followed. He has a temper that rivals that of King Qin!"

Empress Mu has lived in the palace for a long time, and what she is best at is playing tricks. How could she not understand the meaning behind Wu's words? Wu is a metaphor that she can't control her son, but instead tries to interfere in her son's marriage. Queen Mo was furious.

She said: "Marriage is not a trivial matter. I made the decision to propose marriage to the Mu family that day. I was deceived by the treacherous son and made such a decision in a moment of confusion. Now I know the true face of the daughter of the Mu family. How can we continue to make mistakes? Mother and sister-in-law can rest assured that I will definitely put things right and dissolve Yi'er's marriage. I hope mother and sister-in-law will not be confused and blindly let the younger generation do whatever they want!


The old lady and Wu stood up and answered respectfully. While answering, they looked at Du and Feier worriedly.

Fei'er had already received Mo Ziqi's promise and didn't care about the queen's slander. She just looked at her mother worriedly. Du Shi was frightened and sat there tremblingly, as if on pins and needles. It wasn't the case last night, nor was it standing still. Very anxious.

Fei'er looked very distressed, and when the old lady and Wu saw Fei'er's distressed eyes, they naturally didn't believe that Fei'er was the kind of disrespectful, untiful and unfilial child that Mu Bai and Li said.

Empress Mo was very unhappy because she failed to achieve her goal of leaving the palace. She didn't even have the mood to say a few words of respect to her mother and sister-in-law. After warning them, she stood up and said goodbye to the old lady and Mrs. Wu.

Mrs. Wu hurriedly persuaded her to stay and said, "It's not easy for the Queen to leave the palace. Why not stay and eat the old lady's longevity noodles before leaving!"

Empress Mo was very dissatisfied that her sister-in-law failed to stand on her side, so she said coldly: "No, there are still a lot of things in the harem waiting for me to take care of. How can I be as blessed as my sister-in-law?" No matter, even the marriage of their children is up to them."

Seeing that the Queen was about to leave, Mu Bai hurriedly said: "Queen, the women of the country have exposed the crimes of the evil daughter-in-law and the evil grandson today. What will happen if they abuse the women of the country after you leave?"

Queen Mo stopped, glanced at Du Shi and Fei'er, and said coldly: "If they dare to be disobedient and unfilial, just go to Yingtian Mansion and sue them. When the time comes, I will make the decision for you!"

After that, he took the maids and eunuchs with him and returned to the palace with a cold face...

Duke Li Guo was in the front yard exchanging glasses of wine with his colleagues who came to celebrate her birthday. Hearing that his daughter was going back to the palace so soon, he was surprised and said, "Why are you in such a hurry? You left without even eating?"

The housekeeper said: "I don't know, but please go to the door and see Feng Luan off!"

Duke Li Guo didn't know what the queen said to his old wife and daughter-in-law. When sending Queen Feng Luan back to the palace, he secretly saw that the queen looked very bad and seemed to be angry. After sending Queen Mo away, he called out The eldest son, let him go to the old lady and ask what happened?

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