Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 1101 Surgical Live Broadcast

At this time, the live broadcast room in the United States was particularly lively. After he swiped gifts with users suspected of Maria, more than a dozen foreign tyrants rewarded Yu Zhan. The nicknames of these people not only have English names, but also French, Japanese... .There is even Arabic. It was the reward from the Arab audience that made He Lushen come back from his memories. This god Hao spent a lot of money and gave away 500,000 US dollars in the live broadcast room.

He Lushen couldn't help but sweat for Yu Zhan. With so many people paying attention, if Yu Zhan's surgery goes wrong, he will cool down 100% immediately. Not to mention the Cats'Garden business, he can't even open a pet hospital in China. go down.

At this time, Yu Zhan and Professor Stephen put on masks at the same time. He opened the cage and took out Susan from inside. Susan seemed to have a premonition of what Yu Zhan was going to do to it. Some resisted, some trembled, and let out a soft meow.

While Yu Zhan comforted it, he put it on the operating table. The anesthetist was already in place to inject the anesthetic into its body. At first, Susan was still struggling, but gradually, it became completely motionless. There is a lens directly above the operating table, and the clear picture is transmitted to the eyes of tens of millions of people.

Netizens in both domestic and foreign live broadcast rooms became nervous, This is the first time I have seen an animal undergo surgery. Is the cat anesthetized in this way? The needle is so thick, will the injection dose be a bit high?

People often have accidents under anesthesia. I'm so worried. What if Susan can't wake up?

Is it necessary to have a caesarean section? I always feel that this operation is a bit cruel.


Netizens kept refreshing their messages. As the host, Yu Zhan couldn’t answer their questions. He couldn’t see what was going on in the studio, the camera didn’t have a recording function, and he didn’t have a microphone on him. Even if he spoke, the outside world couldn’t hear him. Surgery is a delicate job, and there is no room for half-heartedness and negligence. It is impossible for him to explain to the audience while cutting open the cat's stomach.

The silent live broadcast would be a bit boring. Liu Man considered this problem in advance and invited Bai Ying to the live broadcast room as an explanation of the operation. Bai Ying's nickname is still Dabai. There is a small speaker next to the nickname. After the speaker turns into a color, the audience can hear a soft female voice say, There is no problem with the injection dose. Ragdoll cats are big in size and need more anesthetics than ordinary cats. This is very important. It is easy to understand that the needles used to anesthetize an elephant and anesthetize a small hamster are also different.

Cat anesthesia does have certain risks. Under anesthesia, the cat's heart rate and respiratory rate will drop, and many cats have congenital heart problems and tracheal problems, so just in case, please take a closer look, anesthetist I connected Susan with oxygen to maintain her blood oxygen concentration. Many veterinary hospitals are not as good as this American veterinary hospital. It doesn’t matter if they don’t have oxygen insertion equipment. You can directly use an oxygen mask for the cat. Remember to supply oxygen until the cat is anesthetized It's over until you regain consciousness.

Dr. Yu also explained the problem of caesarean section on his ins. Let me simply translate it here... Yu Zhan registered an ins account for the live broadcast, and posted two intermittently in the past few days. The cat's examination report and the analysis of the feasibility of Susan's caesarean section are all long English articles, just like academic reports. Many foreign veterinarians read them and left messages to discuss with him. Professor Stephen suggested that after the operation, Yu Zhan rewrite the report as a paper for publication.

Bai Ying's explanation made netizens who don't know anything about veterinary medicine less confused.

Who is the lady explaining?

Look at the nickname, it's Bai Dashen.

Who is the Great God Bai?

Halo, haven't you seen the live broadcast of Sunlight's delivery? The veterinarian who midwife is the owner of this voice!

Everyone suddenly realized.

After Bai Ying joined Yu Zhan's subordinates, she basically stopped updating Weibo. Like most of the short-lived internet celebrities, she was forgotten after being popular for a while. At that time, Yu Zhan's fans were far less than now. Fans can be forgiven for not knowing Bai Ying. During the live broadcast of Sunlight production, Bai Ying wore a mask the whole time. Although she lost weight, her figure was still very strong.

But there are still people who still remember her, Sister Dabai, you appeared in the Sunshine Production live broadcast earlier, and now you are acting as a commentator. Are you going to come out again?

When Bai Ying saw this message, she couldn't help but laugh. She is sitting next to Liu Man in Xuewen Tumo Company.

Yesterday Liu Man approached her and asked her if she would like to be a narrator for Yu Zhan's operation, there will be a generous reward! She agreed with little hesitation.

Bai Ying has been paying attention to Yu Zhan's cat rescue operation. She feels that Yu Zhan is about to become a benchmark figure in the national veterinary industry. According to the company's personnel department, many people have come to apply for jobs during this period. There was an endless stream of customers bringing their pets to see the doctor, and she was as busy as a spinning top. Bai Ying didn't get off work until eleven o'clock tonight, so she drove directly to learn writing. She now has reason to believe that Yu Zhan said that the pet medical insurance card that will be officially launched in mid-July will never be cold, and customers will never refuse to buy it. The premise is that the operation is to be successful. At that time, customers may take the initiative to buy the card !

At this time, it was close to one o'clock in the morning domestic time, and the audience in the live broadcast room continued unabated, exceeding 20 million. Summer vacation is really a good reason for night owls to stay up late.

Under the gaze of tens of thousands of eyes, Yu Zhan cut Susan's belly layer by layer, and the blood flowed out. The nurse next to him stopped the bleeding with hemostatic forceps and hemostatic cloth. A large piece.

Yu Zhan remained unmoved, with solemn eyebrows, quickly opened the cat's stomach with tools, revealing the inner structure - skin, a little fat under the skin, peritoneum, uterus... The camera is not mosaic . Strangely, the audience didn't find the scene gory or disgusting. This is the salvation of life, and most people are in awe of new life.

Yu Zhan's movements were really skillful. Soon, there were lumps of bloody things. Before everyone could find where the kitten was, he had already taken out a bloody lump from the womb and cut off the umbilical cord decisively.

Put it on the operating table next to it, and when the camera turned, Professor Stephen immediately cleaned up the fetal membranes on the kitten. Only then did the audience see clearly that this little thing, which was less than half the size of an adult's fist, was a kitten!

Oh my god, this is so small! It feels smaller than a mouse pup!

Didn't Dr. Yu say that he gave Susan an early caesarean section? The kitten must not be fully formed. It's so worrying to see. It's so small, can it survive?

Compared with this, Xiaoxi looks much bigger than it!

It's definitely more dangerous than Xiaoxi.


Professor Stephen is very solemn, and his task is not comparable to Zhan Qing. After he wiped the liquid from the kitten's nostrils and mouth, the second kitten was born again.

The third one is done~ a little later at midnight

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