Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 1109 Take the initiative to admit defeat

The fighting competition is divided into two rounds of competition, the first round is a rush to answer routine questions, and the second round is a question and answer.

There are a total of 20 routine questions, mainly to test the original sentences, and there is another important rule. When the host is reading the questions, you cannot rush to answer, interfere with the host, and affect the audience to listen to the questions. Otherwise, it will be considered a foul and the opponent will naturally score; of course, if I was not sure, so I rushed to answer rashly. If I answered wrong, the score would be the other party's.

The host said Please listen to the question, and everyone at the scene fell silent. Xiong Jie and Wang Daoxin also had serious expressions.

'God and man have no merit', what's the next sentence?

The green light is on, and the rush to answer begins!

Two people pressed the button at the same time, but Wang Daoxin seemed to be 0.2 seconds faster, the reminder light was on above his head, and he opened his mouth to answer, The saint is nameless.

The host raised his hand to him, Congratulations, Wang Daoxin!

On the big screen, the number below Wang Daoxin's name changed from 0 to 1.

Wang Daoxin glanced at Xiong Jie proudly, and Xiong Jie smiled. In this kind of variety show, the camera likes to capture the facial expressions of the participants. Xiong Jie has been in the ring for so many episodes, and he is already very experienced. He must not show Any negative emotions such as disappointment, unwillingness, anger, etc., so that the audience will not sympathize with you, but will only feel disgusted. What is needed on the stage is the so-called demeanor of a general, and the audience likes to see a calm and unhurried king.

After answering one question, the judges will comment on this sentence for two more sentences, and then enter the second question.

The host smiled and said, Xiong Jie was probably a little slow just now. It doesn't matter, you still have a lot of opportunities! The second question, please listen to the question, 'A friendship between villains is like sweets', what is the last sentence?

Xiong Jie immediately pressed the answering device and replied, A friendship between gentlemen is as light as water.

The host praised, Congratulations, Xiong Jie.

The number under Xiong Jie's name also changed to 1.

Liang Shengnan and his classmates immediately applauded and shouted, Well done!

The camera immediately took a close-up of several of them. Liang Shengnan is very present in today's program. She appeared in the camera several times. It is probably because she is now a famous teacher. After that, she began to talk about the historical stories behind the ancient relics. This subject is more popular than Fengshui. The number of online viewers for each live broadcast is no less than 100,000, and her Weibo fans also have 200,000+. The most successful thing about her and Xiong Jie is that they turned boring knowledge into a means of making a living and quickly cashing in.

People without thought, he must worry about.

A gentleman is a metaphor for righteousness, and a villain is a metaphor for profit.

Confucianism uses literature to disrupt the law, and Xia Xia uses martial arts to violate the law.


The two of them were able to answer the classic words and phrases of a hundred schools of thought almost without thinking. The strong ones are really different. Even if many sentences are uncommon and difficult, they can easily play with them.

In this level, Xiong Jie and Wang Daoxin faced each other tit for tat, no one gave way to the other, no one answered the wrong question, and they finally tied.

The TV goes into a ten-minute commercial break,

Lina let out a long sigh of relief. She is a layman, but she was fascinated by watching this intense exchange of people. The reaction of both parties was so fast that Liu Man had no time to translate.

Lina asked her, If you were on stage, would you be able to answer these questions?

Liu Man nodded affirmatively, I can do it too.

This is not dancing, she doesn't need to brag, these articles are something she has been familiar with since she was a child, she said, It's just that answering quickly is too much a test of reaction speed, I don't know if I can win the other party. She thinks that for Xiong Jie, Wang Dao For a strong person like Xin, rushing to answer the questions themselves is not difficult at all, but hand speed is more important!

The program group also took this situation into consideration, so there was a second level-the answering session.

As soon as Liu Man went to the kitchen to pour drinks for himself and Lina, the second level began.

There are a total of five questions in this level. For each question asked by the host, the two contestants will answer it separately. Points will be awarded for correct answers, and points will be deducted for wrong answers. The second level is much more difficult than the first level.

For example, the first question is enough to stump ninety-nine percent of the people in the country, How does Mozi prove his point of view of 'both love and non-aggression'? Please give examples from the original text of Mozi. Can.

This is not a quick-answer question. The program gives the two of them a minute to think, and whoever thinks it out first will answer first.

In less than ten seconds, Wang Daoxin gave his answer, Gentlemen in the world today, if they are loyal, they desire the wealth of the world, but hate their poverty; they desire the world's order, but hate their chaos. They should love each other and benefit each other. .”

Applause immediately erupted at the scene, and several judges nodded.

The host looked at Xiong Jie, Xiong Jie, is your answer ready?

Xiong Jie raised his head, and said confidently, The world will be governed by mutual love, and chaos by mutual hatred.

After he finished speaking, the applause grew even louder.

The host nodded and smiled, We ask the judges to comment on the answers of the two contestants.

The judges did not directly judge right from wrong. They first explained to the audience what Jianai Feigong means, and then analyzed where the sentences the two said came from in the article. There were a lot of popular science - this is also one of the purposes of this program. One, nowadays TV stations around the world have a lot of competition variety shows, such as singing, cross talk, and physical fitness... The reason why audiences like to watch such programs is because the competition can arouse people's competitive spirit, and even more so. Something to watch.

National TV combines competition with Chinese poetry and Chinese culture. For them, it doesn’t make any difference who wins. They are the voice of the country, and the country hopes that citizens can better understand Chinese classical culture, that’s all.

Both Xiong Jie and Wang Daoxin answered the first question correctly, and the next question was more difficult, and the two of them spent more and more time thinking about it. Liu Man could feel that when Xiong Jie reached the fourth question, he was already a bit reluctant , When the time limit was approaching, I came up with the answer. But fortunately, the answer came without any risk.

After the judges explained in detail, it came to the fifth question, which is also the last question of tonight's show. If both of them still answered correctly, they would have to add another test until no one could answer.

The host intentionally said something that made the atmosphere even more tense, Now we are deciding whether the two of us will stay or not. Can Xiong Jie stay on my stage? Can Wang Daoxin become the new champion? It all depends on this question!

Neither Xiong Jie nor Wang Daoxin expressed any expression, nor did they look at each other. Xiong Jie was very nervous and couldn't talk and laugh anymore.

'Learn from others' strengths' is a miscellaneous idea. Where does it come from? Please discuss it in the original text.

Hearing this question, Xiong Jie knew he was done.

This is a point of knowledge that he doesn't understand at all, he doesn't even have to rack his brains to think about it, if he doesn't, he won't!

However, this question was also very difficult for Wang Daoxin. He lowered his head, as if he was contemplating hard. A minute of thinking time passed quickly. The host asked the two, Do you have an answer?

Xiong Jie sighed and took the initiative to admit defeat, I don't know.

The third update~the fourth is a little later~

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