What's the matter? Playing tricks!

Tao Zhiyao looked at Ji Qingqing, and Liu Man also looked at her. Ji Qingqing suddenly became nervous, and couldn't say what she was about to say. If she did this, would the Ji family fall into a catastrophe?


Liu Man was inexplicable for a while, Ji Qingqing seemed to be looking at her forehead too? ?

That night, shortly after Ji Qingqing eavesdropped on his father's phone call, Liu Man had a car accident.

It was Liu Man who had the accident, but her house didn't stop all night. She noticed that her father was looking at his mobile phone frequently when he was eating. It was late at night, and he didn't go back to his room to rest. He stayed in the study all the time, and then answered a call , Slam the door and leave.

The next day, she and her mother found out that he had gone to America.

No matter how low Ji Qingqing's IQ is, she cannot but suspect that Liu Man's car accident was related to her father. He wanted to murder Liu Man, but his plan failed, so he went to the United States to avoid the limelight. If she didn't remind Liu Man now, Liu Man's life would definitely be in danger when her father came back.

She has a bad conscience!

When Ji Qingqing was hesitating, the surroundings became quiet, and Meng Yilan walked onto the stage with a violin in her hand. Even though she is 55 years old, the dignified and elegant woman still has her charm in every frown and smile. Tang Tu inherited her figure , temperament and facial features, in order to have the status of today's national male god.

Meng Yilan smiled and said to all the guests, Thank you very much for coming to my birthday party, and thank my son Xiaotu for helping me organize this party, so that everyone can get together very rarely... Referring to her Son, her words and demeanor are full of pride, This year is Xiaotu's sixth year in the entertainment industry, and his career has grown by leaps and bounds. This year he has two films released overseas, and they both achieved good results. He will go to Italy the day after tomorrow to participate in this year's Venice Film Festival, if you ask me what is my biggest birthday wish this year, I hope Xiaotu can win an award at the film festival!

There was warm applause in the banquet hall. After the phone call, Yu Zhan, who came in from the garden, stood on the edge and applauded too.

Meng Yilan was the protagonist of the banquet, but she gave everyone's attention to her son. Tang Tu stood in the audience and looked at her mother, her eyes full of love and respect.

I'm even happier that Xiaotu brought his girlfriend here,

As soon as Meng Yilan's words fell, everyone looked at Tao Zhiyao. The countless scorching gazes made Liu Man and Ji Qingqing, who were affected by the side, feel uncomfortable. They both took two steps back and let Tao Zhiyao accept it alone. Everyone's eyes are baptized.

Tao Zhiyao smiled stiffly, cursing Tang Tu ten thousand times in his heart, didn't he agree to act? What is the meaning of making it so solemn and serious, wishing to announce it to the world? Why didn't he explain it to his parents? How to end up cheating both parents?

And she wasn't brought by Tang Tu, she came by herself! Isn't she out to respect the elders? Didn't she want to make the trick more realistic? If I had known earlier, she would have found a reason not to come here just like Shen Mozhen!

Seeing Tao Zhiyao's sluggish and lovely appearance, Meng Yilan thought she was too shy, and her smile deepened, I will play today's opening dance song in the future, and give it to every guest present, I hope you can enjoy it at my banquet. Have a great night.

After finishing speaking, the lights in the banquet hall became soft, and Meng Yilan put the violin on her shoulders. She was wearing a light gray fishtail dress with a thin layer of gauze on the skirt, which was like mist and smoke, and it was also embellished with pearls. The pearl necklace on her neck echoes, slender and elegant figure, unparalleled artistic temperament, from a distance, it is really difficult to see that she is a woman over fifty years old.

The violin piece The Joy of Love poured out from her bow, flowing slowly like a spring. After Meng Yilan got married, she seldom played the violin in public. She presented the piano music today, which shows that she is really happy. She is a real violinist. After decades of precipitation, her violin skills are much superior to Tang Tu's. Listening to the melodies she plays, everyone feels joy from the bottom of their hearts.

Even Zhu Huili, who had just recalled her husband's death; Ji Qingqing, who was anxious and panicked by her father's strange behavior;

Music soothes their tense nerves at the same time.

One after another, guests in pairs danced ballroom dancing around the stage. The older people in the circle liked this kind of dance, while the younger generations like Ji Qingqing and the others preferred high-spirited and hot dances. But at this moment, seeing their elders dancing to the melodious music, everyone seems to be ten years younger. Young people feel that ballroom dancing is not as boring as they imagined, so young people also join in.

Yu Zhan came over and took Liu Man's hand naturally, Let's go dancing too.

I don't know how to dance this kind of dance, said Liu Man, an ancient person, how could he understand Western dances?

You can even learn such a difficult dance as Jinghong, how can such a simple dance step stump you?

Yu Zhan looked at Liu Man, not allowing her to refuse, she couldn't help laughing, and could only join the dancing crowd with him. Liu Man has a foundation in dancing, carefully observes the dances of the ladies around him, and imitates them, and soon learns well , grabbed Yu Zhan's shoulders, and circled around him. Then she found that Yu Zhan's dance was not as good as hers, and his steps were not flexible at all, like an old man walking... He insisted on holding her wrist and following along to join in the fun.

So you are the one who can't dance? Liu Man looked up at him.

I didn't say I would, Yu Zhan raised his eyebrows lightly, and the cheerful atmosphere made him feel free. They are not the ones who play tricks, nor are they the ones who live dirty in the dark. Why should they be disturbed by those people?

Taking advantage of the interlude, he hugged Liu Man with both hands, and said in her ear, Don't worry about the car accident, I'm here for everything, and I won't put you in danger again.

Before Liu Man could reply, the beautiful melody sounded again. Yu Zhan took her hand, let her slide out, and then spun gently. Even Yu Zhan's clumsy dance moves could not prevent the two of them from becoming the most conspicuous and pleasing pair in the audience. The man wore a clean white shirt and simple gray trousers, and his eyebrows stretched out when he smiled; the woman's long black hair and white The hem of her skirt fluttered together, and she occasionally looked at him with a deep understanding and love in her eyes.

Standing in the outfield, Ji Qingqing and Tao Zhiyao held wine glasses and watched intently.

Neither of them noticed, Tang Tu walked up to them until he said to Tao Zhiyao, Tao Zi, come dance with me.

Tao Zhiyao turned his head abruptly and looked at Tang Tu with a frightened look.

The first update~ May 1st is coming soon, this year flies so fast

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