Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 238 Selling Cars and Pianos

Sun Yiyi didn't care how entangled Liu Chengyu was, he urged Liu Chengyu to give the money to Li Shuhua as a matter of business, and he spent three million yuan, so don't offend him for a mere one hundred and fifty thousand yuan. Come out, and have the ability to send him in again!

Liu Chengyu just got this month's salary, because it's a trial period, it's only 3500, he can't even eat enough by himself, where can he find 150,000?

Could it be that he was really asked to beg Zhang Pei?

When was it his turn to ask a woman for money?

What a system!

In fact, Liu Chengyu already had a way to raise money in his heart.

He rummaged through boxes and cabinets at home and found the car keys hidden by Zhang Pei.

He decisively sold the car that caused the accident.

When he bought this car, he spent more than 200,000 yuan, and he has only driven more than 50,000 kilometers so far. He thought he could sell it for 100,000 yuan, but there are still traces of car accident on the car body, no matter how he repairs it, he can still see it When they came out, the buyers saw the condition of the car and heard that it had been impounded by the Traffic Management Bureau, so they shook their heads and left.

He had to lower the price to 70,000 before a buyer would take over.

With the 70,000 yuan in hand, Liu Chengyu was still helpless. He sat in the living room thinking about it, and suddenly his eyes caught the piano in the master bedroom.

So take it to heart.

Zhang Pei and Liu Man are so busy these days that they never touch the ground. She was solely responsible for the decoration of their house back then. At that time, Liu Chengyu had to go to work and only paid money. , No matter what, Zhang Pei has already deeply experienced a hard work, and he was so tired that he fell ill.

There are many things to decorate the warehouse this time, compared with it, it is even worse.

Fortunately, she has Liu Man beside her to help her share half of the work. Except for the three days when she goes to Professor Su's class every week, Liu Man is present at other times. She arranges everything in an orderly manner. attitude and progress.

The decoration workers are knocking here and there in various parts of the factory building. It is basically no different from a construction site now. The weather is so hot and the work is dirty and tiring. Liu Man and Zhang Pei are not delicate at all. Rest, eat and work together with the workers, every day when they go home, both of them are sweating, covered in dust, and exuding a smell.

Zhang Pei returned home in a sweaty body again that day, the living room was dark, only the light was on in the room, and Liu Chengyu went to bed early again as expected.

Zhang Pei is going to take a shower first, and all her belongings are now in Liu Man's original master bedroom.

She entered the room, turned on the light, and at first glance found that the piano that had been placed against the wall had disappeared, leaving a square black mark on the light beige wall covering, which was the outline of the piano. She immediately opened herself The drawer of the chest of drawers where important documents and materials were placed had indeed been touched by someone. After careful inspection, it was found that the car keys were missing.

Zhang Pei was startled and angry at once, and turned to look for Liu Chengyu. She entered the room and asked sharply,

Where's Man Man's piano?

Liu Chengyu was watching a video on his mobile phone, giggling with laughter, when he looked up, he saw Zhang Pei standing in front of him with a sullen face, he said nonchalantly,


What a cloudless word,

However, Zhang Pei was so angry that she could hardly catch her breath. Her face was extremely red, her eyes were wide open, and she stared at him fiercely. Her appearance was a bit frightening. It really scared Liu Chengyu, so he sat up from the bed, As it should be, At the end of the month, that lawyer Li called me to collect the money. In order to raise money, I sold the car and the piano, and I barely managed to make up 150,000 yuan, and I sent the money to the person in time.

Who gave you the right to dispose of Manman's things at will? Who allows you to rummage through my things without my permission? Zhang Pei shouted at Liu Chengyu, If you want to sell pianos and cars, why didn't you tell me in advance? ?”

Liu Chengyu was annoyed by the yelling, and he also put on a straight face, I originally bought that piano for my daughter. Is the man you are talking about my daughter? What right does she have to use my daughter's things? We are Husband and wife, can't I touch your things? There is nothing shameful.

Fortunately, when Liu Man left home, he only took his own things with him, otherwise Liu Chengyu might call her a thief.

Are you blind? You can't see and don't want to see the contribution Man Man has made to our family. How many times have I said that without her, our family would have been ruined. Why do you have to grab her? Let go? Why can't you see her good side?

You insisted on making me accept someone I've only met once as my daughter, don't you think it's difficult to force others? Liu Chengyu felt that he was particularly wronged, his daughter was gone, and his wife forced him to recognize her, You were brainwashed by that princess, Always talking about her, you have never been so kind to our own daughter before!

Why are you so narrow-minded, selfish, and stubborn? You should be ashamed of your daughter's affairs. It was you who killed someone while drinking, and it was you who caused the disaster. You didn't reflect on yourself first, and you blamed others?

Liu Chengyu plausibly said, I have introspected many times in front of the police in the detention center, and I have introspected enough! My drunk driving and my daughter's core change are two different things.

Zhang Pei was so angry that he calmed down instead.

Others say that a friend in adversity is a friend, but their family is a character in adversity. She has been married to Liu Chengyu for more than 20 years, but she has never recognized him as a person. Perhaps she was blinded by true love and happiness in the past. Liu Chengyu's more and more shortcomings were exposed, which made Zhang Pei unbearable.

Seeing that Zhang Pei's appearance was not as scary as before, Liu Chengyu thought that she had lost her temper, and he also said with the intention of begging for peace, Isn't it just selling the piano? Why are you so angry with me? Is the piano at home okay? It's just a useless decoration. I didn't touch your other things, just took the car keys.

You still don't understand why I'm angry. I'm also the owner of this family. You never respected my opinion from the beginning to the end. Zhang Pei stopped yelling at Liu Chengyu, and just spoke indifferently as if treating a stranger.

You don't know what you're busy with every day, come and go without a trace, how can I tell you?

Liu Chengyu had a lot of reasons. He couldn't see anyone, so he could always make a phone call.

Zhang Pei didn't want to quarrel with him anymore, the quarrel was exhausting and distressing, for this kind of person, he was so angry that it was not worth it. Without saying a word, she turned and left Liu Chengyu's room, and closed the door considerately.

Liu Chengyu thought she meant admitting cowardice. Complacent in his heart, he quarreled and quarreled, but he couldn't win himself, and in the end he still had the upper hand.

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