After Ladies and Sisters had more than 10,000 fans, Sun Weiwei immediately applied for permission to open long videos in the background, and the review took two working days. Within these two days, the number of fans of Ladies and Sisters rose to 200,000+.

The number of fans can grow so fast, of course, because of the blessing of external forces. After all, the 15-second video can't show anything except showing his face.

Liu Man first posted an introduction about Miss Sisters on his Princess Qieman's Weibo: A few of my friends have created a Douyin account together, called 'Miss Sisters', @小姐姐Ladies and gentlemen, this is an account exclusively for our girls, and we will regularly publish girls-related content, hoping to get everyone's support.

Not only that, Liu Man also took a short video on the Douyin account of the goddess of Hanfu. , it will only be posted on the account 'Ladies and Sisters' in the future.

Liu Man can be regarded as a popular Internet celebrity now, and her words are very appealing to fans, especially for some die-hard fans, what Liu Man says, they say what they do.

What's more, the reason why Liu Man became popular on the Internet in the first place was because of the amazing performance in the ensemble concert with Li Xiaoru. After that, the two of them have no other new works. It can be said that this song Jasmine made many simple Netizens who liked their instrumental performances cheered.

Li Xiaoru reposted Princess Chieman's Weibo on his Weibo Hee Hee Haha. The so-called exclusive video is not just talking.

Yu Zhan also used the Weibo of I am a veterinarian to repost the princess's Weibo, Please pay attention to the 'ladies and sisters' and give them a like.

Because of the popularity of Cute Pet Hospital, the number of Weibo fans of I am a veterinarian has now exceeded 700,000+. Many new fans follow him for his beautiful eyes and handsome figure.

Who let the beauty prevail now?

On the night when the princess waited to announce her relationship with I am a veterinarian on the live broadcast, Yu Zhan modified his Weibo profile: Professional veterinarian, owner of a pet hospital, Paul's owner, Princess Qieman's boyfriend.

It's just such a straightforward way of attracting hatred... Those male fans who regard the goddess of Hanfu as a sexual object are half dead with anger, but Yu Zhan also decisively put an end to other women's daydreams about him.

His new fans originally resented the fact that Dr. Yu already had a girlfriend, and finally fell in love with a new male god, but this male god didn't even give them a chance to YY, announcing to the world that he had Not single, he is really a dutiful and well-behaved boyfriend who takes the initiative to label himself as a girlfriend, and what is even more tragic is that his girlfriend is a goddess recognized by everyone! The new fans don't even have the heart of envy, jealousy and hatred...

Hey, I've searched through the male god's Weibo, this is the first time he advertised on Weibo, and it's for his girlfriend!

At first glance, you are a new fan, and old fans know that his Weibo has always revolved around the princess.

The great veterinarian has always loved his wife with strength. He will be cute when he wants to, and he will spend money when he needs it. There is no ambiguity.

The two of them have only been in love for a while, and my goddess hasn't married him yet!

Don't have illusions upstairs.

Fortunately, I like Dr. Yu because I like this kind and warm feeling, not because I like him as a person, otherwise I would cry to death.

I've been crying to death...

Same upstairs (laughing and crying).

No matter how unwilling the fans are, they still obediently listen to the call of I am a veterinarian, follow the official Weibo of Miss and Sisters, search for Miss and Sisters on Douyin, follow and like.

Cute Pet Hospital made Dr. Yu popular. In comparison, Ye Liang, as a director and producer, is far less popular than Yu Zhan, but because he showed his face in the documentary and his appearance is not low, there are still some reasons. Many viewers paid attention to him.

Before the documentary was broadcast, his microblog Ye Qingliang had only a few dozen followers, but now it has 50,000+. After resigning, he re-edited his profile on Weibo: Internet independent producer, director of Cute Pet Hospital.

Ye Ziliang wrote on Weibo: @小姐姐姐, is the TikTok account of the original production team behind the scenes of Cute Pet Hospital. If you like Cute Pet Hospital, then you must not miss 'Miss Sisters' .”

Some of Ye Ziliang's fans are those who have carefully read the list of the final production staff of the documentary. Compared with cute animals and handsome doctors, they pay more attention to the quality of the documentary itself and the behind-the-scenes personnel.

Isn't that the same group of people as 'Happy Pot'?

Not entirely, it's obvious that after screenwriter Sun Weiwei left 'Happy Pot', he set up a new account and set up a new account.

This girl has ambition, give up the tuba that already has hundreds of thousands of fans, and start all over again.

For this point, I will download this app to follow them even if I don't play Douyin.

Why does it feel like everyone is talking about 'ladies and sisters' today?

That's because you happen to follow people in a circle.


The endorsement of the princess, Li Xiaoru, I am a veterinarian, and Ye Ziliang affirmed the authenticity and officialness of Ladies and Sisters, which fully drove its traffic.

Sun Weiwei struck while the iron was hot, and posted the first Weibo on the official Weibo of Ladies and Sisters: There are a group of lovely ladies and sisters here, we will have various styles, and there will always be one that suits you.

This Weibo received tens of thousands of likes and thousands of comments.

Dr. Yu Amway came here.

I want to see the performance of the princess!

Curious about your next video content.

I used to be a fan of 'Happy Pot'. Since 'Ladies and Sisters' are in the same line, of course I have to pay attention.


Whether it is Weibo or Douyin, the number of fans of young ladies and sisters is increasing rapidly, especially the number of fans of Douyin, which is almost the same as the number of fans of Happy Pot now.

Happy Pot has been stopping updates, and after the summer vacation, there is no movement at all. Its number of fans was 650,000+ at the peak. After Sun Weiwei quit, it was cut to 350,000+, and now it is only 230,000+.

Hedges seems to have given up on the account entirely, letting it run its course.

Sun Weiwei never contacted him again.

After obtaining the long video permission, Sun Weiwei immediately uploaded the complete video of Liu Man and Li Xiaoru's ensemble.

The 4-minute piano and guqin version of Jasmine Flower instantly became popular on Douyin. Not only did it get 400w+ likes, but this version of Jasmine Flower was selected by many Douyin users as the soundtrack for their short videos. red.

So an old folk music that is not trendy and dirty, occupied the first place on the Douyin soundtrack list for the first time.

The second update today, the consequence of a hangover is getting up at five o'clock in the morning to type...

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