Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 273 Objective Evaluation

Liu Man looked up at her work. There were people coming and going behind her, but she was not disturbed by anyone.

She didn't know that many people were also looking at her.

This exhibition is very professional. People who don’t know calligraphy may not have heard of it. Therefore, those who know it and take time to visit the exhibition early in the morning are those who really love calligraphy.

Such people have a relatively high level of culture and generally do not pay attention to Internet celebrities. Therefore, when they look at Liu Man, they do not recognize her identity as an Internet celebrity, but simply think that this scene is beautiful, poetic and picturesque, and also has a time travel experience. illusion. It's amazing that this girl in Hanfu doesn't have a trace of modernity on her body.

The sense of modernity is very vague and abstract. It's not that there are no other young girls wearing Hanfu on the street, but everyone will never mistake them for ancient people because they have a sense of modernity.

Student Liu, a hesitant voice sounded behind Liu Man.

Liu Man turned around and saw Zhou Buyi standing two steps away from her.

Zhou Buyi didn't dare to approach, fearing that he would destroy this beautiful artistic conception. Liu Man took the initiative to walk towards him and said with a smile, Are you coming to the exhibition too?

Well, it's okay anyway, let's take a look at other people's works and learn a bit. Zhou Buyi had the same idea as Liu Man, My teacher is here too, and I'm talking to Professor Su over there.

Liu Man looked in the direction Zhou Buqi pointed, and there were two soft chairs in the corner of the exhibition hall out of thin air. Ouyang Cen and Su Yi were sitting and chatting, with a cup of hot tea in their hands, enjoying themselves.

The treatment of the vice president of the Calligraphy Association is really different.

Zhou Buyi noticed the inconspicuous inscription on the lower right corner of the paper and Professor Su's red ink pad, It turns out that what you have been concentrating on admiring is your own handwriting, are you satisfied with yourself?

Liu Man shook his head slightly, What do you think I need to improve?

Uh... Zhou Buyi didn't expect Liu Man to ask so directly. Don't most people like to be praised? Why did Liu Man want him to find fault with him?

You're welcome. If you have anything to say, I want to hear other people's opinions.

Liu Man asked very sincerely.

But I only learned regular script in elementary school, and later transferred to running script. I haven't written regular script for a long time. I'm not professional. But since you asked, I'll help you take a look, Zhou Biao took a step back, and his vision was wider , He pondered Liu Man's handwriting stroke by stroke.

Overall, the writing is good and it looks very comfortable, but I think you have imitated a lot. Did you copy and learn from Professor Su's copybook? Zhou Buyi asked her.

That's right, Liu Man admired him, You are obviously very professional!

I have only studied Professor Su's works, Zhou Buyi was a little shy after being praised by a beautiful woman, and he continued, My teacher told me that there are two types of copying, one is similar in shape, and the other is similar in spirit. For example, when a painter draws a person, the face and hands are resemblance in shape, and the gestures and laughter are resemblance in spirit. Your handwriting is too similar in shape and a bit rigid.” Zhou Buji was afraid that Liu Man would get angry, and added, “It’s just My personal opinion, you just listen to it.

Liu Man nodded receptively, no wonder Professor Su is very satisfied with her handwriting, because like him, who would not like himself?

Do you have any regular script copybooks to recommend to me? I haven't learned regular script for a long time. I have always used Professor Su's words as a template, and I have no other reference.

Zhou Buyi asked naturally, How long have you studied?

For 5 months, I am also learning official script, but my writing is even worse, and I can't get on the stage. If you have official script copybooks, please recommend them to me.


Zhou Buyi was extremely shocked. She was able to write so well in 5 months. She is a genius, okay. He learned regular script for three years when he was a child, and he couldn't write as well as her. It was too shocking!

Sorry, I want to take back my previous comment. There is no problem with your work. It is normal for a 5-month-old beginner to copy and write. It will be fine if you practice more, Zhou Buyi emphasized, There is really no problem. , but there is still a gap with other regular script works.

Zhou Buyi was very objective. He looked around the nearby works, pointed to a character and said, Among the surrounding works of regular script, I think that one is the best.

Liu Man walked over to look at it, and the words read: Horses can travel thousands of miles, and they cannot go without a rider; people have the ambition to reach the sky, and they cannot travel without luck.

This sentence comes from the Poyao Fu written by Lv Mengzheng in the Northern Song Dynasty. Under the pressure of Professor Su, Liu Man recited it.

This piece of calligraphy is indeed very well written, the writing is calm and sophisticated, strong yet beautiful. Liu Man took a look at the author, the name is Su Maolin, and she said casually, Why is the surname Su...

Because he is Su Xuezhen's son.

Liu Man was taken aback for a moment, and asked, Is there any problem with the judge's son participating in the exhibition?

There is no rule to say no, but the general judges will take the initiative to avoid this situation.

When I went back yesterday, Zhou Buyi asked Ouyang Cen about Su Xuezhen. Ouyang Cen felt that he should remind his apprentices, so he told him everything. So now Zhou Buyi also knew the details of Su Xuezhen and sneered at him.

He was far away just now, and he didn't see the author of the work clearly. If he knew it, he would not have attracted Liu Man. He was in a bad mood, and he also wondered. Su Xuezhen's character is so poor, but his calligraphy is first-class. Even his son He is also extremely talented, really a tiger father but no dog son.

Liu Man felt that the writing was off-putting, and she didn't want to take another look at it. She asked Zhou Buyi, Where is your work?

I'll take you.

Zhou Buyi's cursive works are at the other end of the exhibition hall. At this moment, there are many audiences in front of his works, and everyone is admiring his calligraphy.

Liu Man heard admiration and applause, and someone even took a picture of it with a mobile phone. The audience was really knowledgeable. Su Maolin's words were also taken just now.

The cursive is difficult to decipher. Liu Man watched it quietly for half a minute before realizing what he wrote: Independence without modification, Zhou Xing without peril.

The week is not in danger, Liu Man read.

I'm here! Zhou Buyi replied with a grin.

The two are already familiar with each other, and they don't chat awkwardly like before.

It turns out that the 'dai' in your name is this 'dangerous', I thought it was the 'slack' of 'slack'.

Haha, many people misunderstood the same as you at the beginning. My mother had a difficult labor when she gave birth to me, and my father was anxious outside, so he could only read Tao Te Ching to calm himself down. Later, when I was born, he slapped his thigh, That's how I got my name.

So you wrote down the origin of your name.

Well, now it's up to you to evaluate my writing. What do you think of my writing? To be honest, I want to hear your opinion, Zhou Buyi returned to her what Liu Man had said to him just now.

Liu Man thought for a while and said, My comment only has four words: I am in high spirits.

The third one is done~

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