Many netizens have a blind sense of trust in the national channel. After lobbying by the navy, they went to see Pet Hospital. , the story is complete, the pictures are exquisite, and the sense of reality is strong. Every veterinarian in it shows their faces.

Pet Hospital is also great.

I'm a fan of Cute Pet Hospital, but I want to say something with the lid on my shoulders, I think Love Pet Hospital is no worse than Cute Pet Hospital.

As expected of a national TV show, the filming is very impressive. There are four independent and complete stories in one episode. There are cats and dogs, there are sorrows and joys. It feels like a textbook-style documentary. In comparison, Cute Pet Hospital is indeed It’s too random, with unclear layers, and a previous comment is right, the director and other participants are too subjective and emotional, and documentaries should be calm and objective, and discuss the facts as they are.”

It is impossible for a self-made video to compare with the official one. Against the background of Pet Hospital, Cute Pet Hospital has a strong sense of plastic and copycat.

It's no wonder Ye Ziliang dare not disclose the fact that he has left the national channel. He clearly wants to use the name of the national channel to subsidize his videos.


The navy really has the ability to turn black and white. They successfully positioned Pet Hospital as a genuine version, while Cute Pet Hospital turned into a pirated version. They also successfully brainwashed some netizens. These people follow the trend behind Heizi Let's judge Cute Pet Hospital 2, and these fools were still praising Cute Pet Hospital 2 last night.

When Ye Ziliang and the others found out, the message area of ​​Cute Pet Hospital 2 had completely fallen, and there were voices of doubt everywhere. Hospital and Dr. Yu are true fans, and they unswervingly support them. The other half of the netizens are professional sunspots and scumbags, who keep getting negative reviews and one-star reviews, and normal reviews are mixed in, and they are removed after a while.

Ye Ziliang immediately contacted the website's customer service to request deletion of the post. The customer service said that the commenters were all senior members, and the website is a place for free speech. Everyone has the right to express their own opinions. His request to delete the post was unreasonable.

Ye Ziliang was furious, why did he become the unreasonable party instead? !

He quickly posted a Weibo on Weibo to refute, Cute Pet Hospital was an idea during my internship in China's national TV station, because of my status, I signed the name of the national TV station at the end of the documentary, but this documentary From the beginning to the end, our team independently produced it, and it has nothing to do with the national TV station. The reason for my resignation is because the national TV station intends to deprive me of my status as the director of Cute Pet Hospital...

Ye Ziliang confessed all the grievances between him and National TV. Although he did not name his name, his words reflected that the director of Pet Hospital was the person appointed by National TV to replace him——Guo Nan.

Regarding the premeditated and organized attacks on Cute Pet Hospital and me and other team members by some people on the Internet, I reserve the right to pursue your legal responsibility!

Ye Ziliang publicly angered the director of Pet Hospital Guo Nan, and openly confronted the entire national channel, which won his fans and some netizens who watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal.

From this point of view, it seems that the national TV station is unkind and preempting other people's ideas. Anyone with a bit of blood will resign.

I don't know who is telling the truth. I have experienced too many face slaps before, and my face hurts. I don't dare to stand in line. Let's watch it first.

I choose to believe in Dao Ye and support originality!


Ten minutes after Ye Ziliang’s Weibo was released, Guo Nan responded publicly on his own Weibo: “I am Guo Nan, the director of Pet Hospital, and I am here to address the director’s accusations against China and me. Explain two points: first, the national TV station did not deprive a certain director of the original creator status, even if the director is changed, he will retain his original author's signature; They represent the image of the country, especially the leaders. They have worked for many years and have rich experience. They have a long-term view on some work issues and consider the overall situation before deciding to replace a certain director. At the same time, they also arranged other jobs for him, but he refused. Accepted, refused to obey orders, resigned willfully, and destroyed the work plan of the entire department.

Guo Nan's Weibo is not very popular, but he has a navy, and the navy helps him to top it up so that more netizens can see it.

Everyone thinks what Guo Nan said is also reasonable, especially netizens who are also engaged in the work of the system. They are used to strict work discipline and obey the leadership arrangements. If everyone is like Ye Ziliang, how will the leadership work be distributed? ? These people think that Ye Ziliang did something wrong.

The public says that the public is right and the woman says that the woman is reasonable,

This fight between documentary directors has officially kicked off at this point, and it has also moved from the video message area to Weibo.

Nowadays, as long as celebrities are fighting, they will attract the attention of countless people, even if these people have never heard of the parties involved, nor have they watched documentaries. Anyway, life is too boring, and watching people quarrel is the most fun. As a result, the popularity of this topic has been rising steadily, and it has entered the top ten of the hot search list. In order to find out, more and more netizens went to watch the documentary.

At the same time, people from pet hospitals all over the country made a special trip to consult and confirm whether the treatment methods for feline food accumulation and feline distemper introduced by Dr. Yu in the documentary are scientific.

These people were dubious about Dr. Yu's words, so they came to scold them. The veterinarians couldn't have a good look at them, and they were even more disgusted with Dr. Yu's actions.

Where did Leng Touqing come from? He did this and asked other people how to do business. Is he planning to cut off everyone's money? !

Colleagues are enemies,

So a veterinarian posted on Weibo, Feline plague is no small matter. It is related to the cat's life. It should be treated by a professional doctor in the hospital. Follow the doctor's advice and don't listen to the instigation of charlatans.

In addition to my busy schedule, I took the time to finish watching Cute Pet Hospital. I have never heard of the cat plague treatment method introduced in it. I don't know whether this colleague surnamed Yu has been clinically verified, so he dares to speak so boldly in public. In a tone of instigation, let the pet owner follow suit. If some netizens believe him and put his cat to death in this way, he will definitely not and will not be responsible, because the life of an animal is not as precious as that of a human. In this era of information explosion , the price of nonsense is too light.

Please colleagues in the capital, please help me flesh this person out to see if he has the qualifications to practice veterinary medicine.

The third thing is done~~ This paragraph is for the pavement of the male lead's career, and corresponds to the face-slapping later, I will try to write it as soon as possible, and the following is a counterattack, lest everyone say I am a fool. . . .

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