After a night of fermentation, the popularity of Liu Man's birthday has risen to the top ten of the hot search list. The 5000w+ live broadcast viewers last night are basically real traffic, without any fake data, and various separate and connected live videos It has also been spread on the Internet for a long time, so that those netizens who missed the live broadcast can watch it again.

You must know that celebrities' birthday celebrations may not be popular, and Liu Man is just an Internet celebrity.

How many netizens are envious of Liu Man's birthday party, even though the birthday has passed, netizens are still talking about it on the Internet, and they have aftertaste on the excitement of last night.

At this time, someone asked on Weibo, Guess what is Doctor Yu's birthday gift to Liu Man!

Soon some fans who watched the live broadcast replied,

It looks like a bouquet of red roses.

There is also a customized cake from XX brand cake shop. I saw the box in Liu Man's hand.

Yu Tuhao spent hundreds of thousands of gift money during the live broadcast.

Don't talk about hundreds of thousands, if I have that brand of cake on my birthday, I'll be content.

If there is any cake or not, roses will do!

These things have already made everyone envious,

Unexpectedly, the person who asked the question said, You think Dr. Yu is too mediocre! Flowers, cakes and so on are just routine, and his real gift is to clear Liu Man's collectors! Just ask you, is it awesome? ?”

clear! null! receive! Tibetan! folder!

These five words immediately shocked all the netizens.

Oh my God, the scene that I would only dream of in daydreams actually happened in reality!

This is the most enviable birthday present ever!!!

I silently opened my favorites, hey, forget it, I don't have a boyfriend, I feel bitter tears.

I don't ask to empty my favorites, just empty my shopping cart, and I'll be content.

We girls must follow Dr. Yu's standard in finding boyfriends in the future.

Dr. Yu's actions have made us young men swollen. Can we poor bastards still find girlfriends?

Is this true? I don't quite believe it. How can there be such a good man in the world.

Yeah, it always feels like hype, but Liu Man and Dr. Yu are already popular enough, and there is no need for hype.

I only have a dozen items in my collection. I guess Liu Man, like me, doesn't like to put things in the collection, so Dr. Yu didn't buy anything.


The netizen said, Don't you believe me, what good is it for me to spread rumors, just wait, I'll take a photo.

Ten minutes later, he sent a few pictures. In the pictures, there was a delivery truck and delivery boxes piled up on the ground. Liu Man was holding a few boxes in his hands, and the friends next to her were all busy with their hands. Help, Look for yourselves, Liu Man is getting soft when receiving the courier. The two couriers ran back and forth ten times and still haven't finished delivering it!

Wow, a truckload of couriers, 66666.

My God, how much does this cost?

I suspect that Dr. Yu spent all the money he earned from running a pet hospital on his girlfriend (laughing and crying).

Liu Man not only received the courier, she was soft-handed, but she also unpacked the courier, and her hand hurts too!

I really want to take on the arduous task of unpacking the courier for her!


#刘嫚男友走千金为她消千千金为她空热收画# hot news spread quickly on the Internet, and more pictures of the delivery scene were circulated, and the teachers onlookers were enough to gossip. A birthday gift suddenly pushed the popularity of Liu Man's birthday to the second most searched list. The first is the discussion topic of Song King Fighting Hegemony.

At noon that day, the courier finished unloading all the goods. Before leaving, the young courier took a group photo with Liu Man and the ladies and sisters.

Zhang Pei and Mao Yuchen returned to the company early in the morning to continue working overtime, but they did not see such a magnificent sight.

Everyone originally planned to visit Yu Zhan in the hospital on Saturday morning, but ended up helping Liu Man carry the courier all morning. They had lunch with Liu Man at noon before going to the hospital with Liu Man.

Yu Zhan has basically recovered and will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow. In fact, he thinks that he can be discharged today. There is no way, the doctor insists that he stay an extra day.

But the visiting process was not simple. Sun Weiwei bought health care products in advance, and Jiang Chengfeng went to the imported supermarket near the school to buy some imported fruits before departure. Several people were carrying large and small bags.

When they arrived, Yu Zhan was playing games, seeing them coming, he immediately put his phone aside,

Jiang Chengfeng asked in surprise, The Great God also plays games?

Why can't I play games? Yu Zhan asked with a smile.

emmm~~~ You always give me a mature and stable feeling.

Don't you think I'm old-fashioned?

No, no, that's not what I mean, Jiang Chengfeng patted himself on the head. What he said were all nonsensical things. Yu Zhan was not a few years older than him, and he was not an old man in his 70s or 80s. Besides, old people also play games. Game right! He quickly changed the subject and asked,

What are you playing? Let's play together when we have time.

Eating chicken, but I'm of average level. I'm a pig teammate. I'm usually busy with work and don't have time to practice skills. It's too boring to stay in the hospital, so I play games to pass the time.

It's okay, I'm also a pig teammate, I have a roommate who is very good, next time we will find him to form a team!


The two boys had a great time discussing the game.

The girls on the side felt that the point seemed to be wrong. Aren't they here to visit the patient? Don't they still want to ask Yu Zhan about his experience in clearing Liu Man's favorites?

It was Li Xiaoru who grabbed Jiang Chengfeng from behind, and he came back to his senses, and immediately put the fruit in his hand on Yu Zhan's bedside.

Yu Zhan raised her head and saw Liu Man's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling. She asked him, Have you logged into my Taobao account secretly?

He smiled frankly, I am an aboveboard login, have you forgotten that I am customer service Liu Meili?

Tao Zhiyao and the others burst out laughing when they heard the name Liu Meili. Tao Zhiyao said to Yu Zhan, Liu Meili is really you! I thought the netizens were thinking too much.

No, Liu Meili is Liu Man's Taobao account. When I went to the warehouse to help out on Double Eleven, I used her account and made a cameo as customer service. Yu Zhan easily revealed her vest in front of Liu Man's friends. Yes, Liu Man instantly felt everyone's teasing eyes.

She was depressed, I asked you to log in to my account, but I didn't tell you to peek at my favorites!

Yu Zhan looked at her with a smile in his eyes, Don't you like the birthday present I prepared for you?

Liu Man was at a loss for words,

Which girl in the world would be unhappy to receive such a great gift? But Yu Zhan doesn't seem to have considered a serious question, can her house fit these things?

She said, My house is so full of packing boxes that I don't even have a place to put my feet!

Second update~

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