Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 689: Lottery Draw Interaction

At the end of the video, Cheng Zikun splashed ink in public, wrote in seal script: All wishes come true, good luck, signed and stamped his own seal.

The audience thought that this was just Cheng Zikun expressing his Spring Festival blessings to everyone with pen and ink instead of words, because the celebrities who appeared in the previous 5 episodes all expressed New Year greetings to the audience in the video.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Liu Man's voice appeared as a narration, 'Ladies and Sisters' will hold a lucky draw event to reward fans in the near future, and a fan will be drawn immediately, and he/she will get this calligraphy by Teacher Cheng.

Liu Man's words immediately cheered up the fans. The previous auction prices of Cheng Zikun's works can be checked online, and they have increased year by year. In the latest auction, his seal script works sold for a high price of 8.1 million.

Of course, the eight characters he wrote in the video are arbitrary and monotonous, and they are definitely not as meticulously crafted as the works at the auction, but a calligrapher of his level has already reached a price of ten thousand gold. Eight characters, Not to mention 8 million, 1 million is definitely worth it, and it can definitely be sold for real money.

1 million event gifts, fans can not be excited!

Before, 'Ladies and Sisters' have never engaged in interactive activities, and this is the first time they have such a big one, 6666.

Funds are burning. I don't believe that this painting is also sponsored by friendship. The 'ladies and sisters' definitely paid for it.

If you draw it, you can become a millionaire.

This is the most awesome prize I've ever seen. It's as good as winning the lottery.

Are the 'ladies and sisters' so rich? Is it sponsored by Tao Zhiyao's brother?

Wouldn't there be an inside story in the lottery draw? Don't be the default person again at that time, then it will be boring.

I just want to know if you want to participate in the lottery, what requirements do you have for your fans? Is it enough to just follow you? Is there a requirement for the number of comments and likes?

Also, when is the specific time of the event?


Everyone has unprecedented enthusiasm for the lottery, and the number of messages in the comment area has hit a record high. These are all in Sun Weiwei's expectation. The lottery event was planned by Sun Weiwei. She wants to use this to further increase the influence of ladies and sisters and increase the stickiness of fans.

The calligraphy was indeed bought by Sun Weiwei from Cheng Zikun with the funds of the team, and it cost a friendly price of 300,000 yuan. Cheng Zikun said that he accepted Liu Man's calligraphy and did not pay, so he gave this calligraphy to ladies and sisters, but Sun Weiwei Insisting on paying, she said that she couldn't use Liu Man's favor to pay for the team activity, and she really put a lot of money into this activity.

She responded to several comments:

The time of the event has not been confirmed yet. Please pay attention to our Weibo at any time and listen to my announcement.

The only condition for fans to participate in the event is to follow us before September 1st last year. If you meet the requirements, please send an email to this email: [email protected], and sign up with us. If you don't sign up, you will be deemed to have given up the lottery qualification .”

There is no official decision. The whole process of the lottery draw will be broadcast live. We ask all netizens to supervise for us.

This prize comes from team funds and has nothing to do with the individual team members and their relatives.


Sun Weiwei's answer was serious and to the point, making those netizens who made sarcastic remarks shut up.

Yesterday, after sending Lu Yuanning to the hot search list, Miss Sisters entered the hot search list again with #网红集团的万单祝赛份#, and the former is still on the hot search list, that is to say, Miss Sister We suddenly accounted for two hot searches in the entertainment section, and you must know that the discussion of the Spring Festival Gala program on National TV only accounted for two.

Since the second day of the Lunar New Year, Liu Man has brought Sunshine, Moonlight, and Mao Yuchen's cow and cat out of the villa. During the day, she is busy paying New Year greetings to her elders—Professor Su, teachers of the Department of Classical Literature, Director Lin, Uncle Qin and his wife , Grandma Zhan's house... She went, and she went to Professor Wei Wanru's house with Shen Mozhen to give her a New Year's greeting.

She didn't go back to the rental house, and temporarily lived in the company office with Zhang Pei to make ends meet. Seeing that the time agreed with Peter was approaching, they were worried that something similar to Boss Wu would happen again, so they had to keep someone on duty at night. If it was not safe for one person, they would stay together.

At night, they turned on all the lights in the warehouse, and the lights were brightly lit all night. Liu Man took the time to learn English while reading, and occasionally processed information on Weibo;

They didn't feel scared or anything. Although the construction site of Songtai Real Estate opposite was also in a state of suspension for the holidays, a team of patrolling security guards walked past their door several times every night.

This is also the reason why Yu Zhan rest assured that Liu Man's mother and daughter are on duty alone.

For six consecutive days in the first lunar month, nothing unusual happened. However, in the early morning of the fifth day of the first lunar month, Liu Man, who was sleeping on the sofa, heard cats meowing. Except for the cow cat, Mao Yuchen and the other six cats were still in free range. They were like watchdogs. , generally not called, unless you meet a stranger.

Liu Man immediately got up and walked to the window, only to see the tail lights disappearing quickly. She thought it was a passing car and surprised the cat, so she didn't think much of it.

On the afternoon of the sixth day of the first lunar month, Mao Yuchen came back. She hurried back to the company by taxi from the train station. The first thing she did was to see if her cat was safe and sound.

Liu Man didn't know whether to laugh or cry, I send you a small video of it on WeChat every day, you still don't feel relieved.

Only when you see and touch it with your own eyes can you feel at ease. Seeing Mao Yuchen hugging the cow cat baby, looking left and right, I've always thought about it in my heart during the Chinese New Year.

Mao Yuchen brought a lot of hometown specialties to Zhang Pei and Liu Man, all of which were food, and her two suitcases were full, and she even divided them in special bags, one big bag for Liu Man, one big bag for Zhang Pei, and one for Zhang Pei. The big bag was given to Yu Zhan, and the rest was distributed to other colleagues.

Liu Man hasn't seen Yu Zhan these days, and both of them are busy with New Year's greetings. Zhang Pei considered this and asked Liu Man to send the special products to Yu Zhan now, I'm on duty with Xiao Mao tonight, you Just don't come here.

Mao Yuchen understood Zhang Pei's meaning in seconds, hugged the cat with a smile and reassured him, I'm here, don't worry!

In the world, very few mothers would try their best to create opportunities for their daughters to be alone with their boyfriends. Zhang Pei is definitely the exception among the exceptions. On the way to drive Liu Man to Yu Zhan's house, she asked Liu Man, Where did you go when you were young? Have you ever stayed at the Yu family?

Liu Man was at a loss for what to do about this question, and she felt extremely ashamed, even though she had never done anything beyond the boundaries when she lived with Yu Zhan.

I stayed overnight, Liu Man's voice was as soft as a mosquito's.

Zhang Pei glanced at her from the rearview mirror, and seeing her flushed face, she knew that nothing happened between her and Yu Zhan, and she actually felt a sense of regret.

The first update ~ preview: this time next week will be updated

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