Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 754 She is also a rich woman

Jiang Chengfeng has been hanging out with a group of girls all the time, his roommates think it's not good, men should have their own circle.

Roommate B Cao Yuan has the best relationship with Jiang Chengfeng. Cao Yuan persuaded Jiang Chengfeng, We still have to rely on our professional instincts to make a living. We have skills, and the older we get, the more popular we are.

Jiang Chengfeng didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He just wanted to keep a low profile. He signed a confidentiality agreement with Liu Man about the project of Xuewen Tumo.

As for the relationship between Jiang Chengfeng and Li Xiaoru they were worried about, they were simply thinking too much. No matter how busy he was, no matter how busy Li Xiaoru was, and no matter how jet lag was reversed, the two of them would spend a few hours every week, video chat, and talk about what happened to them. things to share with each other.

Compared with the School of Science and Engineering, the pressure on the School of Liberal Arts is not so great. The students in the Department of Classical Literature still attend classes leisurely. There are too few of them and there is little competition. All graduates can be guaranteed graduate studies. After Liu Man transferred, the classical literature department was jokingly called the most beautiful one by the professors of the Faculty of Arts. Not to mention being set as a role model by the school, in previous years it was procrastinated until the senior year. The extracurricular credits that would be falsified in a panic, until now each of them has completed it.

For those students who just want to study history in textbooks and don't like to do activities, Liu Man will help put down half of their burden.

So they were more willing to hang out with Liu Man. Liang Shengnan asked Liu Man, What is the mysterious special award? Tell me now, and I swear that I will never tell it.

But her voice was very loud, and she didn't mean to help Liu Man cover it up at all. Everyone listened with their ears pricked up. Liu Man asked Liang Shengnan, Have you signed up for the lottery?

No, Liang Shengnan sneered, During the Chinese New Year, I went back to my hometown in the countryside with my dad, and just missed the registration time. Hey, just ignore my question.

No, no, actually... Liu Man had a considerate smile on his face, Every one of you has this award.

Liang Shengnan didn't understand what Liu Man meant all of a sudden, he was confused, But I didn't sign up...

A boy interjected, I didn't sign up either.

Liu Man smiled mysteriously, It doesn't matter, we will use internal relations and give you prizes, as long as you are willing to take them.

The whole class is full of black question marks, can the lottery still go through the back door?

What does willing to take mean?

Liang Shengnan asked again, but Liu Man refused to reveal anything. She might as well stop talking at the beginning and keep it a secret until the end. Talking in half will make everyone more restless and scratch their heads.

Sun Weiwei also encountered all kinds of questions from her classmates. She responded to them with the same attitude as she replied to netizens: You will know when the time comes. The tone is very official.

The friendship between Sun Weiwei and her classmates was not so indifferent. On the contrary, when she was a freshman and sophomore, she spent a lot of energy participating in activities, meeting friends, and she was very popular. She even regarded making friends as a compulsory course. She thought that having a wide network of contacts would be beneficial to her future development, but it turned out that it was only the matter of He Qisi that made her recognize the faces of these so-called friends around her, and they called her Wei Wei cheerfully on the surface , warm and friendly, as if she was their good friend, but behind the scenes, they called her that ugly girl from class XX01 of law school.

Sun Weiwei's female classmates didn't say anything more outrageous for the sake of the same sex. In comparison, the male classmates have more vicious mouths, even more vicious than Liu Man back then.

The so-called network is not to make random friends, but only to make friends who can share joys and sorrows with each other. The so-called friends are good but not many. It took Sun Weiwei three years of college to understand this truth.

The irony is that under the full guidance of Miao Xiaomei, Sun Weiwei has now made a qualitative leap in appearance. It is nothing to learn to dress up, even ugly girls can look with makeup. There are so many ugly girls on the Internet who become ugly within five minutes Video of stunningly beautiful BBW. But Sun Weiwei often spends time with high-quality friends such as Liu Man, Tao Zhiyao, and Shen Mozhen, and is influenced by their daily habits, ways of speaking, and behavior. Gradually, she also becomes more calm and introverted. She is a top student, smart and quick-witted, and she has her own unique temperament among the crowd, which cannot be brought by cosmetics and beautiful clothes.

Sun Weiwei's cocoon-like change was noticed by her classmates, especially some male classmates, who were so excited. Not only did Sun Weiwei look better, but she was also very rich! Some people have calculated that if a person has 100,000+ real fans on Weibo or Douyin, then he can use it as a full-time job. On average, he can earn 1,000 yuan by shooting a small video. Even if he shoots only one video a week, he can earn 4000-5000 yuan!

And the total number of fans of the two APPs of Miss and Sisters on Weibo and Douyin is 20 million+. That is to say, a video of Miss and Sisters can earn at least 200,000 yuan in income. Wouldn't it be 1 million+ in a month? Bystanders No matter what the operating expenses are, they will not consider that the cost of inviting a heavyweight guest may cost hundreds of thousands. Anyway, they only need to know that Sun Weiwei is a rich woman.

The male classmates secretly said that He Qisi was a SB, so they gave up such a potential stock!

He Qisi is about to graduate from his undergraduate degree, so he will continue to study at the Capital University. He will start school in September. The fight he had with Liu Man and Sun Weiwei didn't affect his eligibility for insurance research—he didn't do anything outrageous, if picking up girls and getting a room were counted.

After that incident, he and Zhang Jiaojiao broke up. They broke up peacefully. Zhang Jiaojiao also felt ashamed. No matter how much he liked He Qisi, the relationship could not continue. It is a pity that Zhang Jiaojiao's course - History of Ancient Chinese Literature has not yet been retaken. She has to postpone the retake until next year before she can get her graduation certificate.

Since being carried by Liu Man in front of so many classmates, He Qisi has become very, very low-key. The former man of the hour can't wait to bury his head in the crowd, be a man with his tail between his legs, and let everyone ignore him. He still couldn't stop some classmates from paying attention to him. They laughed at his failure wantonly behind his back. In fact, he also felt that he was quite a failure. There was once a short-lived brilliance, but that brilliance was like a flash in the pan, and never appeared again. He Qisi could not recover from such a big psychological gap, and kept living with self-pity. He was no longer the great talent who was active in school and admired by many students .


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