Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 756: Changing Platforms for Live Streaming

Yu Maoran nodded lightly to Jiang Chengfeng noncommittal, Run it and show me.

Jiang Chengfeng clicked on the red word pick in the middle of the page. Immediately, countless user nicknames flashed at an extremely fast speed. Jiang Chengfeng said, I have already imported the data in advance.

At the same time, the word pick in the middle of the applet interface turned into a yellow word open, like a red envelope, luring users to click open. Jiang Chengfeng pressed open, and a message popped up on the screen immediately. Nickname, and countless decade-old-style fireworks and streamers around it, there's no doubt that the nickname's owner hit the jackpot. The whole process runs very smoothly, no lag at all, no bugs.

Yu Maoran's attitude was a little casual at the beginning, but he became serious at the end. He asked Jiang Chengfeng, Who will draw the prize?

Anyone, all viewers who watch the live broadcast can open it. When someone first touches 'Open', this round of lottery drawing process will end, the program will automatically end, and the nickname of the winner will pop up. Fairness. In the same way, when someone first touches 'draw', a new round of lottery starts.

Yu Maoran nodded, Can you show me your code?

No problem at all.

Jiang Chengfeng turned on the compiler, and he showed Yu Maoran all the codes, including the core algorithm, without reservation. Jiang Chengfeng's code is very clean, and each line has a simple gaze. Yu Maoran is like a teacher checking a composition. He thinks that this composition has a perfect score for the subject matter, content, and even the handwriting. !

This little program of yours has no problems other than a shoddy appearance. It's a good idea, Yu Maoran said pretentiously. Feng's code, he thinks there is no problem, and he hasn't seen such a beautiful code for a long time - not every coder can write it, this young man is amazing! Yu Maoran no longer hesitated to praise, and said bluntly, Your program is well written.

Jiang Chengfeng was so flattered that he almost blurted out Thank you, boss! Fortunately, his reason was online, so he hurriedly pretended to be calm and said, You are praised. When Jiang Chengfeng just numbered the applet, he immediately gave it to Liu Man and Sun Weiwei demonstrated the program and showed them the code. He said very confidently that his program was perfect except for its low appearance.

However, he was playing the piano to a cow, and a group of girls looked at him in bewilderment, as if to say, You are a cow, whatever you say is right.

Jiang Chengfeng had no choice but to choke in his belly full of praise for his works, and by the way, showing off his low-key skills.

Now in front of professionals, Jiang Chengfeng felt that his efforts were not in vain, and his knowledge was also useful! What Cao Yuan said is correct, a man should indeed have a circle of men, he can no longer hang out with a group of girls all the time.

Yu Maoran was really interested in Jiang Chengfeng's small program, and he had a long discussion with Jiang Chengfeng on some details in the code. Their conversation involved various computer-related knowledge.

Sun Weiwei sat at the side, looking at the two men who were chatting more and more speculatively, she couldn't hear a word, she didn't understand a sentence, she felt that her trip seemed a bit redundant... She just She cares about how the program is used and whether it can be used. As for how it comes from, what structure and algorithm it contains, she is really not interested...

Fortunately, the arrival of another vice president, Fu Kun, alleviated Sun Weiwei's predicament.

Fu Kun is different from Yu Maoran. He doesn't know much about technology. He only cares about software operations, which is equivalent to a salesman. His job is to find ways to get more users to register on their platform to watch live broadcasts, and he has to recruit more excellent anchors Settled in their platform to open a live broadcast room.

With the popularity of the ladies and sisters on Weibo and Douyin, if they develop on Ai Live, they can definitely become a super anchor above level 10. Of course, Fu Kun values ​​such a big client very much.

Fu Kun said to Sun Weiwei, I'm asking the boss (investor) for advice. If you register as anchors on Aizhibo and guarantee the frequency of live broadcasting at least once a month, we are willing to provide an APP port for your small program to accept. Come in to facilitate your activities. Moreover, our technical staff will assist you to improve the details and appearance of the lottery applet. Regarding the proportion of the share, we will also give you a certain amount of profit, and guarantee that it is better than other anchors. The discount, the specific ratio, if you agree, we can talk about it in detail.

With such an attractive condition, how could Sun Weiwei not be tempted and disagree!

Besides, if she disagrees, she has to agree. Douyin does not allow them to access the mini program, which means that the lottery cannot be done. This event has been postponed for a month. If it continues to be delayed, it will definitely have an extremely bad influence among fans. , everyone will suspect that they are malicious hype, accuse them of dishonesty, and say that the promised lucky draw will not be honored and so on.

Reputation and traffic, Sun Weiwei chooses the former. For an Internet celebrity account, the traffic can be accumulated again, but once the reputation is ruined, it will be completely over.

But Sun Weiwei couldn't make a decision on this matter alone. After asking everyone's opinions, she decided to let the ladies and sisters officially enter the love live broadcast platform. For this reason, they also signed a one-year contract with the platform. contract and fulfill their promises. Only when the facts are finalized in black and white can the senior management of Aizhibo be assured and provide them with full support. Otherwise, if they turn their backs after completing the lottery, return to the Douyin platform, and throw the love live broadcast aside, wouldn’t they be used for nothing and be taken advantage of? Businessmen must have hindsight and be prepared.

And these are the real reasons why Sun Weiwei posted on Weibo last week, asking fans to switch to Ai Live to participate in the lucky draw.

In fact, Sun Weiwei seems to be ignoring the negative comments from netizens, but she is still a little uneasy in her heart. Since the announcement of the platform change on the official Weibo of Ladies and Sisters last Tuesday, their number of fans on Ai Live is only 430,000. , far lower than the 1000w+ on Douyin.

This part of the pressure is basically on Sun Weiwei alone. He is used to millions of fans. When we go back to the beginning, everyone will have a psychological gap, and Sun Weiwei will also question himself in his heart. This is a cross-platform live broadcast. Can it really work? What if the fans don't buy it, the traffic is extremely low, and the sweepstakes is screwed up?


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